BC Fan Resources

Monday, May 11, 2015

Report: ND blocking Golson from BC, other schools

Despite some early speculation, Everett Golson is definitely not transferring to BC. According to multiple reports, the Irish blocked their former QB from playing any team on their 2015 schedule. Because he graduated this weekend, Golson is eligible immediately.

I know a few BC fans hoped to see Golson in maroon and gold, but I always suspected the scheduling conflict would be an issue. While it might not seem fair, blocking a few transfer destinations is common place. BC has -- and probably would do -- the same thing.

At this point BC is all in with Wade (and Flutie). The extra Ohio State QBs are all staying in Columbus and no one else out their is worth disrupting the plan for our young QBs. We will see some growing pains in 2015, but the hope is that it pays off in the following seasons.


  1. I never understood blocking a kid from transferring to a particular school or intra-conference. Ga Tech blocks kids.UGA doesn't. Sad to see schools purport to support their student athletes...unless it presents a potential competitive advantage.

  2. CT:

    I think the idea behind blocking teams on your schedule is that that transfer can provide an unfair advantage beyond just playing for the other team (scouting, play calling, etc.)

  3. Daz has a 5 year plan. I think it pretty likely that developing his kind of QB is a big part of it. It's time to start that process.

  4. If BC can survive next year, the program will be in good shape. The game in Fenway will be brutal.

  5. Some schools feel that way sure, but certainly not all. Some institute a radius philosophy, i.e. you can't transfer within a certain geographical distance. I just happen to think it's overblown, too sensitive, and not in the best interests of the student athlete. And, truth be told, intra-conference teams or rivals p,at each other nearly every year and know each other's systems quite well. It strikes me as petty and childish.

  6. I'm not familiar with the rules, and my question is - Under what authority can ND or anyone else block a graduate with one year of eligibility remaining from playing for a certain school?

  7. BJK,

    My guess is it has to do with his eligibility. He has graduated academically, yes, but ND still retains the rights to his 5th year of athletic eligibility.

  8. Athletes are owned like property, what do you not understand?

  9. I guess that if Golson is blocked, Matt Hegarty (the O lineman transfer) is blocked too. Bummer, though there wasn't much indication that he was interested in coming east.


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