BC Fan Resources

Friday, July 24, 2015

Braxton Miller and what could have been (but not really)

Everyone waited on Braxton Miller. He kept saying he was staying at Ohio State, but the football world didn't believe. To most it didn't make sense that he would fight for the QB spot with the national champs when he could waltz in as the starting QB at dozens of college programs. One of the recurring speculations was that he would end up at BC. 

It made sense. BC needed a QB and the one-year success of Tyler Murphy was a great selling point. Then there was the Addazio-Meyer connection. BC doesn't run the same exact offense at the Buckeyes, but there are plenty of similarities. BC's current QBs were young and could wait behind Miller. I heard the talk too, but I don't think it ever got far. And now it all makes sense because Miller is staying at OSU and converting to H-Back.

In reading about Miller's decision, I think the reason he didn't transfer is that he couldn't have played QB for anyone. He still has labrum issues and won't be able to throw completely for two more months. A transfer can't be that effective if he cannot practice with his new team. By playing this hybrid position at Ohio State, he can learn routes and practice catching balls. He can also prepare to be an NFL receiver.

It would have been nice to have a healthy 5th year superstar transfer, but I am excited about Wade. He might not be as dynamic as Miller, but now we can hope for multiple very good seasons instead of another stopgap. (At least that is what I am telling myself.)


  1. Just six weeks to kickoff. Daz had to get out of the practice of grad transfer QBs. The ones he recruited have to be given a shot. Will Wade or Flutie last the entire year? BC was quite fortunate to have Murphy run so much and avoid injury. Ohio St. had to use three QBs. If you run that position frequently injuries will occur. Depth is needed. TOB use to have the backup QB run a series in the 2nd quarter. Could that practice re emerge? 2. The most interesting aspect of this years team will be rebuilding the o-line. Assuming improved kicking their defense and special teams should be solid. The choice on the o-line may be to use the starters from the spring game i.e. Bowen, Baker, Taylor, Williams and Hendren or to incorporate some of the true freshmen. If they believe Phillips and Knopke are talents on par with a Costonzo, Snee or Koppen could they bump the veterans to backup spots? Or will the freshmen provide the depth? Daz is optimistic that eventually he will have a dominant line. Hopefully that happens some time this year. The schedule sets up nicely with five of the first six at home. 3. Noted an ND site and a Syracuse Site expect easy victories over BC. The Orange are dreaming. They lost their entire defense and they weren't very good last year with a quality D. ND gave up 170 rushing yards a game in 2014. ND beat Syracuse, lost to FSU by three, lost to Louisville and were crushed by USC. BC beat Syracuse, lost to FSU by three, lost to Louisville but beat USC. Why is ND a top 25 team and BC is near the bottom in the ACC. Doesn't compute. BC and Ohio St. had two common opponents. Both teams played Penn. St. to overtime. OSU lost to VT. BC beat VT The same script is written every year by the national media. BC lost a lot to graduation and they won't be very good this year. It is a repeat of the nonsense that regularly spills out from ESPN. Everyone should recall Fowler and Herbstreit pronouncing that there were no quality QBs in the ACC while covering Matt Ryan besting VT. It was a down year in the ACC. Those two are completely ignorant or totally dishonest. Was that their honest assessment or were they just reading the prepared text that the network produced? The sports media is as unreliable as the rest of the media. 4. Happened to look at the list of NFL defensive players of the year for the last 16 years. Not one player from an SEC team. How could that be possible. We have been told that the SEC was dominant and superior. Yet the ACC had six entries. Keuchley, Reed. Brooks, Sapp and Lewis twice. The BIG10 had four. Watt twice , Woodson and Sanders. The Pac 12 had Suggs and Polamalu. Texas Southern, Akron, New Mexico and Kent St. had one each accomplishing something the SEC couldn't. So much for the propaganda.

  2. We shall know quickly if Wade is the "deal". Addazio evidently believes that he is a Zaire clone. Zaire is the real deal. We shall see. Flutie is an excellent quarterback with a label of the best qb in Massachusetts. Nevertheless, he doesn't fit into the scheme or plans. If he is lucky, he will get to hold for extra points like his cousin Billie. Since Murphy lost at least three games with bum holds, this may not be all bad. Suntrup from my home town suffered the same fate. However, this is friggin Flutie. If Addazio buries him and Wade goes flat, then Addazio should pack his bags. FSU is game three and Wade will be analyzed well at that time. I hope it works out.

  3. Sapp and Lewis were in the ACC?


  4. Yeah, the grind of a Wake Forest, NC State, Virginia, UNC schedule really takes a toll.


  5. If Savin Hill is a real place, I definitely want to visit.

    There isn't an overwhelming amount of football sense on this board, but if you're that deluded you might as well go all-in.

    Bravo Ned. Bravo.

  6. Yes Ned's an optomist, but his points are just as reasonable as the next guy. IMO


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