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Saturday, October 22, 2016

In-game comments post: Syracuse

It may be wet and windy. That's good for us. It may be Steve Addazio's job on the line. Hopefully that motivates him and the team. If things don't go our way...look out.

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  1. As Coach Greg Toal would exhort before the game "make the weather your effing friend" out there, tough guys.

    Go BC Players, beat Syracuse.

  2. A friend just texted me saying that there were only about 2,000 fans in the Stadium. He further said there were almost no students at the game and it is 12:20.What a shame !! I guess that the Administration must take notice - such a shame for Kuechly and the retirement of his jersey.

  3. Syracuse has tried everything to bring it's program back to it's glory years - to no avail. Dear God, don't let BC have this kind of multi-decade drought.

  4. Stadium looks like a morgue.

    And the team is once again undisciplined with 2 penalties on 1 play. That's coaching folks.

  5. The stadium is so empty, I can literally see my brother sitting in the upper deck.

  6. I must be in the front row.......

    Btw, awesome look on Gameday this AM at Dino Babers' passionate locker room speech following the win against Va Tech. Now that is a coach that has his team and fan base.

  7. No matter who is the coach, this presents a significant problem for BC. Even in the Matt Ryan years, the stadium was rarely full. Coaches and players do not want to spend 4 years in that non-supportive environment. Until that culture problem gets fixed, BC fans are going to need to be patient with what this program is capable of achieving.

    1. 39 k average when Ryan was there.

  8. It is about fucking time we fight back

  9. How does he not beat the QB there? Come on.

  10. Just saw a graphic in a different broadcast. The Alabama defense has a higher TD rate against Power 5 opponents than BC's offense. Only worse offenses are Vandy and Rutgers. Sad.

  11. Some passion! I like it. Now we have a rivalry!

    Looking at the replay, that was all Syracuse. They initiated all of the contact.

  12. What an idiotic play! He had the first down by running it. Just stupid!

  13. Towles should have run that. Complete lack of awareness.

  14. Towles. Yikes.

  15. Stupid execution is why BC has not won a conference game in 2 years. It's the little things that lead to victories and now instead of 7 we only get 3.

  16. Reminiscent of 3 years ago with cheap shot out of bounds.

    Landry needs layout tony dungey. Take the ejection.

  17. That was horrific play calling and an even worse by towles. Three plays from the 15 and we get a field goal. Gross.

  18. Getting trucked by the QB on the return cost us 4 pts.

    Towles is a UK 2nd stringer. 'Nuff said.

  19. A successful field goal after a big interception and penalty putting us into the red zone!!!!!!!! Now THAT is coaching.

    Better call the ticket office quick to reinstate my season tickets....

  20. Towles! Instead of being tied, we're down 4 and heading to yet another ACC defeat.

  21. What may be scarier is that our tackling has been horr does already. So many missed tackles.

  22. The old bc defense is back. Cannot cover/tackle in the flat.

  23. So much bad tackling

  24. So sad....from the looks of it the crowd is already heading for the exits....

  25. I can't believe that BC, a school that for its size has placed a disproportionate number of players in the NFL, can't get a qb these days worthy of Division II.

  26. Wait until we go 5 wide, hurry up, 9 routes Andre Ware style. We'll put 10 points up every week and shatter records.

  27. When any defense has a higher td percentage than you do, that's horrifically pathetic.

  28. Put your damn head down Towles. Another play with a complete lack of awareness.

  29. Towles needs to be on a short leash from here on out. He's had two decisions to make and chose wrong on both of them.

  30. Steve Addazio records.

  31. Towles needs to be replaced. He's not the future and he has not won a single conference game as QB. His decision-making is horrendous. Time to move on, Addazio!

  32. Louisville scares me more than CU and FSU combined.

  33. It's like Towles didn't want to get that first down. Shees. Let's give Wade a go

  34. Why isn't Rouse getting any carries? Didn't he go nuts in the last Syracuse game?

  35. I never knew I'd miss run, run, pass, punt. That was much better than run, run, Patrick Towles, punt.

  36. 3rd and 3 at midfield and he runs a QB draw and then punts......I guess the Dude also does not coach on Shabbos.....

  37. I think Syr defensive stats are going to dramatically improve.

  38. BC needed that one. Only way they can score.

  39. Willis is an athlete and vastly underutilized. It's too bad addazio holds ridiculous grudges and won't let him ever run the ball. He said been our best running back for years.

  40. bceagle93, best comment of the year!

    Towles is 0-3. Dungey is 11-13 for 134 yards. Addazio's failure to recruit an ACC-level qb is the single greatest reason he has not won a conference game in 2 years.

    Willis to the rescue! Can't figure out why he does not get more touches. The cynical side of me thinks he does not play because he was not recruited by Addazio but I can't imagine a coach would not put his team in the best position to win.

  41. Meanwhile, Louisville has 44 at the half.

  42. Towels needs to be benched

  43. Dungey looks like Donovan McNabb today. Someone called that earlier this week.

    He is a bitch though.

  44. Towlesis single-handedly killing drives. That's the opposite of what you want your QB to do.

  45. It doesn't rain in Kentucky, evidently.

  46. Jones is a good back. Plays like a winner. That stands out on this offense

  47. Let's show some hustle. We're not going to get past midfield before the clock expires.

  48. Fantasttic coaching from Steve Addazio late in this first half. He's gotten Patrick Towles his first two completions, moved the ball to midfield, and most importantly has prevented Syracuse from scoring points at the end of the half. #SmartFootball #Don'tLetPlayersFail

    Meanwhile the Syracuse kid shanks a field goal, and Syracuse's joke of a coach claps his hands in "support". #NoStandards #NoGuts.

  49. That 3rd down play call was strange. Not only was that a long way to run for a first down, but it required them to burn a timeout.

    My nephew texted me and said there is a huge "Fire Addazio" sign in the student section.

  50. Did they call timeout and Punt?

  51. Why in gods name does Daz call a time out to punt and save Syracuse time? What could possibly be the explanation there?!?

  52. Yes, Knuckle. They would have been better off taking the delay of game and letting the clock run down.

  53. A time out to punt?! Daz is as in over his head as Spaz was

  54. Okay, that was it. It is over. Addazio is done.

    That was unacceptable and boarder-line negligent.

  55. We should be able to fire him with cause after that call. There isn't a coach in the land who makes that decision unless he is actively working against the interest of the team.

  56. Towles looks awful. Not that Kentucky is all that, but surprising he was a starter there. I like Davon Jones though

  57. Luke walks on the field and literally the rain stops and the sun comes out. Reminding us that once times were good. Should start pouring again to start the 3rd.

  58. What game are these halftime studio "analysts" watching??? Towles could have extended drives? But if you try to extend, you're just going to turn it over. Thank goodness we have Steve Addazio to think of that.

    Failed "Coach" Tommy Bowden says BC should have thrown for more than 11 yards IN A DOWNPOUR just because Syracuse threw for 203!!??? You do that, and you just give Steve Addazio a chance to draw up a 90-yard kickoff return TD.

    With bad conditions like this, you have to sit on the ball and let Syracuse mess up. If they don't, then you only lose by four and you can show the players how they failed to execute a winning game plan.

  59. Yeah. Whatever.

    The timeout to stop the clock and punt it back to Syracuse was horrendous.

  60. "We gave away a lot of opportunities with penalties, with dropped balls...we're herky jerky, we make a couple of penalties, we've got to keep drives alive."

    Yes, Coach Addazio was very calm as the color commentator says. Coach Addazio's calmness is a voice of reason, knowing that the players have failed throughout this game and turned a 31-7 lead into a 10-14 deficit.

    Meanwhile Dino Babers gives the "good job, good effort" applause to his joke kicker shanking a 40-yarder.

  61. If Coach Addazio doesn't call that timeout before the punt, who's to say the long snapper wouldn't have snapped it over the punter's head, or the punter would have shanked the ball. Better to take the timeout and make sure you're ready to punt the ball away without failing again.

  62. Haaaaaa! I love you OC.

  63. HAHA. Fake draw on 2 and 13 from the 25 yard line.

  64. Smitty,
    Text him something showing your adoration.

  65. Most 5 yard penalties I have seen in a while.

  66. Just heartbroken looking at Coach Addazio on the sideline. He gameplans BC down to the doorstep, and then Walker not just bobbles the ball, but bats it up in the air so that the Syracuse guy can come catch it.

    Stupid to bobble, and then stupid not to knock it to the ground. I don't know what else Coach Addazio is supposed to do with the Spaziani players failing him at every turn.

  67. Oh, and note how Kuechly tries to make excuses for the players. He hails linebacker Matt Milano as a future pro. But if Milano were so good, then he'd be covering a jackrabbit slot receiver like a blanket--the way that it's been drawn up.

    Instead, Milano fails. But you don't hear Kuechly say that. No, it's all about talking up the players, without thanking Coach Addazio for his firm hand at the wheel.

  68. The team looks so lost.

  69. Orange asleep at the switch.

    Nice call.

  70. Well, that was nice. Good on Towles to motor for that TD. That was a nice play call.

  71. TC for AD and HC in 2017

  72. So BC accepted holding penalty after sacking the QB which gave Syracuse first and goal at the 15. If the declined it would have been second and 15. Syracuse then scores TD on third down. Are you freaking kidding me?

  73. Corey Witfield = bitch

  74. That would have been good from 1yd further out! We are Special Teams U! Suck it Beamer!

  75. We expect the offense to be horrific but the defense looks dreadful too.

  76. 45 yards passing?!?! We are a long way from the Flutie, Foley, Hasselback, Hasselback, St. Pierre, Peterson and Ryan days. Such a long tradition of great passing attacks....gone.

  77. BC fan since the 60s -- Only the TV commentators are as clueless as the BC coaching staff. It's possible that's what Addazio was whining about a play later, when the incomplete pass made it only second and goal.

    1. Accepting rather than declining that penalty when the yards lost on the sack were equivalent to the ten yard penalty for holding might have been the single stupidest thing I have ever seen a coach do at any level. Including Pop Warner. And it cost them as Trump would say "big league" when Syracuse scored a TD on thired down. Decline the penalty and they kick a field goal.

  78. Fire......Addazio.......now!

  79. Wade looks like a much better passer than Towles.

  80. Syracuse offensive line: 1 junior, 2 sophs, and 2 freshman...I'm tired of the "we are young" excuse!! Get the job done!!! I can't take it anymore!

  81. I know firing addazio mid season might not accomplish much, but it sure would feel good.

  82. Serious question - can they/will they keep Addazio (you know they want to)if they go winless in the ACC back to back seasons.

    1. If Bates thinks he can keep his job by doing so, I think Bates fires him, possibly midseason. If Bates knows he is gone, there is no motivation to make any move at all.

      TC for AD and HC in 2017

  83. There are things structure wise that have been in place since Daz arrived that were sorely lacking by the time Spaz was let go. Let me know if I have missed something as far as discipline, but to my knowledge the program appears to be succeeding generally in this regard.

    Having noted that, things such has taking the holding penalty late in the drive when Syracuse scored its first touchdown of the second half, rather than accepting the sack and the loss of down, are just mind boggling. Unless I missed something there, it demonstrates a lack of in the moment game presence by this staff at best.

  84. I missed the winning one conference game part.

  85. I have not felt so apathetic about BC football since my freshman year in 1989 during the last days of Bicknell and the Kamphaus/Hicks QB tandem.

    Back then we drank heavily before each game, showed up sometime in 1st qtr and left mid 2nd half to tailgate or pass out somewhere. Might have to start employing that strategy again to deal with this clown show.....


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