BC Fan Resources

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Al Washington to Cincinnati [UPDATE BELOW]

After a 3-9 season, you expect a staff shakeup. After a bounce back year, you don't expect changes. Well that isn't happening this year as Special Teams Coach Al Washington is leaving BC for Cincinnati. This is good news for Al, but bad news for BC.

Washington is a critical recruiter and one of the younger, relatable guys on the staff. While being the "young guy" can be a tough spot on the staff, it is a much needed role with recruits and players. Whoever Addazio hires, he will certainly need to find another young coach who can fill the void. He also should try to find another African American. Football staffs don't have quotas, but every dirty trick is pulled in recruiting. Other teams are not afraid to go negative on BC for Boston's history of race issues or the outside perception that the student body is very homogenous. Rich Gunnell can speak to being a "BC athlete" but he shouldn't be the only one carrying that message.

I understand why Al is leaving. The Ohio native will be closer to home. He'll be joining a staff where there is less immeadiate pressure and more job security. And he'll be able to diversify his resume beyond BC. Al is a good recruiter and well liked by everyone at the Heights. While he and Addazio might not be on the same page right now, any future BC coach would probably jump on the chance to bring him back. Plus, if Al wants to be the head coach a BC one day, broadening his network of coaches and experiences beyond the BC way is important. (It is the same argument I made about Ryan Day earlier in the week.)

While I think it is a loss for BC, I don't think this really matters for Addazio. He's got to win next year and while the Special Teams were improved this season, Al Washington is not making or breaking BC in 2017. Addazio needs to make sure his coordinators are great and his talent pans out. If not, he's out the door too.

UPDATE: BC announced that former Eagle Ricky Brown will be promoted to fill Washington's spot. Brown has been around for a year in a restricted role, meaning he was limited in his ability to interact with players and was not allowed to recruit. Now as one of the nine NCAA approved positions, he will be allowed to do both. Brown can fill much of Washington's young, relatable vibe. I am excited for him and think he will be good. I just wish it didn't come because of Washington leaving.


  1. This is more or less spot on. This is a longer term hit in regards to recruiting. It's not going to affect anything next year (barring decommits because of this). Seeing as how '17 is likely it for Addazio and this is a promotion for AW (becoming FT DL coach) it minimizes the problems this may present.

    Hopefully chip brings him back in '18

  2. Was 2016 a bounce-back year with 4 blow out loses? All in top 10 worst BC loses ever. And all wins against loser programs having non winning season.

    A bounce back year? Bouncing back to what?

    Let's not join Daz!s delusions that 2016 was s success. It wasn't. #firethatAHnow

    But yeah BC defense is good. Ha! Not. Hey There is some stupid ass stat - like defensive efficiency !!- that says so. Duh.

    Al got out when he could. Smart man

  3. Big loss for BC I think. No real spin possible

  4. You're right mod, why use a stat that takes into account the quality of opponent, but is too complicated, when you could use your favorite measurement of totals yards.

    Total defense ranking: 8th
    Defensive FEI: 22nd
    Defensive S+P: 21st

    You gonna change you're mind now that the fancy stats back up your perfect eye test?

    Hopefully, Al gets increased experience and exposure so that he can come home to BC better for it when our next coach is looking to fill out his staff. I hope that BC recruiting and performance doesn't suffer too much in his absence. He was a great cheerleader and got results wherever he was placed.

  5. Does this get Landry to go?

  6. If BC loses coordinators again then you know there's something seriously wrong with Addazio. We need continuity, consistent turnover from within a coaching staff is a red flag; to me it means that the coaches aren't buying into his system and coaching style.

  7. An assistant getting a promotion and a better job than he could have gotten at BC now or in the very near future. He also needed something other than BC on his resume. Better job security too probably played a role considering the situation at BC. Seems like a logical career move for him all things considered. Brown looks like a capable replacement. Hope he can recruit - especially in Ohio.

  8. 2 possible scenarios

    1. BC pays its assistant and recruiting coordinators poorly and he is leaving for greener pastures or
    2. He does not have any confidence in the existing staff and is getting out while he can

    Let's hope it is #1 because he is a good recruiter who has been in the right places looking for talent.

  9. oh Danny boy. poor chap, you already back for another session.

    the fancy stats do not back up my primary analysis of watching every minute of every BC game this season. and last year and on and on... BC's defense took a precipitous fall in quality this year.

    your composite stats are crap. BC's defense is no where #22 in the nation. do you really think it was??

    More like # 47. go to CFB stats and look for bc Defense vs FBS p5 teams (filtering out our joke games) bc is 47th(same stat last year ranked BC at #5)

    today's lesson: know which tool to use. you'll get there soon

  10. +1 mod. BC's defense was a joke this year.

  11. For second I like to squint and imagine the headline says .... Daz to Cincinnati.
    Bounce back year. Hahaha!!!! Stop it your killing me. Seriously STOP it. And do your self a credibility favor and stop with the rose glasses. What will a great season look like? We only lose to elite teams by 3 touchdowns? Seems to me Al Washington is the only one with brains on the staff. Daz should just leave and the misery.

  12. Good old Mod, the guhru stat machine. Keep spitting those mind numbing numbers out. They overwhelm me. He. What do you expect from a history major?

  13. Dazzler seen at final four game assisting urban Meyer. Urban gets Ryan day. Luke fickell get all Washington.

    Dazzler setting himself up for the OC job at OSU or what?

    1. Who would ever higher Daz for OC? Not even Urbanmeyer at this point.

      But the Daz-day--fickell-Washington-Meyer combo in a day or two is very curious.

      Given Daz's lack of abilities, he must be very good at networking to get the sorts of jobs he has. And he was out there networking (instead of recruiting)

      Also funny that some have suggested Day "must be good" because Meyer selected him. Meyer also selected Daz as OC. At UF Ha! Even Urban has the occasional brain farts.

      Last I so enjoyed watching him get his ass kicked by Clemson. I hope Daz gave him all sorts of Daz info to contribute to the Lose

  14. I bet urban hires dazzler as OC of recruiting and day becomes OC as play caller. Co OC's. Think Colorado does that and TCU.

    Either way. Dazzler is gone after next year.

    Brian Kelly in 2018. Brian.

  15. Fickell is set up pretty well to be a major candidate at OSU once Meyer retires -- washington is attaching himself to a guy on the rise. Still a big loss

  16. Losing Al Washington is a HUGE LOSS !!! Have met him on several occasions and he is a class act. I am sure that he is sick of the coaching atmosphere at the "Heights". They bring in two "Retreads in PP and Reid - what does that say to a young coach who has excellent skills both on the field and in recruiting ???? I can not wait till Addazio is gone. All of the fun going to the "Heights" is GONE GONE. HE IS A FRAUD - PERIOD !!! I feel bad for those who defend him !!!

  17. Guido...so you consider PP a "retread"? Wow...you really are out of touch! He has been nothing short of an amazing defensive line coach this past season, just ask anyone who has played under him but what do they know right??

  18. BC usually doesn't get the benefit of the doubt from the officials in the ACC as they didn't in the Big East. But Daz's foolish assistance to Meyer and the Big 10 against the pecuniary interest of his conference during the playoff practices can only totally alienate the ACC refs. The refs know who is paying their freight. Deliberate acts to lessen the bottom line of the conference will be remembered. Daz's acts remind some of another disloyal BC employee. Former b-ball coach J. O'Brien thought his employer was the Boston Globe. He repeatedly leaked confidential information to the press when directly told to keep it confidential. He undermined the schools athletic department. So too has Daz betrayed the financial interest of the college and the conference .He has violated his contract. To help deprive Clemson of a title game appearance and the ACC of millions in revenue is nothing short of treacherous. Daz should be fired for cause. Hire Chip Kelly today. Let Daz file a lawsuit to get his buyout. It will take three or four years. What are the chances of future employment in college sports if you have sued your last employer. BC holds all the cards Later you can negotiate a lesser buyout.

  19. ReiDaDor - my statement about PP was a bit "over the top " , but BC and other schools oft times do not allow young talent to be rewarded and or be paid according to their contributions. They bring in guys or former acquaintances that they know personally. As to how well PP performed this year , I do not feel that I have the expertise to give him a "Grade", but he had some above average talent to work with and an "Aggressive style"/philosophy left by Don Brown that he certainly could continue to utilize which he did. How would you grade his performances against the "Big Dogs" or do you consider that an unfair question. Many of BC's better defensive efforts were against some inferior teams to say the least.

  20. Rich Gunnell is a "folk hero" for his taking on the arrogant Jimmy Clausen from the French School on national tv after a game. I have always liked him and wish him well.

  21. I smell what the Knucklehead is cookin'. All very interesting.

    Only one real option for us right now, especially if Jaguars can't reel him in:

    TC for AD and HC in 2017.

  22. Understood Guido, I hear what you are saying. Makes sense! If you want to give a grade for the whole staff against the big dogs I guess you can say they all failed given the results. As a position coach he was a great addition for the dline, especially the younger guys. I think we will reap the benefits next year from his experience and knowledge. At the end of the day the players need to go out and perform! cheers!

  23. i think one distinction is important. He wasn't the primary DL coach, he assisted Pasqualoni. AW was the primary ST coach which is why I think this is a promotion for him. He gets to be the primary position coach for a position he played rather than assisting PP and this most likely also offers him a more direct line to becoming a defensive coordinator at some point (rather than making the jump from ST coach to DC).

    I also agree with much of what else was mentioned here, the opportunity to branch out and expand his network/coaching tree is important, cant fault him for that.

  24. There is no faulting Al. Problem is with Dazzlers record of coersion with urban he cannot be trusted to have done "everything he could" to have kept Al. And Al should have been retained.

  25. rei PP was amazing? with blow out losses with huge yardage and high scores to VT, FSU, LV , Clem and even SYR

    amazing defense?

    how quickly one forgets

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  27. Mod..have you actually ever played competitive sports in your life? Be honest...cause if you have you would know that you could play on a bad team and still have an awesome coach. So since BC was blown out in multiple games that makes PP a bad coach in your book huh? Those losses were a direct result of PP's coaching? Seriously? Are you that clueless? Got it...

  28. Rei. On the gridiron I would have crushed you. Yes. I've played Many competitive sports and know all about coaches. But. Your question is off and pointless. Are you saying, for example, that a woman who has not played on a football team can't judge Daz or PeePee's coaching? Dumb.

    And yes. One is not An "amazing" defensive coach with blow out loses that constitute 4 or the top ten worst loses In BC history in one frickin' season.

    How could you ignore those games in evaluating PeePee?

  29. Got it Mod. You've got it all figured out. Your days playing intramural sports are the gold standard for all to emulate! I love your comment "I would have" crushed you. Hahahah..I would have crushed you then and I will crush you today! Get a life you punk!

  30. Mod's theme song...."Now I think I'm going down to the well tonight and I'm going to drink till I get my fill And I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it but I probably will Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture
    a little of the glory of, well time slips away and leaves you with nothing mister but boring stories of glory days....come on Mod, you know the words, finish it for us!

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  33. Landry has repeatedly praised Pasqualoni in interviews for helping him improve his technique this season.

  34. rei you are the one who asked me about playing sports right

    never heard your song.....

    i don't care about your sport career

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  36. Thanks El Miz..it's great when people actually share factual information vice meaningless babble..what would Landry know though right? He obviously doesn't have the same level of expertise and experience as Mod...

  37. So the logic is that Pee-Pee did a great job vs VT, Cl, Lv, FSU and Cuse in historic blow out loses because He helped Landry., according to Landry

    Omg. So much stupidity.

    And so much fear to have an opinion. BC produces so many fence-sitters who just can't take a stand until they see what all the other sheep are doing

    Was rei the guy from another school who was nice for 5 minutes? So

  38. ReiDaDor - one important facet to building a strong football program is allowing young outstanding talent to have "A CAREER PATH". When a guy like Addazio brings in his "OLD PALS"( Reid -Pasqualoni et al ) , he has effectively blocked talented guys like Washington from staying .Of course you must know this fact since you appear to have so much knowledge from your playing/ coaching days !!!!!

  39. When your headcoach retains a Justin Frye-type and alienates an Al-type(who happens to be the coach of the year at his position) there is a problem with the headcoach.

  40. Dazzler should have been termed after the Syracuse game this season(two weeks to prepare for your #1 rival and he gets his ass kicked-in in a fight and loses)?

    Then Dazzler sells out his best assistant and previous best assistant to Urban fucking Meyer(who is a strange guy).

    We better be getting a QB transfer from OSU. If not this is complete bullshit.

    Worse than Jags sniffing around for the Jets job.

  41. So Guido..based on your head coaching logic a HC should only have young, up and coming coaches that he can blaze a career path for? How about a good mix of both young and old? So old guys with a ton of experience both in college and NFL have nothing to offer huh? So Addazio's current staff is only made up of old cronies huh? Got it...let's start combing the ranks of the graduate assistants, there should be plenty of GA's for you to build your staff on. That's brilliant....

  42. Again...why don't all of you with all the answers actually get some feedback from the guys that played for Pasqualoni??? What do you think they would say? Funny how you conveniently ignore that part...

  43. Why don't you quote them all ??? And by the way , I never said that OLD guys with college and NFL experience have nothing to offer .Let's be real - but I am saying that Addazio seems to fill the higher positions with his "Pals" at the expense of a real good young talent as Al Washington. Am I totally wrong on that statement ?? Is there anything that you would question about Addazio ?? If you were his superior and were to do his annual evaluation - how would that go ??? AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT: and I am serious with this question. Not trying to be a WISE - ASS !!! I would love a serious response !!! And thank you in advance for your answer.

  44. Temple fan on reddit today....

    "Steve Addazio: Fraudulent, inauthentic shithead. Talks a good game. Won with Golden's players. Still unaware it's no longer 1905. Him leaving for BC was the best thing that ever happened to us."

  45. Rei. Football is a results oriented biz. Period.

    Look at Daz and PP's results Not good. Bad in fact. Suckiness.

    If the players like PP. great. But I don't really care so much for what they say as I do as to what they do as a team. That is all that matters Watch what they do not what they say. Pp boys could not compete against winning ACC teams that is a big big bad. Sad they can't compete

    keep the focus on results. If you can focus. Kind of a clown lately.

  46. Focus....I'm focusing...its so hard to focus Mod! Your logic is blinding me! Got it...win or go home!! Guido...yes there is plenty to question about Addazio and his performance, decision making and coaching acumen no doubt. We could go on and on about the past couple years and the complete failure at times the program has been. I feel like there has been some positives though and something to build on ending this season. Whether we can build on that and compete with the big boys next year I don't know, I can only hope and pray! I like to think positive and believe no matter how shitty things are! Go BC!

  47. With a new AD likely on the horizon it won't matter what we all think of Daz it will only matter what the AD thinks. That said, my sense is that if Daz does not win at least 7 games he is out. If Daz surprises us with a strong performance next year he will likely stick around. Although I am no fan of Daz I would rather root for the Eagles' success than hope for Daz's failure.

  48. I agree 100% STL_eagle although I have to think that 6 wins and a bowl (whatever bowl) and Daz will keep his job for awhile..do you think the board has the &@!# to boot Daz after a 6 win season and a bowl appearance? The 7 win marker would be nice but I think the powers that be are perfectly satisfied with a 6 win season and going to any bowl, at least at this point in time. It would be nice to know what their vision of success is for the football program...maybe that changes with a new AD. Speaking of a new AD what is the deal? Is Bates in or out? I'm confused...

  49. Rei. You too are apparently happy with 6 crappy wins and a bowl. In fact. You think PP did an amazing job this year.

  50. You are like a ray of sunshine in the morning Mod...it's great to wake up to your eternal optimism and positive outlook! No, contrary to your all knowingness I am not satisfied with a six win season and a crappy bowl win but yes I will take that over a 3-9 record any day. Given your extensive sporting background you should understand PP is a position coach, not the head coach. The knowledge and experience he brought to the defensive line this year is undeniable, just ask any of the players who played under him. Did they always perform to your standards and expectations? Of course not, but looking at each individual player and what they learned from him this year are they a better unit and more prepared to take the next step next year? I would say yes and I challenge you to actually get some feedback from the guys who played under him. I know that doesn't matter to you and it's all about wins and losses but at the end of the day the POSITION coach can only do so much as there are 6-7 other players out on the field at the same time playing within a scheme that he is not calling. The position coach coaches his players and prepares him as best that he can to go out and to their job and then it's up to them to go do their job within the framework of a TEAM. Is the defensive line not doing their job when the DB's get consistently beat deep? Should they get a sack on every pass play to earn your approval? Remember football is a team sport....Have a great day!

  51. Plus the defense isn't the problem with the team. They offense was terrible and left the D on the field too long.

  52. rei - chill. please.

  53. chill?? I'm good brother, just having a conversation. All good here...

  54. New AD will be charged with restoring FB and BB programs. Daz will need to show progression of at least 7-5 to keep job since new AD will be itching to make own hire. Daz himself has claimed that things are improving so if he doesn't deliver a better season it is time to move on. Basketball is a bigger project and Christian has not had as much time as Daz to turn things around. This season is showing some signs of life and a few more good recruits could make a big difference so new AD might give more rope to Christian but he too will be on a short leash. This is the benefit of bringing in a new AD. Bates is somewhat beholden to his selections....new AD is not.

    New AD will have challenges beyond coaching in terms of developing a winning culture, turning around student apathy towards BC sports (other than hockey), restoring Alumni confidence and giving, increasing BOT/Leahy support for BC athletics and cultivating some Boston area fan support in a pro sports town.

  55. Guide- my annual review of Daz.
    1. Inability to perform required functions of the job. Recruiting trending down, student and alumni engagement trending down and quality wins at an all time low in BC history
    2. Inability to motivate, train and support direct staff in their responsibilities.
    3. Inarticulate and does not represent the best of what the position entails. Inability to complete a thought. Inability to take personal responsibility for success of self, program, players or school.
    Grade: F
    Recommend: 3 month plan to gauge capabilities; likely termination

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  57. The attendance alone is a pretty good indictment of Bates-Addazio.

  58. well said Max -- if only Daz were treated like almost every other person in the work force...

    you might add two more:

    4. Honesty and Trustworthiness. Score: F. Mr. Daz is prone to exaggeration and embellishment to the point of dishonesty. Mr. Daz is untrustworthy and not believable.

    5. Brand Loyalty: Score: F. Mr Daz cannot field a football product that can meaningfully compete in its own league. Further efforts by Mr Daz are likely to further tarnish brand and erode any remaining brand loyalty.

  59. Only Boston College fans would deem this past season a turnaround and a success. They lose in blow out fashion four times, beat high school level teams in three games, and were mind numbingly boring in the process.

  60. My criteria is very simple when hiring people.

    Table stakes: smart, articulate, logical, ability to think and improvise, empathy, respect for people, environment and culture

    Great to have: superior intelligence, ability to lead and bring others along, responsibility and gravitas, humble, strong sense of right/wrong )especially when no one is looking).

    Final: would the person reflect well on me, the job and the company/organization.

  61. I suggest that 99 out of 100 people pass on hiring Daz.

  62. But BC saw the intangibles and jumped at the chance.


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