BC Fan Resources

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Bell honored and other links

These are mostly from earlier in the week, but I didn't have time to comment on them all here.

I always get a chuckle out of the awkward forced history required by our conference shift. This year at the ACC Tournament, the Conference will name Troy Bell and "ACC Legend" despite never playing in the conference. Troy certainly deserves to be recognized and there is no way the Big East will ever do it. In the end it is just another reason to bring a former player closer to the program. That's a good thing.

Snow Junior College named former Eagle Paul Peterson their new head coach. I am very happy for Paul and his success, although I wish his career path had him headed towards BC. Aside from a GA year under TOB at NC State, all of his professional experience has been out West. And the western FCS and JUCO ranks are very different from BC's niche. Hopefully he leverages success at Snow into either a head job at a four year school or as a coordinator in a Power 5.

Here is a link to Brent Musberger and Doug Flutie discussing the famous Hail Mary. He thinks it was the most special of his career.

The Women's Basketball team lost again.


  1. Brent made the call.. a classic.....he also yesterday told Keith Olbermann to STFU about politics and stick to sports (Keith had a rant about why Trump should resign a week after taking office using Keith rant logic). Another plus for Brent!

    Now (for those in New England), I'd like Brent to tell Gerry Callahan the same thing

  2. Very interesting link to Snow College and Paul Peterson. He was a JC wonder who went to BC after leading the nation in passing yards. He played in Canada. Everywhere he has gone, he has a wide open attack. He coached for TOB. This is the type of coach that BC should be looking for. The "two yards and a cloud of mud" just doesn't do it. Paul also has five sons and a wonderful wife. After all, this is all about coaching young men.


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