BC Fan Resources

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Good news on Bowman

Per Zack Spears, Ky Bowman's injury is not as bad as some initial fears.

Because there is no tear, there is not the arduous rehab and potential lost season. A lost season could have led to all sorts of dominoes that would have worked against BC. I don't take this knee lightly but there is no reason for pessimism about it. Christian can still use Bowman as the cornerstone of his plan.

Good luck to Bowman on the surgery and I hope his recovery is swift.


  1. Good news. His teammates have a lot of respect for him. It was good to see yesterday that most of the team is unified despite injury and their record.

    Hoping the freshman post player from Indiana next season is focused on basketball. The two post players we have now have potential but they are not focused.

  2. Excellent. I look forward to a 3 ACC win season next year - a 50% improvement over this year.

  3. No ACL tear = good. But any injury to the knee is a big concern, I think.

    Good luck, Mr. Kyran Bowman and I hope your surgery and rehab are successful for you.

  4. I'm just speculating, but it's safe to assume that with JC s job security on thin ice, potential recruits are thinking twice about commiting to BC. What a mess.

  5. Yeah, he is gone soon.

    The next BC headcoach if I am the AD is Baker Dunleavy.

  6. What's his background, Knuck?

  7. Son of Mike Dunleavy
    Jesuit High School in Oregon(west coast connection)
    Lawrencevill Prep(Bob Ryan went there)
    Villanova lead assistant(National Championship last year. Loaded this year)
    Under 40
    From afar good balance between a shiny Petino type and a "gym rat" - type.

    If he wants to leave after this season he will end up at a St. Bonaventure type program. He if he leaves after next season he will most likely be out of our league eventhough it is an ACC program.

  8. Dunleavy sounds so good that I expect it will never happen.

  9. Christian likely not going anywhere.

    Robinson and Bowman are better candidates to leave the program at this point.

  10. OMG, STC, I hope you are wrong. Anymore inertia and BC sports will be setback years.

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