BC Fan Resources

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The first of many offseason QB competition posts

As you read BC previews this summer and listen and read about the team, the QB issue will be front and center. Even with Wade coming out of Spring as a No. 1 player, there will still be intrigue. Below is a video from the ACC highlighting both players' Spring Game performances.


  1. Given the record of the offense under THE IDIOT ON OFFENSE SPAZDAZIO WHAT

  2. I never understood why Daz was so down on Wade as a possible starter last year. He did choose the kid to be starting QB in 2015.

  3. I think both of these guys give us a better chance than Towles.

    Of course I may be wrong,

  4. I yearn for the days of strong-armed pocket passers. But Daz is a trend follower.

  5. Towles had a tryout with the Houston Texans. It was a "cattle call" of about 50.

  6. The criminally underused Myles Willis was at the Falcon's rookie mini-camp (he went to my high school here in Atlanta). Saw dixieeagle tweet at him, guess it's the same one who comments on here?

    Really rooting for him. If not on Atlanta (loaded roster), somewhere (LA Rams head coach went to our high school, too-boom!)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Mod - you figured out how to change the name to "goodbye" - why not just change your user name to where you lived off campus or your favorite dining hall. from your occasional foil - don't go, the boards will lose some luster without you.

    We need a new "Friday Rant" from ATL on the Fake Mod34B.

    what's the over/under for french fries DAZ eats in his first METER interview? i'll take the over.

  9. ATL, stop being an aloof, pretentious, snob and start doing your job. You are losing the respect and membership of your members. DO YOU EVEN READ THE COMMENTS POSTED HERE?? Disgraceful. If mod goes, I go.

  10. Make ATL Great Again


    We need law and order on the comments - and ONLY ATL can provide it!

  11. @CT: Willis was timed on pro day for the 40. He had some impressive numbers. His speed alone should put him somewhere. I am guessing on someone's practice squad. That's how Mehdi finally made a roster at the very end of this season and then rolled his ankle.

  12. El Miz, you are a total asshole and too dim to understand what's going on here. Did you go to BC or some community college,?

  13. ATL writes a blog for free. He doesn't owe anyone anything, least of all policing the juvenile sniping that goes on in the comments. I've been reading since at least 2005 and used to enjoy reading the discussions in the comments. Now, they are pretty much unreadable. If anyone is ruining this blog, it's the commenters. Thank you ATL for using some of your free time to keep people informed about BC sports.

    1. Boston, you are just another ATL boot licker. Leadership requires responsibility. Are you totally blind to what has been happening to this site?
      First, we are inundated with spam trolls trying to disrupt this forum. What does ATL do? Nothing! Now we get imposters posing as legitimate members. What does ATL do? Nothing! And you, Miz, and others are perfectly content with this crap? Lord, I'm so glad you people didn't assume leadership positions in the military.

    2. Who on earth said he was supposed to lead anything? He started a BC blog for fun and people can comment on his posts if they want. He didn't start it for you. And no, I'm not happy with the state of the comment section, but I blame the commenters. Besides, ATL can't control who comments, that's up to the Blogger platform administrators.

  14. Georgia Eagle - so sad! all you Trump tuff guys seem to be little fraidy cats on the inside. i did go to BC - they taught me to never use a question mark after a comma. did you take that class?

    not hard to "understand what's going on here" - maybe Mod could change his username. or maybe he could just keep posting - who cares? he has an anonymous name, so what difference does it make if we can't tell which "Mod34B" he is. if Mod just ignored the imposter my guess is he'd go away (maybe he'd even start posing as me? wouldn't that be a thrill!). the point of commenting is to engage in dialogue about our beloved Eagles, not win brownie points or win "best ATL commenter of the year."

    have a nice weekend!

  15. The proper fix is for ATL to consult an IT specialist for answers. Even an aging babyboomer like myself can see that.

  16. How is Boston a spam troll for thanking ATL for running the blog in ATL's blogs comment section?

  17. "consult an IT specialist" LOLOL. Hey atl - can you come out of pocket for the free blog you take time out of your day to write to pay money to make sure MOD34B's feelings aren't hurt when he reads his impostor's posts. Georgia Eagle has gotta be a troll, right?

    if i had to guess, i would bet Blogger doesn't even allow ATL any sort of admin capability beyond deleting posts. but how is he supposed to know who is who?

    i miss NED of Savin Hill - what happened to him? what happened to MUD?

  18. Anonymous9:02 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. @Boston: You are right. There is some tricky manipulation going on here. The new "fail safe" sign in has to be pretty good. That would probably mean that "mod" is playing himself and trying to sabotage the website. For him to sign in as "goodbye" takes a modicum of IT knowledge. I don't have it but it appears that he does. Could he be a spy for BCI sent in to disrupt and destroy? Let's watch what happens. Also, I have to wonder what happened to "BJK".----This is a good blog and more down to earth than the polished manipulation of BCI from which I was ejected for criticizing Father Leahy on the new AD. BCI is a "lap dog" for the administration.-----Now I see a posting from ti ra for "Casino online". How did a Muslim website slip through the screening process? It now looks like "mod" may have a grounds to grumble. Indeed, someone is trying to sabotage the site.

  20. I said consult" not hire someone with IT experience, ahole.

  21. This is BJK - I often post from my phone, and have never gotten around to changing whatever I have to change. This comes in as John.

    I have enjoyed this blog since probably 2005, 2006 when we first joined the ACC. Maybe 2007.

    But lately this blog has gone a little sideways, and that's too bad.

    Let's fix it simply by talking about BC Sports.

    We don't have to belabour how much we suck, and make ad hominem attacks ad infinitum.

    Let's look for incremental improvements and buck the players up. He'll I'm too old to ever have imagined all this social media stuff when I was in college.

    But I wouldn't have liked reading about how much I sucked at basketball when I was a walk-on working as hard every day as the scholarship players.

    So let's give some constructive support and direct criticism to coaches, etc. - but not constantly - not always.

    Maybe the new AD will provide leadership and somehow provide some of the deli stables we need.

    Bates fell short. Moving on..........

    Go BC!

  22. I hate auto correct.


    🖕 Auto correct.

  23. To all:

    I have explained repeatedly, I don't have the time to monitor the comments all day and prefer them be open. My one concession over the years has been to register via a google ID.

    I don't have "contempt for the readers." In fact, it is the opposite. I want to have faith in the readers. Be smart. Ignore the nonsense and try not to get into petty arguments.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Goodbye:

    How often am I commenting on EO these days? Maybe twice a week. When are most of my posts going up? Usually late in the night. I would love to be engaged on the blog all day, but can't and have to juggle the best I can. I have had open comments for nearly 12 years and have always had the same sort of guidelines and recommendations.

  26. Yeah.... so how old are the people in the comment section again? How many actually played BC ball? It's very funny and interesting to say the least.

  27. I think both of these guys give us a better chance than Towles.



  28. I think his initial request was to go closer to home,
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