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Monday, September 11, 2017

Addazio not making Jarmond's first year any easier

Martin Jarmond went all in on BC's first home game. He greeted tailgaters. He worked the Mods. He supported the players on the Eagle Walk. This should have been a great day. But all his attempts at culture building are going to be overshadowed by what's happening on the field. And once again, BC lost a lopsided game at home. I am sure Jarmond knew he would have to make a decision on Addazio during his first year. I don't know if anyone could have predicted things would turn so sour, so quickly.

Addazio is full of excuses and lacking in solutions. But at this point he can't blame anyone but himself. And the more he loses, the more comparisons to his predecessor become more relevant. Spaziani's ACC record: 13-19. Addazio's ACC record: 10-23. Spaziani's overall winning percentage: .431. Addazio's overall winning percentage: .471. Addazio's next two games are against Notre Dame and Clemson. His winning percentage could slip below Spaziani's soon.

The Offensive ineptitude is Addazio's creation too. Since Ryan Day left and Addazio pridefully said BC would run "his offense," BC has gone through two offensive coordinators, three offensive philosophies, and six starting quarterbacks. In all the ACC games since Day left, Addazio's offense has only scored 21 points once. The execution is terrible and the team seems to have no answer to whatever the other team prepares.

Addazio dug out of a hole last year. This year there is less wiggle room and a new AD who is empowered and not tied to Addazio's history. I would love to see a turnaround, but I am not counting on one.


  1. "I don't know if anyone could have predicted things would turn so sour, so quickly."

    um, everyone could and did

    earth to atl.....

  2. ATL don't start down the Ryan Day train

    He is not a bona fide legitimate candidate if BC wants to turn its program around. He is connected to both Spaz and Daz and we cannot go down that road

    Moorehead or Kelley or bust and if MJ knows what he is doing it will be done before Dec1

  3. Who has empowered our AD? ATL - is that your hope or is that supported by fact? I hope that it's true but our lived experience would suggest that it's not.

  4. If BC wants an elite program, they have to hire an elite coach. Building a state of the art practice facility is a huge step in the right direction. BC has certainly made big upgrades to their stadium since joining the ACC; now it's time to hire a big name coach. I know people don't think it's possible but imagine a draw Chip Kelly would bring to the program, he's a local guy and expressed interest in coaching BC in the past. As I keep saying, BC is in the ACC which means they're not a stepping stone program anymore.

  5. Losing to Wake sucks because it was a game most of us believed BC would win. It'll be interesting to see Jarmonds reaction next Saturday, when BC is getting bitch slapped up and down the field by Notre Dame all game. What's going to happen when BC is down 42-7 in the 3rd quarter and Addazio is stuck in full retard mode calling dive plays on first and second down? If BC loses to Notre Dame 56-7, I don't see Addazio lasting another week.

  6. Addazio is off the hook for now, for all we know Wake Forest could finish in the top 10. From that perspective BC doesn't look so bad. But I highly doubt Wake is anything better then average.

  7. Chris, I don't think Addazio is off the hook. In fact, I think his seat is getting hot enough to burn his pants. Even Wake's biggest fans don't think the team will be ranked. Every prognosticator had Wake and BC at the bottom of the division. And they waxed us at home. BC looks absolutely dreadful. Vegas has the Irish as 13 1/2 point favorites on Saturday (OK, the line opened at 14 1/2). They think we stink.

    Under 4 years of Daz, we've had two years of 7-6 with Spaz's recruits, a 3-9 abomination, 7-6 with mostly Daz's recruits, but that record was padded with a ridiculously easy out of conference schedule. 3 of BC's 10 biggest losses were last year. And now, we're 1-1 after playing 2 weak teams. ND doesn't look to be anything special this year, but they're heavy favorites. I can't see Addazio being off the hook at all. We'll see, but if he's still the coach 24 hours after our last game, I'll be stunned.

  8. Chris must be trolling. Wake in the top 10?!?!

  9. Daz's future will be assessed at the end of the season. Leahy is still in control and is not going to eat the guy's contract and admit his mistake. I'd be surprised if Jarmond fully understood what he was getting into here and I doubt he has any understanding with Leahy re his freedom to hire and fire head coaches. Until I see actions that prove otherwise, BC will continue to be BC and Leahy sets the direction of BC Athletics.

  10. Lots of subliminal perspective in the photo. That appears to be the Green Line stop in the background. He is standing in front of the Church of St. Ignatius with a beer in his hand. Just why is he standing on the only patched piece of concrete on the entire street leading down to the stadium?---The little kiddies in the background coming off the Green Line obviously don't have the "big bucks". Therefore, they don't deserve attention from the newest skyline member who now "sits in the clouds" with Father Leahy.

    1. He's holding a cup of coffee? What are you talking about?

  11. Imaginary conversation at BOT meeting: "Our football team's poor performance is really hurting attendance and revenue, what's the solution?" The response: "let's start selling beer, it will lessen the pain."

  12. Let's face it. BC is doomed to be the perennial Vanderbilt of the ACC - the doormat of the conference.

  13. I have to imagine Leahy will retire in the coming years. That brings me no solace however as I cant imagine anything changes while he is in charge. With that said, if this season turns into a losing campaign, which I think it will, then there is no chance that Adazzio stays. Unfortunately, with Leahy still around, I also think there is a minimal chance that BC opens the purse strings and hires a Chip Kelly or Les Miles or other proven commodity. Chip Kelly, being a local guy, having a huge profile/reputation, having shown previous interest, and being an offensive mastermind, is the absolute perfect guy for the job. Would be a shame to not get him because of Leahy this year, only to find he is unavailable down the road if/when BC ever decides to become a real player again. That said, BC has always been stingy and still done well. Unfortunately, the last two hires have not met the previous criteria of hiring a new/young/hungry guy who might indeed be looking down the road at his next move, but in the interim, will turn BC into a legit program (Coughlin, TOB, Jags).

  14. BTW, why has no one floated the idea of hiring Steve Logan as OC? In fact, why is he unemployed? Does he not get along well with HC's? Do they consider him a threat? He is a proven play caller. I would love to see him back at BC.

  15. Logan - I bet hitching himself to Jagodinski finished off his career.

  16. Would Kelly really want to be shut down by admissions? The guy is such a control freak, he practically lives in his players' bathrooms. "Not clear enough. Not enough fiber." Dude had his pick at Oregon of anyone on the West coast when USC was down. The ACC is up. And our guys read.

  17. ATL....check your math. If those really are their respective ACC records then Daz's winnning percentage is already below Spaz.

  18. I agree. BC does not seem to fit Kelly unless he is actually given true control. This is why I think it doesnt happen while Leahy is around. Regarding academics, any coach who comes to BC will always know the constraint versus schools like Oregon (literally no academic requirements). Either they want that challenge, or they are young and up and coming and want the ACC job, or they pass. Kelly has deep New England routes, as does Brian Kelly. That is really the only hope you have of attracting guys like that. Sort of like how Jim Calhoun wanted the BC job after he was pushed aside at UConn and despite his decade plus of taking shots at BC for dumping the Big East.

    1. They can place these players in easy majors, admissions should be no excuse these days especially when you play in the ACC. If academics ultimately sets the standard then they should move to the AAC with UMass.

  19. Calhoun did not want the BC job after leaving UNCONN. He wanted the job in the 80's when he was at Northeastern. Scumbag motor mouth was bared.

  20. We're on this blog complaining about our football coaches and wondering about our team's chances. But we need to step back and ponder the devastating effects of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma on many of our players and their families.

    Let's take a minute to pray for and wish these players and their families the best in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma:

    Mike Walker, Naples, FL; Hamp Cheevers, Trenton, FL; Jeff Smith Petersburg, FL; Ty Schwab, Merritt Island, FL; Wyatt Ray, Boca Raton, FL; Mehdi El Attrach, Orlando, FL; Gabriel McClary, Orlando, FL; Jimmy Martin, Winter Park, FL; Wyatt Knopfke, Bradenton, FL;

    Additionally - Colton Lichtenberg, Savannah, GA; Aidan Hegarty, Bluffton, SC.

    The other GA, AL and NC players might/should be okay, but you never know. I live near Athens, GA and have a tree down in my back yard (big deal in the overall scheme, but bad things could have happened in those states as well.)

    TJ Rayam, Alabaster, Ala; Harold Landry, Spring Lake, NC; Will Harris, Suwanee, GA; Max Richardson, Duluth, GA; Ryan Whittelsey, Cary, NC; Sam Schmal, Atlanta, GA; Bryce Morais, Grayson, GA; John Lamot, Graham, NC.

    And last month, thousands of Texans were driven out by Hurricane Harvey and their homes were devastated. And so let's pray belatedly for Christian McStravick, Katy, TX and his family.

    We do not know their situations and so this is not the best time for us to be complaining about ability and performance, etc.

    BC Players - we stand by you and hope that you and your families are okay.

    If I missed any player from one of those states, I apologize.

    May God Bless You!

  21. Jarmond's position as a new AD and as it relates to the basketball and football program really reminds me of Troy Dannen at Tulane when he came in in 2015.

    REsult: Bball coach fired after that season, Football coach fired after 2nd season.

  22. Well said, Big Jack. Sometimes we lose our perspective on what is truly important in life. Football is just entertainment.

  23. Daz is going to make it pretty easy for Jarmond if this season plays out as expected.

  24. Actually, the ass did come begging for the job. BC said no and instead hiring the current stiff.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Academics are not an excuse in so much as they have not held back Stanford or Notre Dame or even Northwestern. Nor did they hold back BC before this latest 10 year run of misery. There are enough smart kids out there who can also play ball. We are never going to recruit the kinds of kids that play at most of the SEC or Big XII schools, nor would I want to. Its more enjoyable to succeed with kids who actually might have a future beyond just the football field.

    1. That's the advantage of going to a school like Boston College, student athletes have an excellent chance of succeeding after sports. After Matt Ryan, BC football has suffered a lost decade.

  27. ND and NW not held back? Wha?

    Kelly is done if he doesn't win 9 games. NW? Please.

    Stanford had USC without scholarships. Literally fewer kids were going to SC. Less competition out there. And Andrew Luck.

    They most certainly have held us back. Unless you like two championship games in 12 years, and a host of second tier bowls. I mean, come on. They will always be an issue at a Catholic school. Not judging, but it's there.

    It's not about easy majors. It's about targeting boundaries.

    And if you think Daz is rough, some on this blog wanted Mark Whipple. Check out his resume at UMass. Yikes.

  28. I'm with Miz. This decision may be very easy at 4-8.

    And today I was thinking that Clemson and FSU probably have two of the best defensive lines in the country.

    Pat Forde called us a lost cause? The insults get worse.

  29. I think you are confusing points. I agree Kelly might get axed at ND if he doesnt win 9 games. But that is an expectations issue, not an academic requirements issue. My point is, while BC has more stringent entrance requirements for football players than most schools (pretty much every SEC, Big XII and Big X school), they are likely not more stringent than those at a place like Stanford. Yet Stanford seems to be doing ok. My point being, dont use academics as an excuse.

  30. The academics/admissions requirements excuse is just that...an easy, lazy excuse for failure and futility. There are 85 scholarship football players. BC will always get its share of smart, good football players. What BC needs to do is get about 10-15 roster players who are elite football players but somewhat of a risk academically. With proper support, tutoring, easier majors, etc., these players should be able to graduate (unless they leave for the NFL draft). This is the model Notre Dame, Stanford, Michigan, UCLA, and USC use to be reasonably competitive. If BC is not willing to do this, chronic losing is virtually guaranteed in the ACC Atlantic Division. We have close to 2500 students in the freshman class. Admissions can certainly hold 25 spots for "academically vulnerable" recruited athletes (10-15 football, 5 basketball and 5-10 hockey). This would have no impact on our academic reputation, but will make a big difference in our ability to compete on the gridiron and hardwood.

  31. A big part of the reason that Jarmond is here is due to Addazio. If he was winning and generating excitement Bates would still be in charge. Rather there is losing and gross apathy. Jarmond's job was never going to be easy. Outside of hockey men's sports are unwatchable.

  32. I dont think its an impact on reputation issue as opposed to a fundamental principal - i.e. what is the reason for why the university exists. That said, BC has always held some spots for kids from less advantaged areas/towns as that is part of the school's mission. All that said, we clearly have recruited plenty of football and basketball players in the past who would never have gotten in if they were regular students and that is fine. The academics card is an excuse and takes Adazzio and Spaziani off the hook for their ineptitude as head coaches.

  33. Dazzlers weird son doesn't go to BC he goes to UVA evidently. That is all you need to know on multiple levels.

  34. I have been arguing BCAlum2000's point for ever. Do we really want to dummy-down to be just another football factory? Stanford and Northwestern have winning programs but maintain academic integrity. Do you "win at all costs" people really want to be the Louisville of New England? I don't.

  35. whether or not we need to become "another football factory" (which, even if BC was willing to do, is unlikely we'd compete with the Big Boys just because our revenues would be so much tinier), we deserve better than this. we have had two straight coaches unable to get the program to cruising altitude. i think almost all of us would "settle" for a Tom O'Brien type to get the program back to respectability.

    Chip Kelly would be a home run hire but the odds of him wanting to come here are low - money, what kind of program he wants/BC wants, competition for him.

    i think Moorehead at Penn State would be a good get. i'm sure there are many other deserving guys i don't know of.

    Jarmond seems to have the right approach and is at least making the right moves - he might not have a million dollar haircut like Batesy but he seems to "get it." the idea that Daz losing makes it hard for him is absurd - he came in here probably knowing he'd be firing Daz in the next year or two. all but ATL and a few others have had their head in the sand hoping Daz would turn into Knute Rockne - he isn't. the recruiting seems to have marginally improved, and Daz seems to care more than Spaz, who was apathetic and bad (a bad combination). that said, Daz is "in way over his skis" as the saying goes and this should be a layup of a decision, as should the decision of Christian. both of Batesy's hires were grade F's - hopefully Jarmond will do better.

  36. Dumb down?

    Where we dumbed down in the 70's when were beating Texas or the 80's when Doug was running shit(beating Alabama, Clemson Syracuse etc) or the 90's when the Catholic Conference QB's(that refers to Xaverian/St.Johns Prep/Hasselbecks/St.Pierre for estupid skidmarks like you TGS) had us playing well or the 2000's with Ryan?

    Shit is cyclical. A good coach finds a QB and that fixes everything.

  37. STL:

    The winning percentages were their overall winning percentages.

  38. Two years ago US News had us at 30 - last year 31 and in the most recent edition 32. Not dramatic - but not a good trend either. They won't be highlighting this in their promotional materials (as they most definitely would have if the ranking had improved to 27). BC is in a malaise. We all know what the primary problem is.

  39. Knuck, I agree with all your examples. We won in the past WITHOUT dumming-down. Get a good coach, pro-style QB, with an OL, and we are on our way.

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  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. The ranking is down but it includes ties. Two schools are tied at 30 and we are next and end up at 32.

    I touched on this before with regards to Leahy's performance overall. We have not gone up in the US News rankings and sports have declined dramatically. He has not done a very good job as president. He has spent the schools money well.

    The place is beautiful now interms of landscaping on middle, the buidlings are lit up at night(I am going there for a PhD in Finance but haven't walked the campus in 10 years - up until 2 weeks ago).

    Northeastern has jumped up to 40. When they hired the dean from USC 10 years ago it was best move a school has made to improve itself that I can remember.

    If you care about the rankings(maybe BC doesn't care about them anymore) then you can take steps to improve in areas that they include in their methodology and then improve your ranking . . . Northeastern.

    I would like to see the ranking be inside the top 30. I don't think it will take a lot of effort to get there. Leahy should get off his high horse and do some work to improve the perception of the school ie the rankings academic and athletic. He is getting lazy(inching towards failure level). Anyone can spend someone elses money.

  43. Stanford football I think IS proof that BC is not without hope. A lot of the fundamentals are similar - a tough academic school, a fickle fan base, a general region not known for college football. (at least compared to say Tuscaloosa or Ann Arbor) Indeed, if you look at how Harbaugh did it - it really is just a turbocharged version of what O'Brien did. For TOB's faults - that is something which can be sustained and enhanced.

    Pro Style Offense - Ironically, with so many teams running spreads, being an "NFL Offense" is suddenly zagging. Also, it emphasizes NFL teaching. And ultimately, that is BC's REAL tradition. There have been big wins, and good results ... but BC needs to build on its legacy of developing pros ... it can allow them to transcend a lot of the other factors.

    Focus on the lines - Offensive line U, Front Seven U ... while it is hard to find amazing speed in the Northeast, you can match it with physicality. Actually BC has done this well on defense under Addazio, but offensively, we need to get Offensive Line U back

  44. Stanford is doing now under Harbaugh/Shaw what BC used to do. I dont need proof from Stanford.

  45. You don't even need to look further than BC under Addazio for an idea of what works. Daz ran a run-oriented power offense in 2013 with a veteran offensive line and Andre Williams and improved BC's win total from two to seven wins. You still had Rettig and Amidon to provide some support in the passing game. At the time, Daz said the offense was partly modeled after Stanford and that he thought it was different from most of the rest of college football and therefore a little tougher to prepare for and defend.

    The trouble was that Daz didn't stick to that philosophy, and possibly more importantly, has had zero success recruiting and developing an offensive line-- ironically given that he's an OL coach.

    The offense has just been a grab bag under Daz-- power/run in 2013, read option (which was also fairly effective thanks to Murphy and the all-senior OL) in 2014, and then more of a pro style in 2016 and now apparently tempo this season. Sandwiched around whatever they were trying to do in 2015.

    At the end of the day, if you cannot develop an offensive line and you can't even settle on an offense, it's doubtful you can win anywhere, including BC.

  46. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Even Dazzler can figure it out. He cannot execute it though. Because his goober binkie Frye is an unmoveable force at the o-line coaching position.

  47. Shaw dwarfs what Harbaugh did in four yrs-one really good season, one good season for Jimmy Boy...Shaw has taken it next level out there. Harbaugh got them on the map (their history in football is bad, like NW's), but Shaw has done the harder job of keeping them there and outperforming expectations. BC has never achieved Stanford's almost decade-long success. The problem at BC is expectation-from alumni to administrators. We don't have to be a factory, but there is an upper middle ground in there. Like I have said countless times, we need to be pro-style since we have never been especially fast, pound you into the ground like we did in '94 and '95, and go play anyone, anywhere, at anytime. Get an identity.

    By the way, don't bring NW into this. They've won lije two bowls since 1948. Fitzgerald avgs 7 wins over 11 seasons. They are content with that quite clearly. Expectations.

  48. Who's the troll with the Arabic? WTF???


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