BC Fan Resources

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Christian adds Chris Cheeks to staff

While no one was really sad to see Stan Heath leave, the timing wasn't ideal for Jim Christian to find a top flight replacement. Plus, when factoring in Christian's tenuous job security, finding an elite assistant was going to be hard. Multiple reports say that Christian has found someone and it is veteran basketball assistant Chris Cheeks.

Cheeks comes to BC from Western Kentucky. Prior to that he was at Delaware, but he has also put in time at places like Charlotte, West Virginia and the AAU Circuit. It is the AAU scene where Cheeks might be able to help BC. We need another hunter. Or at least a hunter more hungry than Stan Heath.  

Cheeks ties to the DC-area leads me to believe he has a connection to Spinelli. I hope they like working together and do enough to extend their BC time beyond this season. 

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