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Saturday, September 30, 2017

In-game comments post: Central Michigan

We need a win in the worst way and we are playing a bad team. Let's do this.

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  1. For those on campus, does the stadium and crowd seem better due to Parents Weekend?

  2. We need a win and have superior talent. The kids deserve it and think they will play great.

    However if for some reason things go way off track and the Eagles lose I don't think Daz is Coach Monday am

  3. Cold and raw this morning. Hopefully warms up by game time.

  4. BC has a message to give. The NFL and NBA are rolling off the tracks. Corruption in college athletics is once more exposed. We all know that BC does it right. It is just that her message is muted and "burned at the stake" like Joan of Arc because the athletic image is one of losers. Of course, there is that Matt Ryan blip on the reality screen but the teams are losers. How can you lead from the rear? No one sees the "guide ons". The yellow ribbons are no where to be seen.

  5. On way to stadium. Steady rain and chilly. Bummer since it was beautiful yesterday and supposed to nice tomorrow. Pops event was sold out last night. Raised over $14MM. Will report on crowd. This is a must win but even then will only serve as a brief respite with V Tech and Louisville on deck.

  6. is the game streaming anywhere?

  7. is the game streaming anywhere?

  8. Will they score more than 24 points? Haven't all year. I think they win. Bad weather so look for ground game on both sides. Key question is how does the D hold up against running attack all day. They should win but don't think it will be a blowout. Hope I am wrong.

  9. The O Line can't get one yard AGAIN

  10. There is #1. Bravesbill.

  11. penalties, missed tackles, dropped passes, missed blocks ... BC not covering themselves in glory against a smaller weaker opponent. #sad

  12. Weather improving a bit. Stadium about 2/3 full. Probably a little more than last Parents weekend but weather actually a bit better than last year. Tailgating seemed better this year. BC should win.

  13. walker only bright spot on a rainy day

  14. sorry to be so negative. the score is 21-0 BC so that is good ... but still

  15. we look terrible....

  16. Don't live anywhere close to the area so it's only streaming for me.

  17. I love the courage here by daz. Using the timeouts and not running dive plays. I expected him to run the clock. Why in games where we have nothing to lose does he go ultra conservative?

  18. Central Michigan is really lousy. All of the punt returns came on terrible punts. BC doesn't show much but they are head and shoulders above the "Chips" who look like Buffalo Chips.

  19. Courage by the Daz???????
    Throwing into end zone with no time left is courageous?
    Ya, real Seal Team 4 stuff.
    So many tools.

  20. Wow! 28-8 midway thru 3rd quarter.

    Maybe I was too quick to judge Daz’s ability....I mean, NIU did go on and beat Nebraska.

    Nah. Clown show still got to go.

  21. Sorry Jazz. I'm jaded by the sometimes ridiculous level of homerism on this blog sometimes.

    1. Well I'm a homer as in I want bc to win every game but the state of the money sports team is at an all time low maybe minus the points scandal.

  22. Our offensive game plan stinks and our defense stinks too.

  23. Wow - now the defense can get right back at it!

    Good calls Loeffler - you stink, coach.

  24. Glad I missed most of this game.

    Let's run out the clock, Addazio.

    Let's practice the belly series dive plays.

  25. Addazio - you stink, coach. Pitiful.

  26. 20 point lead, 54 seconds left and he's still running Dillon.
    Better hope this injury isn't serious.
    What an idiot.

  27. Congratulations to BC, I think. The "Chips" stink like the name implies.

  28. The first sentence of the 4:08 comment is moronic at best.

  29. Should have won by 40.
    Yes , at times offense was ok- against CMU.
    but later they looked weak.
    Victory- ok
    But should have scored at will

  30. WAS This a bad joke good kids LOUSY coach.


  31. Kids deserve better.


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