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Saturday, September 09, 2017

In-game comments post: Wake Forest

Wake Forest games lend themselves to drama and weird endings. Maybe this game will join the list.

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  1. What tv station in Boston??

  2. The ACC Network. It looks like it is on the ESPN app, though.

  3. Illegal formation??? Bad coaching. That should never happen.

  4. Tx. Watching on my f'ing computer

  5. Scoreboard watching: Duke representing the ACC well against Northwestern early

  6. Starting on the 50, 3 points a minimum. Come on boys. Put a nice half field drive together.

  7. Just looks sloppy, everywhere.

  8. I think he was down, but bad job on Hilliman for not holding on in traffic.

  9. Addazio's insistence to stay with Hilliman is killing BC. He has been completely ineffective. Why does he not try someone else?

  10. Turnovers! Aghhhhhh!

  11. Another call that could have gone the other way. But you can't leave it up to the refs.

  12. Could have been called back.

  13. Let's go team - this is a must win!

  14. With ACC network not enough cameras to get right angle. Makes more likely call does not get overturned

  15. The receivers are not helping Brown. Might have to go to Wade if he can't get this offense moving. Can't afford to lose this game as we will go 1-3 to start the season.

  16. A very ineffective offense Q1

    Some hints of possiblities to come. Maybe

  17. Ineffective at best.

  18. Attendance looks very low. 25,000?

  19. This O is a joke. Addazio has no one to blame but himself.

  20. This is what you get offensively when you elect to go with a freshman quarterback. Even the great Matt Ryan struggled his first year. Wade must be really bad if he cannot beat out Brown.

  21. The D doesn't look much better than the O.

  22. This is not good.

    What a step backwards our D has taken since Don Brown's departure.

  23. 14-0 Wake. Game over.

  24. Ugghh. That was a shifty defensive series

  25. Going to be a long year. This season has the potential to be a complete disaster. You are looking at three or four wins max if we don't have a comeback here.

    Hilliman sucks.

  26. But!!!! The Daz hot seat just got really hot.

  27. How was that pass before the TD ever completed? Kind of pitiful. It was like a mini Hail Mary.

  28. Year 5 and you cannot even compete against Wake at home??? The team is playing with no energy. His decision to go with Brown and Hilliman is a mistake.

    Look at Dillon. How did Addazio not see he is better than Hilliman?

  29. What kind of offense are we running? It doesn't look to be up tempo.

    Dillon quicker to the hole.

  30. Brown had the tight end wide open and went to a different receiver. He's just not ready for prime time, ACC.

  31. Knoll: the artless punter

  32. The play calling is terrible too. They have no idea what works or how to make it easier for Brown.

  33. Brown. 3/11. 1 int

  34. How Dillon hasnt been getting the majority of snaps at RB is baffling.

  35. BC just 5 first downs and a pathetic 1-7 on 3rd downs. Complete ineptitude on offense.

  36. BC is just not a good team

  37. Good drive. With fortunate penalty in our favor

  38. That drive looked great. Must just take Brown 2 quarters to get warmed up. Defense needs to hold here. They have allowed a lot of chunk plays.

  39. Let's keep it going, guys. We can do this.

  40. I don't like that the drive continued to that touchdown on a bad call by the ref. It masks how bad the offense was moving the ball.

  41. Great use of timeout.

  42. Now the team is playing with energy!

  43. Good use of timeouts again.

  44. Note to BC. Do not hire Clawsom as Daz replacement. His play calling is as bad a Daz

  45. That's probably ball game. Addazio has only overcome a halftime deficit once at BC.

  46. Schoolboy stuff. 3 first half turnovers and a pick six.

  47. Christ. It's junior high recess

  48. Brown's inaccuracy comes back to haunt BC again. He's inexperienced and we will see a lot of this up and down play until mid-season.

  49. Must overcome adversity now, for sure. How tough are we, BC. Will we take a knee?

  50. Had Walker wide open deep and missed him

  51. Less accurate than towels. Ha! Sucks.

  52. Brown just pitching the ball all over for fun now. Who needs to hit receivers.

  53. This kid makes Tyler Murphy look good.

  54. We are not coming back from 2 touchdowns back without some help. We need a turnover. We finally cut down penalties but then we up the turnovers.

  55. I think you've got to give Wade some reps. Brown is missing everything.

  56. Brown 8 for 24. Abominable

  57. Daz is now going to make a half time adjustment. - To his Johnson.

    Help! Why do I watch this shit show

  58. I'm ready for Wade at this point.

    WF can be had. All we need is to shut them out in the 2nd half and hit on our basics.

    Receivers we're open many times - wide open.

    Brown hasn't been anointed yet.

  59. The old Addazio would have not used the timeouts and ran out the clock. He was highly criticized when he used that strategy over the past few years. However, BC would only be down 14-7 instead of 21-7, and still in the game. On the other hand, had BC not used the aggressive strategy against Northern Illinois, they would have lost. My guess is the strategies are probably a wash, but being aggressive is more fun to watch.

  60. Basically, this second half sets the tone for the rest of the season

    we come back and win, I'm invested

    Lose, shit we r done this year

  61. Online looking decent. Play calling ok

    Execution by brown awful

  62. Pretty discouraging so far. I'm not sure Brown can all of a sudden become accurate in his passing. He is high and hard - hence deflections.

    3 turnovers.

    Get tough, guys. This half is big.

  63. Nothing is going right.

  64. THis drive is probably the game.

  65. Crap, ESPN3 keeps cutting out.

  66. Smith should have caught it

  67. Not ideal, but we needed points.

  68. Please put in receivers who can catch the ball.

  69. 3 points. Good enough for now.

  70. BC got away with a huge no call there. Now they need to answer again.

  71. This D is painful to watch, sometimes.

    We needed a 3 and out there.

    My ESPN feed keeps falling out. Great job, whoever set this up.

  72. Why is Hillman running the ball???

  73. Addazio put his career in the hands of Anthony Brown and Scot Loeffler. This is what happened.

  74. That's the game. No bowl this year as the freshman will make too many mistakes. Should have gone with the senior Wade.

  75. Houston, we have a problem

  76. What career? He's a clown.

  77. Does he bring in Wade yet?

  78. I see no path beyond 5 wins this season.

  79. Daz's ass is on fire

  80. 3 white shirts were waiting on that pass.

    Too bad - don't know who to blame. Addazio for sure.

    Fans will now file out.

    But we still owe Addazio 7.5 M.

    WF has not done much. We have handed them 28 points.

  81. You need to see what Wade can do. 92 plays and only 23 points against a MAC team. 3 quarters here and only 10 points. That's not getting it down.

    They look like those bumbling Patriots right now.

  82. OL is on vacation now. Holy shit

  83. Do they practice throwing?

  84. Any high school coach where I live in Georgia who had a half like that would be relieved of his duties on Monday morning. I feel bad for the players;they deserve good coaching and good memories from their time at B.C.

  85. Head Coach has now screwed up the whole deal.

  86. As I've been saying for years, you have to be an idiot (see Khead), not to have known this program was doomed under the Daz. Anyone with a modicum of football sense and knowledge abandoned ship after the 3-0 WF fiasco in 9/15.
    Btw, this team and ESPN 3 are worthy of each other. Amateur hour for both.

  87. We'll re-group for FSU, CU, and Louisville.

  88. How do we like Scot Loeffler?

  89. Remember when ND week used to be awesome?

  90. Burn Matt McDonald's redshirt.

    I bet he can throw an accurate forward pass.

  91. Loeffler is also the QB coach


  92. Sad thing is in many pass plays the line did its job and receiver was open. And then ...,

  93. I'm switching to the Iowa State-Iowa overtime game. This is too depressing

  94. Wolford is far from an elite QB but he has been better than the BC starter the past three years.

  95. have to figure this is the beginning of the end for Daz. now 10-23 in the ACC over 5 seasons. going to be very hard to find 5 wins to get to bowl season so he can convince the BOT he's their guy.

    as TGS said, we've known for a while Daz isn't the guy but the empty suit bates wasn't gonna can his boy. have to hope Jarmond as his first game is hearing a lot of Daz grumbling and knows that's the move.

  96. When Addazio refused to name a starting QB, I figured that we were in big trouble.

    We have some talented players, but this coach has really mismanaged the team, IMHO.

    OC and DC are not getting the job done.

    It's really discouraging.

    Whenever they fire Addazio, I'm okay with it.

  97. 1–11 here we come.

  98. There is not another school in the nation where a guy goes 10-23 in his league and still has some fan support. Absolutely astounding! Big jack krack is just now finally ok with getting rid of the Daz.

  99. Wade has done nothing either. Man, this could be a long year.

  100. In the pregame radio show, the Daz was whining about the brutal "road trip" last week to NIU. F'in 2 hour flight and he's still pissing and moaning days later. This is the example he sets for his players.

  101. This team has very little talent compared to the TOB days. We need to can Addazio, bring in a coach committed to the pro-style offense with talented offensive linemen and decent running backs, featuring a pass-first quarterback. We need a proven coach that knows how to recruit and has a system to get BC back to the ACC top tier. It's not as big of a rebuild as overcoming Spaz's disaster of a tenure, but it will take 3 years to bring in the right talent.

    We should have fired Addazio 2 years ago as we would be one year away from being competitive by now. Basically waste 2 years of the program.

    1. Absolutely agree. Jarmond should make a splash and just fire Daz. Maybe not this week, but another couple losses like this will warrant a mid-season canning. Regardless, this team will not turn it around and Daz has to be gone come December.

  102. Spaziani and Addazio have been responsible for the worst run in my memory.

    They have completely taken the fun and excitement out of one of my absolutely favorite fall Saturday activities. Rooting on my BC Eagles Football Team.

    Thanks Steve. Enjoy your retirement package.

  103. A day that lives in infamy:

    Dec 18, 2014 - Boston College coach Steve Addazio does not look like he is going anywhere for a while. The second-year Eagles coach signed a contract extension through the 2020 season, the school announced Thursday. ... "In just two years, Steve Addazio has done an amazing job with our football program" said AD Brad Bates.

  104. Daz has always deserved and will always deserve a head coaching job at a small Catholic high school in New Hampshire.

    It comes down to this: does BC think it belongs in the big leagues and will it adapt its culture to the changing nature of college athletics? This is not 1994 or even 2004 anymore. If you cash the check, then you cannot claim that you're not a co-conspirator in the game. You cannot deny the hypocrisy. Get on board or give up.

  105. Joe Moorhead. Watch the Penn State game. The PSU offense is fun and exciting. Get it done Martin.

  106. Run out the clock, Steve - you A.H.

  107. Daz, Bristol is calling. Please take the clown show there. #DecideToCry

  108. Oh my goodness, just shoot me now!

  109. TGS you said the coach sucked just like everyone else did. Someone has to break it to you . . . That is not evidence of superior intelligence.

    You contribute nothing.

  110. We just lost at home to a mediocre team by 24 points.

    It was a Pick em' game and should have been close all the way.

    Martin Jarmond has an interesting problem now.

    Stick it out all the way this season, or wait for a few blow-outs and fire Addazio mid-season. Or give him a break, because we're young and have injuries.

    Get on YouTube and watch our team from years past. We have some talent in 2017, but this stooge hasn't figured out how to give them a plan to win.

    Just sick, sick, sick of it.

    Can't wait for the excuses.

    Let's see - Notre Dame, or go apple picking.

  111. I can't even wear my BC stuff to the game anymore as I embarrassed. #seasonticketholdrr

  112. Fire addazio tonight. Give the team a fresh start for ND. Addazio cannot win, and our current situation can't get much worse.

  113. The end is nigh... hopefully. Mr. Jarmond: Please do your job, recognize the inescapable truth that this coach does not belong in this conference, and do what is necessary now. This is not a one game thing. This is a 5-year embarrassment. Relieve us of our abject misery. As an alum transplant to CA 10 years ago, I have still faithfully watched every (yes, every) BC football and basketball game. I made the trip to Dublin last year. Enough is enough. We, the fans, deserve better. Do it.

  114. I'm pretty uncomfortable with my BC license plate frame.

    How bad is that, Fr. Leahy? You might not care that people are laughing at your athletic program, but we do.

    I do not blame fans from other ACC schools for wanting us kicked out of the league.

    Before Spaz and Daz we were playing for the ACC Championship.

    Sad and unreal.

    from the SPAZDAZIO BATES disaster and winning again "FOR BOSTON"
    Long past time to stop the hand ringing with what can you do ?
    We are a great academic school that it has been proven can do very well with good to
    very good coaching. Father Monan and Chet Gladchuk proved it.
    Taking a chance on Al Golden could also be worthwhile.

  116. Khead, I'll leave it up to CT to go back and pull out your numerous posts over the past few years extolling the virtues of the Daz and saying the fault lies with the players. Man up and admit you were wrong. It will only hurt for a minute.


  118. Deep down, did anyone really expect this game to go any other way? Time to fire Daz. Should have been done last week in the tarmac after the game.

  119. Zero expectations. Hard to not impress.

  120. The coach has only had five years. It's not easy to build a winner. Let's say he wins 5 games. That's 5 more wins than Clebeck had. Isn't it?

    Plus, it is only football. If you want to cheer for s good team there are lots of choices outside of BC. OH, don't think new AD really cares. He and Daz have become close. Besides he's a basketball ball guy.

    Suck it up. BC is all about academics. Remember University of Chicago was big power once but dropped football to concentrate on academics. No one will ever get hired because she was a good fan. So keep it in perspective and pick apples next week.

  121. Against a weak team at home, we get blown out by 24. You can't put lipstick on this pig. Brown was 11 for 29, 119 yards, 1 TD and 3 picks. Brutal. 3.5 yards per carry on the ground. 38k in listed attendance and surely a full house for ND next week. After that, if they want a good crowd, they'll have to give the beer away.

    Why let Daz finish the season? I think you can only boot him during the season if you think an assistant is worth an audition. I don't think we have that here. Chip Kelly and Al Golden will still be available at the end of the season. Let's see who else becomes available. We're on the hook for 3 more years at about $2.5 million a year. I assume that's part of the equation up on College Road. No matter, I think the Daz Error (I can't call it an era) will be over in about 3 months or so.

  122. With a new AD, BC's endowment and the investment in the new practice facility, the money left on Daz's contract won't be an issue. My guess is that Jarmond will quietly start working the Rolodex come Monday morning.

  123. I really liked Jack Bicknell, but after the team beat Georgia in the Hall of Fame Bowl with Shawn Halloran and Kelvin Martin, et al it was all downhill in 87, 88, 89 and 90. (85 wasn't very good either.

    I was bad enough that we would lose to Syracuse, West Virginia, and Pitt and Miami. But we couldn't even bet Rutgers - and it was time for the nice guy and underpaid head coach to go.

    We can't beat Wake Forest and we can't beat Syracuse. We'll probably lose to NC State. Virginia Tech, Clemson, Louisville and even Virginia this year.

    Time to say goodbye.

    It really was malfeasance that Brad Bates gave this guy a 3 year extension he did not earn, but we are forced to eat the $$ and pay this palooka. Just go away, Steve.

    Let one of the assistant coaches take over.

  124. TGS, you and everyone else said he should be fired. You aren't a trend setter or ahead of the curve. . . . Zuckerberg.

    Fucking moron.

  125. You are incorrect as well as being a skidmark. I said the GT game was on the kicker. It clearly was.

    I said he should have been canned after the last wake home game we lost on the goal line. Look that up to.

    Simply you are wrong.

    You cannot get over me can you.



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