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Saturday, September 02, 2017

Perspective on plays per game

During the offseason, I questioned how much Addazio would truly embrace the uptempo philosophy. For the first game he clearly did. BC had 92 total plays in the game. That's a lot in general and it is a ton for BC game. For some perspective, here are some other relevant total plays to show how active and fast BC was:

  • 2016 Leader in Total Plays Average: Baylor -- 88.6 per game
  • 2016 (Addazio Year 4) Boston College Total Plays Average:  67.8
  • BC's Total Plays in QuickLane Bowl: 69
  • 2015 (Addazio Year 3)  Boston College Total Plays Average: 64.8
  • 2014 (Addazio Year 2) Boston College Total Plays Average: 67.8
  • 2013 (Addazio Year 1) Boston College Total Plays Average: 62.0
And a few other BC related Total Plays Average:
  • 2012 (Spaz's Last Year) Boston College Total Plays Average: 70.5 
  • 2009 (Spaz's First Year) Boston College Total Plays Average: 65.1
  • 2008 (Jags with Crane/Davis) Boston College Total Plays Average: 71.8
  • 2007 (Jags with Matt Ryan) Boston College Total Plays Average: 77.9
  • 2006 (TOB's final year at BC) Boston College Total Plays Average: 70.7
It is only one game, but it is a clear departure for BC and Addazio. However, changing for change sake is not what BC needed. We need to make sure the uptempo also includes more scoring. Running 90+ plays and only scoring 23 points will lead to plenty of losses. 


  1. It is a new tempo for BC Good to try new things.

    But was it a useful innovation for BC?
    it seems like a new way to be unproductive quickly sometime known as spring naming your wheels

    I know it's just one game, but it was a MAC opponent. Can't imagine it working better vs an ACC opponent.

    If season acts, Our game avg of 4.5 yards per pass and 3.68 yards per play would be among the lowest season average in several years.

    So Daz is going fast but getting nowhere. What did you expect that Mr offensive sludge would turn into Chip Kelly?

    I must laugh. Only our man Daz coukd turn the uptempo trend into the least productive offense in years.

  2. *spinning your wheels
    ** if a season average,

  3. Good info. We'll likely see see a big jump in efficiency from game 1 to game 2.

    Waiting to see Francois' status. Big loss if serious.

  4. I think that is good information. I think it is also a very small sample data set so comparisons with past years is not valuable. I thought that one of the reasons (in addition to the staff's intention to accelerate the pace of the offense) that there were more plays run during that game is that so many of the Hilliman run plays ended so quickly, creating more time for more plays. Shouldn't uptempo benefit the offense by creating confusion and indecision/mismatches for the defense? It didn't appear to me that this was the case here. Often, the offense seemed at least as confused as the defense, sometimes, more so. Two additional concerns: defensive players creating delays due to equipment issues (shoes) and officials delaying snaps. Need to future out how to control/overcome these three issues.

  5. Get a really good offensive coordinator. Ryan Day has already proven himself in the
    position even having to deal with Spazdazio.
    Pay him well with Daz kicking in if need be.

  6. Ryan Day is really gross. Look at this and see what he does in public. Yuk.

    https://www.google.com/ampone of the dumbest political mistakes in the modern era/s/www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/college-football/2017/8/31/16237622/ryan-day-picking-boogers-ohio-state

  7. A solid win for BC. Any road win is a good win. They have a quality freshman QB, RB and WR. Combine the last two up tempo games, both on the road, and you are averaging about thirty a game. A dramatic increase over the twenty a game slow down performance of the last few years. Plus the up tempo is much more enjoyable to watch. Brown was outstanding for a first time starter. He appears to be a superior passer to every QB in the SEC. 2. The saying goes You can't teach an old dog new tricks. But Daz appears to have adjusted. This is one small step for Daz but a giant leap for mankind i.e. BC fans. The Wake game is significant. Keep scoring thirty and many wins will follow. Could be a very interesting season. Lets hope so.

  8. Bright side is the offense looks better, unfortunately as much as the offense got better; the defense got worse.

  9. We'll know next Saturday if our D has anything this year. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I am very worried.

  10. The defense called was very vanilla. Daz didn't want to give any film to future opponents. They ramped up the pressure dramatically on the last drive. Not to mention Landry spent a lot of time on he bench. God only knows why.

    I don't think BC is in a position where we can hold back on opponents. We need confidence and wins. Each game should be played like its the last. It may just be Daz's.

    Like BJK says, Wake forest should tell us who our defense is.

  11. An interesting side issue is developing with former BC football personnel. Steve Logan coached Colin Kaepernick in San Francisco for one year. He last coached in 2015 in the NFL and was the OC/QB coach for Jags in 2007 and 2008. He said that Kaepernick was used to running the "read option" which is now outdated and refused to stay in the pocket. He said that was the reason for his unemployment. Murphy was read option. I noted that Brown did a very nice job of staying in the pocket.---Khan, the owner of the Jags, said that he was open to hiring Kaepernick. Our greatly missed old friend from the '93 miracle, then commented as President of Football Operations. Uh, no!

  12. This old army veteran has no use for a spoiled, ungrateful jock who disrespects our flag and national anthem. Fuck him. I hope he starves.

  13. This current Navy (>26 yrs of active duty says let him do whatever he wants that's why I serve

  14. Unknown, I can't believe you never grasped the special place the the flag and anthem have for servicemen. I will never accept a pampered, over-paid, ungrateful jock giving it the finger. NEVER! You, sir, represent a tiny fraction of military opinion on this subject - and thank God for that.

  15. You have a right to your first amendment rights. If 2 tours in Iraq and 2 tours in Afghanistan mean I don't grasp the meaning of the flag than so be it. I respect everyone's opinion.

  16. i respectfully ask that you don't doubt either my patriotism or service or grasp of what I have given since I graduated from BC.

  17. I appreciate your service and your device as do all Americans - I only wish you could appreciate mine

  18. Oh, and having been part of "angel" ceremonies where young men under my care have been carried to their last flight home - I fully grasp the flag, the constitution and the beauty of living in a free country.

  19. Georgia Eagle - what was your service - Korea? Vietnam? Panama? Gulf War? OEF? OIF? Our were just a REMF?

  20. Fine. If kapershit had served his county in any capacity I would cut him some slack. He didn't in any way, shape, or form. I applaud your service, my friend. But you are dead wrong on this subject and ninety percent of my fellow officers would agree with me. The anthem and the flag are sacred and out of bounds to be trashed. You need to reevaluate your misguided, liberal opinion on the subject.

  21. REMF - how did I know. LOL
    Rear echelon mother f....

  22. Those who give the least have the most to say.
    Misguided - reread the constitution. I don't like what he does. I don't have to pay to see him play but the first amendment gives all civilians the right to be boorish in any form setting or manner they want to.

  23. And you Georgia eagle have just proven that again.

  24. That not how it works, GE. Some are not freer than others. Either all get cut slack, or no one. And the importance of the flag and anthem are what make them especially important symbols in first amendment issues. Either speech is free, or it isn't. The Supreme Court (including Scalia) has upheld this notion.

    In more BC football related news, who else saw Howard upend UNLV? 66-0 doesn't look so silly now (of course, ignoring the fact that Howard has a new, former ACC coach and QB with some talented blood in his veins).

  25. Danny boy and to all others - I apologize for going on a rant. Thank you for redirecting it to something we can all agree on - go Eagles

  26. Twenty-Two years, Marines and army. Unlike you, I didn't let My left-wing college professors brain wash me.

  27. Danny boy, how much free speech for conservatives on college campuses? Let me answer cause it's rhetorical. None

  28. Anonymous7:44 PM

    They looked at the number of plays the D was on the field last season and are trying to turn the tables. I like it.

    We can beat Wake(at home) playing the way we played against NIU.

    Brown was impressive yesterday. He obviously knows the offense. Much more accurate than the spring game. He has people who can catch Kobay, Sweeney and the line was decent pass blocking last night.

    They should let Brown run more. A lot of risk with that since the backup is pathetic.

    They will unleash him against ND.

    Screen passes are there too. Would like to see the RB's catch some screens/wheel routes.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Hopefully BC's defense picks it up against Wake because they looked very slow, especially the secondary. Beebe was a one man wrecking crew against the BC secondary. The intensity should be up for BC at home so we shall see.

  31. Any idea of the odds line?

    I bet it's "Pick em" or BC by 1.

  32. Right now I'm seeing BC -2. Barely a pick em at home. I think we'll see a much better defensive effort. We'll start showing more creative blitzes which will ramp up the pressure and make our DB's lives much, much easier.

    I'm most worried about the o line. They need to really step up their game. NIU had guys in the backfield as brown was handing the ball off. That's not a matter of scheme. The guard and center play left a lot to be desired. Something needs to click for them on Saturday.

  33. Switched to my PC.

    And at least our players are not shown favoritism by pressuring their teaching assistants to give them breaks in their tough, on-line hospitality courses on coffee, tea and wine, like FSU.

    Clemson favors Sports Communication;and Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management.

    Louisville probably doesn't require players to attend any classes under the criminal Petrino.

    Go BC - beat Wake Forest!

  34. How is Chris Lindstrom doing with all of the added weight? It might not be good.

    I didn't watch them closely individually, but Monteiro looked awful. Others said Schmal and the grad transfer Lazard looked lost. Baker is Baker - not really a Rimington Watch guy at all. I didn't notice Phillips, Stevens or Petrula. But it doesn't matter - the NIU defense just waltzed right in.

    I think the blocking scheme is too advanced or complicated or something. Against a team like NIU, take the guy right in front of you and block him and knock him back. When our linemen start pulling to block someone else. the holes are plenty big enough for smaller defenders to come through unblocked.

    8 man front - no problem. As Chip Kelly said, this isn't the Pythagorean Theorem. If there are too many men in the box to block, throw the ball. If the odds are even, run the ball and knock the tar out of them.

    I don't think we can knock the tar out of anyone this year, and we can't execute complicated blocking schemes either. We can probably block the old, plain vanilla way.

    So let's play the odds, duh!

    That means not handing off to Hilliman up the middle every first down, and every time the whole stadium knows it's coming. Once you get the defense guessing a little bit, and off-balance, then maybe you can call for some advanced blocking schemes.

    IDK - but something stinks in Justin Frye's shop and has for a long time.

    Go BC - figure this out, for crying out loud!

    Loeffler - you need to step it up, Coach. And straighten your Offensive Line Coach out or you should fire his a$$.

  35. there is no first amendment to employees in the NFL.

    a private employer has every right to establish rules of conduct.

    the NFL in fact does have rules prohibiting speech.

    You can't honor 9/11 victims on your cleats, but you can wipe you ass with our flag.

    you can't say the refs sucks because that is not good for business.. but you can yell that Uncle Sam sucks with impunity. In fact, misguided folks like this supposed NAVY dude, will applaud you without giving the matter any thought

    The NFL prohibits touchdown dances and taunting because it is obviously rude and unseemly, but its ok to shit on the flag all day long

    bottom line: First Amendment is not the issue - the NFL management is. Kaprenick has no "right" that any GI fought for.

    The NFL could put a stop to it, but they do not respect the US of A. Fuck the NFL and don't watch it any more until Roger Goodell, stands up, take this godamn hat off and salutes our flag.

  36. Thank you, Section D. I am pleasantly surprised with your support. Like I previously stated, these prima-donna jocks have lived a privileged life since middle school. They have contributed nothing to the country except entertainment. All we ask is they stand for the national anthem which represents the men and women who fought for their ungrateful asses.

  37. Virginia Tech looks beatable this year when they come to Chestnut Hill on October 7th.

  38. Keep in mind they would have been over 30 points had a couple receivers not dropped passes and had Brown seen the tight end wide open in the endzone. The offense is clearly better this year. The O-line is struggling and I think that is more a function of they are not conditioned to run 92 plays. They were exhausted by the end of the game. As the season progresses, they should be more capable of handling the uptempo pace.

    I am more concerned with the defense.

  39. Bright side is that many top 25 teams struggled this week. Maybe we're underestimating the talent of NIU, they might be a pretty good team this year. We'll find out what this team is made of after the Wake game.

  40. Am I the only one who thinks Sweeney is criminally under-used? Especially with a young QB?

  41. How did Pete Mitchell get do wide open with QB Glen Foley?

    As a TE, I think they used to split him out. The few times I saw Sweeney, he was well covered.

    Loeffler and staff need to figure out how to get him some space because he has very good hands and he's a big target for young Mr. Brown.

    I think all of our TEs are very good.

  42. The playing of the national anthem is and always will be a special part of the pre-game ceremony in my lifetime - although it wasn't always played prior to that, as far as I know.

    It is an opportunity to honor our country and reflect on the great liberties we are afforded as its citizens.

    In respecting such American principles as freedom of religion and freedom of expression, we recognize the right of an individual like Colin Kaepernick to choose and participate, or not, in our celebration of the national anthem.

    As a veteran and as a U.S. Citizen, Kaepernick can do whatever he wants. He is paying a heavy price for his protest - basically that this is not a country where all people enjoy ....."liberty and justice for all." That's what it means to be free - you may protest, you may disagree.

    As far as I'm concerned, the individual showed courage in acting on his conscience, knowing of the negative consequences to come to him personally.

    1. Thank you for being far more eloquent than I could ever be


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