BC Fan Resources

Thursday, May 24, 2018

I guess Anthony Brown is okay

Since Anthony Brown didn't play this spring, we have no idea where he is in his recovery and how his knee is. If you want to believe an internet video, Brown is doing just fine. Take a look below.

Some caveats about the video. It is dated May 24, but we have no idea when it was actually filmed. The guy posting it is a private QB coach in New Jersey, so it would make sense that he knows and works with Brown. The players are away from campus, so it also makes sense that Brown would be working out at home.

A few other caveats. One deep post doesn't mean a ton. Brown moves in the video, but we have no idea if he is able to move around defenders.

We are still a long time away from official practices in August. I doubt Addazio will say much about Brown until then. However, this looks promising. And I will take promising during the dog days of summer.


  1. He’s got the knee brace on, something he never wore prior to the injury. This is encouraging for sure, has to be recent

  2. Bad news for the malcontent crew here.

  3. Brown the Messiah. Please.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think Brown can make the throws he needs to make for us to win. His ability to move the chains on third down with his legs is also a very nice plus. He’s still only a sophomore, he’s likely not going to win a game on his own. But he likely won’t lose us any either. We’ll win with our defense and our running game. He just needs to keep the defense honest, which he’s more than capable of. This team wins at least 8 games last year if he doesn’t get hurt

  6. Solid toss. Although the guy could've filmed ten and only posted the best one.

  7. Only Mod would call Dillon a surprise.

  8. The ball looks deflated.

  9. He is throwing to a group of stiffs.

  10. It is sunny out which won't be the case later in the season.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. The only part of that quote I understood was "Big time player and talent."

  13. I'm totally confused.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The most important thing to remember come September is that Knuckle posted 4 times in 2 minutes. Why? No one knows. But every post was thoughtful and illuminating. Thank you, Knuckle. You are a gift to the sardonic and the vain.


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