BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The longer we wait the less likely there is real news

With multiple national writers claiming Addazio was on the hotseat, many thought there would be news Sunday. Nothing happened, even as most other programs either fired or extended their respective coaches. More rumors followed and no news Monday. Blauds put up a piece claiming Addazio was offered a one year extension for less money. No one else has reported that either. Meanwhile Addazio is on the road visibly recruiting and the local press is talking basketball and bowl games with no mention of looming coaching news.

I don't have any real news, so like most of you, I am left to speculate. I don't think the one-year, low-ball extension story makes sense as a news report or as a strategy. Addazio wouldn't leak that to Blauds and I don't think Jarmond would either. That means if it is sourced -- it is heavy on speculation from someone removed from the actual discussion. I think if they were going to fire Addazio they would have done it already. 1. to lock in a new coach before the early signing day in December and 2. to avoid putting Addazio and his staff on the road locking in kids to a staff that won't coach them. The recruits get screwed during any transition but BC tries to do what's right. Putting a staff out there only to fire them when they get back to Boston isn't right.

I do believe there is some sort of impasse about the extension. Whether it is money or time or the internal politics, for some reason it hasn't been presented to the public.

We will start to get more info when Jarmond hits the road to talk to donors this week. I don't expect him to provide much insight or specifics, but the conversations will at least set an impression of where he, BC and Addazio stand.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 95% of respondents against Addazio's return on a poll on TOS. That kind of sentiment should make for some interesting conversations between Jarmond and the donors.

  3. You need a fair but ultimately tough ass kicker for an AD. Somebody Leahy would never hire.

  4. The last four years I’ve flown up from Atlanta to check a game out at the Heights. Made it a family tradition. Talked my cousins into going with me. People that never would have shown any interest in BC athletics. They all had a phenomenal time every year. After reading that BC may actually extend this loser, not anymore. That’s just ugly. And the worst part is Daz won’t even own his failures like a man. His postgame presser was absolutely pitiful.

  5. The inaction on our athletic director's part hurts my faith in his ability to properly manage this athletic department greatly; however, his remaining silence on the issue shows a complete lack of care for the fan base. He has managed to go from rising star in my book to talking head and more of the same in my opinion. He is either completely disconnected or delusional. Good luck raising that 150 million dollars when you blatantly disregard cries from those who would be donating and standard practice regarding press releases. He either does not give a rat's ass about small fans and only cares about big-time donors, or just doesn't have a clue.

  6. Loeffler to Bowling Green as HC?!??!?!?!?

  7. Can't wait to see BG put up 50 a game this year... "it will be beautiful"

  8. Addazio is looking to hire OSU's Louie Addazio for OC

  9. Just incredible they would bring this guy back. Beyond incredible that there is an extension of any kind being discussed. And as I have written previously, if he is coming back, no matter how incomprehensible that decision is, they are hurting recruiting badly by not publicly acknowledging he is coming back. This is the ultimate in clown shows and very sad.

  10. If he hires his son, like so many other scumbag coaches, I am completely through with BC Football until he is gone.

    High level patronage.

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  12. Paul Peterson. If he has been considered as BYUs OC, you would think his alma mater would give him a look: https://www.deseretnews.com/article/865693516/Snow-College-head-coach-Paul-Peterson-interested-in-BYUs-offensive-coordinator-position.html

    But knowing BC and the Dazzler, we won't.

    If not Paul Peterson, how about Steve Logan? He's still in coaching, and AB fits the mold of the type of QB that Logan likes.

    With either guy, we could have our head coach in waiting, too (another reason why it won't happen).

  13. Bring back Paul Peterson!

  14. Daz at home had 100 yards of offense against Clemson. S.Carolina on the road accumulated 600 yards of offense. 500 passing. When has Daz had a 500 yard passing attack? Not a modern football coach.

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  16. Logan would never come back and work for a guy like Daz. Peterson is coaching at his wife's alma mater -- my bet is he doesn't want to leave Utah.

    Perhaps this is Daz's camp holding everything hostage -- BC proposed the one year extension plus reduced buyout and gave him until end of week. We don't know details of current contract but I saw someone somewhere state that it is possible it has an evergreen clause that kicks in on December 1. If that is the case, Daz may be looking at other options (coaching or broadcasting) and trying to force BC's hand to fire him if he does not accept. He knows he is gone after next season no matter what.

    Loeffler, seeing the handwriting on the wall, smartly jumps ship and gets a HC gig. He was going to be gone anyway.

    What is so disappointing is the lack of leadership all around on this issue. Sure MJ can go on social media saying "We heard you!" about beer and wine sales and salted pretzels, but c'mon man....This is where it really counts....Make a decision, communicate it to the alums and players and move forward. If anyone wonders why BC football is a 7 win program, the way this situation has been handled is evidence of it....#ClownShowGotToGo

  17. Good luck to Loeffler. I am sure he is thrilled to have escaped Sgt. Slaughter.

    I agree, Paul Peterson would be a great choice ... though not sure he would be interested in working for Sgt. Slaughter ...

    The entire program is in disarray at the moment. Its a shit show. I agree, the ultimate problem lies at the feet of the long worn-out Father Leahy. Why the BOT does not force him into retirement in St. Mary's is beyond me. We need a lay person to be the next President.

    The fact that South Carolina put up 600 yards of offense on Clemson, of which 510 was through the air, is even more damning of the coaching ineptitude of Sgt. Slaughter.

  18. Bowling Green just hired Loeffler as HC. He must have convinced them that it was the Dazzler calling the plays. Which is the truth.

  19. From 2013 to 2017, BC had 500 yards passing COMBINED in consecutive games exactly 0 times. Not until the last 2 games of this year has that been accomplished (297 vs FSU and 251 vs Syracuse, in case you were wondering). Hell, even 300 yards in the "throw game" has been accomplished just once in 6 seasons - 304 this year vs Wake in a game they were distracted by an incoming hurricane.

    Someone, anyone, find us a QB, develop us a QB, and have us competitive against top 25 competition.

  20. That has been by far the biggest failure of Sgt. Slaughter during his tenure - the lack of any quality QB. The very fact that he touted Brown as some kind of special player, speaks volumes about his a) lack of recruiting skills at the position, and b) lack of talent recognition. Anyone who watches his throwing style, his decision making, etc, can clearly see how lacking he is. Recall watching how Matty Ryan threw the ball, even before he was ever a starter, vs. Brown. Its like watching a clinic vs. watching some school-yard shit. That said, that is what Sgt. Slaughter wants. He doesnt want a pro-style QB. He wants a kid who can hand the ball off and run around on do zone reads.

  21. The fact that Flutie was starting only to lose his job to a walk-on who became a RB (Fadule), who then lost his job to an athlete who became a serviceable WR (Smith), speaks volumes. Flutie was downright awful and would literally not be a backup QB at Bowling Green.

  22. So where is our next matt Ryan - McDonald? The kid will remain burried on the bench as long as Dazoshit is still here.

  23. He's not on the roster

  24. We need to fire Daz. He is a terrible coach. I can't root for the team anymore. He pulls one win out of his behind every year (a bad VT team that lost to Old Dominion) collected with some cup cake wins and ekes out a sh*t bowl and underperforms. He doesn't play to win. He is not aggressive. He sucks at game management. The kicking woes are unaceeptable. His performance in the ACC is disgraceful. The list goes on. Let's start a new regime. One the alums can be proud of ...

  25. I would say hire Brian Flores, but I dont see him coming back to his alma mater as he is a hot future NFL coaching prospect. Even if he did come back to BC, would be just to get a couple years as a head coach under on his resume. Dont see it happening though. Too much risk for him to dull his current shine.

  26. The more I think about Flores, the more I think how amazing that would be. He is young, passionate, an alum. Has trained for 15 years under the best of the best (Belichek). Would be frickin amazing. Assuming he liked recruiting, I bet he could land tons of top kids just based on his personality, background and experiences with the Pats.

    Unfortunately it wont happen. He almost became Arizona's head coach after last season. Assuming McDaniel leaves, he is the heir apparent in New England and will likely get plenty of offers to coach elsewhere even before Belichek ever calls it quits.

  27. This is pretty preposterous, but I wonder if Jarmond is dual-tracking this? I'd love to see his connections at Bowling Green. The BG's Associate Director is a BC guy. I think we all agree he's not getting the support from Leahy and BOT to move Daz. Maybe with punting Loeffler, its becoming harder for Daz to stay. I mean who on earth would be willing to be OC for Daz.

    At the end of the day, it prob. doesnt matter. Leahy is still in charge.

  28. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Dazzler would definitely leak the low-ball offer. Makes him look like a victim. Game Day was on campus for crying out loud.

  29. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Al Washington.

  30. I love Al, but like Paul Peterson, I am not sure he is ready to be HC yet.

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  33. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Jarmond cannot fire Dazzler without a replacement. Tough place to find a replacement with the restrictions. The Notre Dame OC is under wraps until the bowls are over. That make sense Mod, you regurgitating puke?

    I have two other names for you. Brian Dabol and Jerry Azzinaro.

  34. Anonymous1:04 PM

    No fucking clue what the 12:57 comment and 1:01 follow-up mean. Absolutely senseless drivel

  35. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Ohh. I have another one Al freaking Golden. That is the guy.

    Mod will love the foreplay he can make for himself by putting Golden and Eagles together. Total arousal for Mod.

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  37. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Mod you are stupid. Cannot get mad at stupid.

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  40. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Mod, you see how it takes me 10 minutes to a job it takes the tools here and person paid 600k a year lollygag around to get done. Pure accurate brillance is what you are trying to come to terms with, me.

  41. How many weak, ineffective ADs have we had now - three in a row? Jarmond is turning-out to be the weakest of them. Its a catastrophe on The Heights.

  42. Pay a decent salary 3.5- 3.6 and stop viewing BC as a way station.
    What greater glory than being Head Coach at your alma mater and making a good salary.
    Doing 15-20 % better than TOB will fill Alumni every game.
    Hopefully Coach Mac an ladies regain their momentum.

  43. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Stop saying dumb useless shit, mod. You haven't figured it out yet? Like I said and usually need to say 5 times, stop being a dumd dark cloud.

  44. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I spelled that wrong for levity.

  45. Anonymous1:38 PM

    So here is the list Martin Jarmond(no order): Al, Dabol, Azzinaro and Golden.

  46. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Told you punks last year Loeffler would bounce as soon as he could. Rent is too high here for Scottie boy. Don't the door hit you on the way out.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I think paying $2.5-$3.0mm is fine and will attract plenty of good candidates. If the right guy comes, move it up to $3-$4mm. We just built a huge practice facility, have a $2bb+ endowment, just launched a $150mm pure athletics fundraising campaign, have tons of wealthy donors, etc. The money should not be the issue. The issue again is Leahy. He clearly does not prioritize athletics and is too dumb or stubborn to realize the direct correlation between on-field success and academic success. As someone pointed out, BC is the poster-child for this clear linear relationship (i.e. Doug Flutie effect).

    If we offered $3.5-$4mm, maybe we could go get Flores, even if only for a few years. It would likely be a big raise for him and his only concern might be that he delays his time at becoming an NFL head coach - where he would make much more. If we dont want to go that route, there are plenty of others.

  49. Paul Johnson retiring at GT. Brohm has interviewed for Louisville job. If BC does not do something soon, it is clear that Sgt. Slaughter is coming back.

  50. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Cannot help yourself mod. More dumb Rutgers talk.

  51. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Did we keep the QB recruit from Detroit or did he reneg?

  52. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Maybe he will come in and get shit done next season.

  53. Does any highly sought after QB want to come play for Steve Addazio? Why would he?

  54. @janebc: you have to understand the philosophy for a qb under the Addazio system. Do some research on Temple. He just wants someone to hand off the ball to his tailback. Do some research on Andre Williams He will then run every so often and throw short passes every so often. --- The backbone of the team is the running back such as Dillon with a qb who is a "pitching machine" like in baseball. He then adds a stout defense. He just wants to keep the game close. --- The falsity of his system showed plain as "Day" in the Maryland bowl game. Loeffler had the team way ahead at half time with an offensive juggernaut. He then played turtle and the team barely hung on.---There were plenty of warning signs in reviews from the Temple regime. I believe that he was there for three years on a five year contract. The people of Philadelphia were begging him to leave.----If you look in the dictionary under "mediocre", you find his picture. For Leahy, he is sociologically correct. That is all that matters for the Jesuits with a Jesuit pontiff these days.

  55. Atl, please come down from Mt. Olympus and organize an online petition to shit-can Dazoshit. I'm begging you. For once stop being a cheerleader for the establishment.

  56. I think Bill has some good relationships with people in athletics and he may jeopardize those if he were to organize such a petition. Probably the best two ways to get the attention of the powers that be are to (in order): stop donating and stop attending games.

  57. God forbid he should go out on a limb and shake things up. Gutless cowardice


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