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Saturday, November 08, 2008

In-game comments post: Notre Dame

Image courtesy of Chris S.

Throw out the records. It's time for BC-Notre Dame. Let's turn this thing around and get back to winning.

I will not be online during the game. Leave your comments below.


  1. Looking forward to a good, hard-hitting game tonight.

    Here's the link to my Flickr page with more of the ND-BC artwork:

    Right here

    Or in longhand:


  2. Unexpected but great pick by Blackledge for Taste of the Town. I was referred there by a buddy my freshman year and for the next 3 years every once in a while to enjoy a delicious "mess."

    Game note: Notre Dame is really embarassing. Cranes playing with confidence, hes gotta keep it that way.

  3. We need to start capitalizing on this good field position. We keep getting great field position and we cant do anything with it. Lets get some more points on the board!

  4. Atlast we're snapping from center on first down, and Crane is(so far) error free./ The Defense is teeing off and Raji is a Monster in the backfield. Those picks are sweet! We're happy in L.A., Y'all!
    But there's still a half to play...
    so let's hope the running game continues to roll. It would be nice to have a couple of Offensive TD's for each of the next two qtrs.

  5. Is it just me, or does Holly Rowe look particularly delicious tonight?

    Love the hat.

  6. Is there any reason why Aponvisciously bad kicks are still happening in this game? It's friggin' embarrassing.

  7. So if BC holds on tonight the series will be tied all-time, with one more game before the series goes on hiatus. If BC wins again next year they will be ahead in the series. I'm trying to figure out how many teams that have played Notre Dame that many times lead the series, and the only team I have come up with so far is Michigan. Can anyone add to that list?

  8. I'm fairly certain it's just Michigan... but don't quote me.

  9. It's both Michigan and Michigan State with 8 straight...

  10. Well Mich and Mich St is most consecutive ND losses at 8, and we've still got a ways to go for that, but in answer to my own question, after next year we will have played ND 19 times. If we win next year then Michigan and BC will be the only teams with a winning record against ND that have played the Irish more than 16 times. Nebraska is the only other team with a significant number of games against the Irish (16) and a winning record. Other schools like FSU that have only played the Irish about 7 times have a winning record against them. Here is the website that lists these stats:


  11. Stats or whatever are fun, I guess, but we could have really wacked ND tonight and our 4th qtr just stinks.
    The offensive play calling is just wimpy and lame and I'm not exactly proud of our horsebleep detente offense. It's as bad as TOB--there's nothing going on and we should be letting these Domer dudes have it.

  12. Nice win guys. Start to finish domination.

  13. Great win...pretty much ices the BC vs.ND cake and we win the Leahy Trophy...Maybe the series will be more meaningful now that we're tied and the Domers have to hear about it more than they'd like. I was at ND in '92 when Holtz ran up the score, fake punted when they were up 37-0, and beat us 55-7. Their fans were absolute, classic jerks that night. I don't feel any mercy for the Domers. They hate us because we rocked their little world, and their players trash talk 'tude in our house tonight before the game was arrogant and stupid. Did you hear that fool, Mike Golic, going all in our faces about the end of the streak? He should change his name to Dick.

  14. great win for BC tonight...clearly a great effort. stoked to beat those arrogant jerks from their middle-of-nowhere school.

    we need to focus on defeating florida state. its one game at a time now. nothing else matters except florida state.

  15. Where exactly did taste of the town go to? I'm really eager to know.

  16. They went to Comella's. A well hidden italian gem up Washington St.

    I'm happy they didn't choose Eagle's Deli, that place is vile.

  17. there are still two more games in the current ND series after this year, not one.

  18. Touche. Two more games. Let's win them both.

  19. Buried in the BC Notebook in today's Globe is this: "The series with Notre Dame will continue for two more years, then take a hiatus, with games tentatively scheduled in 2018 and 2019."

    I assume 2009 is in South Bend and 2010 is in Chestnut Hill? Anyone know anything else?

    Sebastian: great job on the posters! ATL, Weren't you looking for some help on redesigning the site?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Samantha-

    Band: Coldplay
    Song: Viva la Vida

  22. Thanks, Old Heightsonian, I really appreciate it!


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