BC Fan Resources

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Solid effort and shutout stop skid

I think tonight we saw the team the coaches thought they had this summer. Dominant D, a "game manager" QB and some smart football players. Hats off to the defense and offensive lines. This game was won in the trenches and both did a great job. Now we are bowl eligible and control our own destiny in the division. It won't be easy, but tonight was encouraging.

Oh, and we beat Notre Dame for the sixth straight time!

Second viewing thoughts and grades late Sunday.


  1. Great win guys. Really enjoyed the two middle quarters and the defense (especially Herzy, Anderson, and Raji) was awesome. Would've like to see more energy from the coaches and players in the 4th quarter but that was as dominant a 17-0 win as I've ever seen. Hopefully we can keep this up next week. Go Eagles!

  2. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Congrats on the shutout--I bet that was extra satisfying. My Heels ruined their shutout late in the fourth, how disappointing.

  3. Pull the plug on this "rivalry." It isn't even fun beating these frauds anymore. The USC series can't come soon enough.

  4. Heading back South - we lucked out on the weather last night. The tailgating situation at BC is a big problem and getting to the game is a hassle for many fans.

    I have a space on the new Brighton Campus, and there's plenty of room to tailgate there without bothering the neighbors, but GDF couldn't wouldn't pull it off. Now I know why fans arrive for the game late.

    As for the game, it was apparent early that ND would have a problem scoring, so we opted for as conservative a game plan as I have ever seen. Still, it's great beating these guys, and if we can win next year(?) - we can make the Irish beg to play us again someday:-).

    Irish Hockey looked pretty good on Friday night - and BC fans typically say "it's only Novemeber - see you in March".

    The defense really looked good last night - and so did the offensive line pretty much. Was really sorry to see McCluskey get hurt as we ran out the clock - hope he's not gone for the rest of the year.

    Florida State is fast - we had better get ready. We can do this BC - go Eagles.

  5. Any idea which recruits (if any) were on campus to see it?

  6. How about the entire student section staying 20 minutes after the game as the band played til they passed out? Hope this becomes tradition, it was pretty cool.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The D certainly came to play and the offense managed not to blow it.

    It was a bittersweet win for the seniors, who couldn't quite seem to believe that the home season was over (most won't be on campus for the Maryland game). I've been to every home game during my stint here at BC and it was tough to leave those stands last night.

    If it had to end, though, this was a pretty good way to go out.

    BC '09

  9. jim: Enjoy every moment of it, but also know "it" never really ends. I hope you'll make it back to Alumni many times as a proud alumnus.

  10. Call me crazy, but I think we'll have a surprisingly good turnout for the Maryland game (assuming the game will mean something). This is a new breed of Superfans.

  11. Hopefully the students will come back early from their Thanksgiving Holiday for the Maryland Game.


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