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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Students step up

BC fans catch a lot of grief. Some of it is deserving. But our student section has been going strong now for ten years. After the ND win an impromptu concert broke out as neither the students nor the band went home. They sang and cheered an additional 30 minutes. Here is some of the video.

When BC ruled the world from Christopher Skillman on Vimeo.

Thanks to Chris S. for the clip.


  1. Good job, student section and band. They sounded plenty loud on TV. Hard to believe the Superfans have been around for 10 years now and still going strong.

  2. I don't know if they showed it on ESPN but while the band was playing their first song or two there were players dancing on the field with the students, a fun night.

  3. Was at the game last night and had a great time, but what is with crowd noise being played over the loud speaker? I know people have brought that up before, and some people said that it doesn't happen.
    I'm an '01 BC alum, but was sitting in the ND section with my brother, and there was definitely crowd noise being played over the speaker. Is that even allowed? I found it a bit annoying, and thought it made us look bad.
    I would say I thought the student section did a good job, and thought ND didn't travel all that well (at least my section wasn't full).

  4. Great night for all the fans at Alumni last night. I'm not sure if it was the way the Irish were playing, but that was the quietest visitors section I've seen all year, including URI and UCF.

  5. I defended the crowd noise not being played over the loudspeaker, but I've since learned that it does happen. What most likely happens is that the band section is miked and the band also happens to be directly in the student section, which as a result makes the very loud student section noise amplified.

    I guess they could turn off the mike in between band songs? But the band plays with such frequency on defense (after every stop basically) that it probably would just be a pain.

    I"d rather believe it's a consequence of that and not that we actively try and mike our crowd. I just don't see that being a part of BC mentality.

  6. Class of 1993 (proud to have stormed the field in South Bend after The Kick), have season tickets, and attended BC-ND game with my wife (1995) and 9 year old daughter. Must say I honestly cannot remember a time when the student section was that into a game. We stood there watching them dance and sing for a good 20 minutes after the game -- it was fun to watch. We were definitely jealous we weren't in there with them.

    This is how the culture changes -- a few years from now, a "gold rush" across the entire stadium a la Penn State's "white out" will be much easier to pull off.

  7. Watching that video makes me wish I could have been back in alumni rather than watching from home...what a great memory for all of those there.

  8. These kids actually sing along to the alma mater after the games. Impressive.

  9. While I was in the student section and loving every minute of last night's game, the band's music choice is honestly garbage. Since when is Coldplay considered football music? I just shake my head whenever they start playing that or the "Rockstar" song. Embarrassing.

  10. the fans seem to enjoy the Coldplay song... it's kind of become our new tradition...

  11. they play ONE line of the coldplay song which features an energetic chorus (it's not like they're playing "the scientist"). most importantly it gets everyone into the game. i say keep it going.

  12. Damn, I wish I didn't have to leave right after the game. But I did manage to stay for the Alma Mater and left right as the players left, and it was going pretty strong. Kudos to you, student section.

  13. Couldn't have been prouder after the game: the team played great, and the student section literally stayed 25 min.+ after the final whistle- singing and dancing with the band until several of the players themselves joined in on the field.

    On a night that didn't rain nearly as much as was prognosticated; with a ND victory that never gets old; and the clock running out on the last real home game of the season, nearly the entire student section just didn't want the game, the night, or the home football slate to end.

    Can't imagine a more fitting way for a senior class to go out. Definitely a memory of BC I will never forget.

  14. By the way: ND fan section was borderline pathetic. Poor attendance and poor energy. In total seriousness, the worst away crowd of the season; save, perhaps for URI.

    I know BC is not one to talk, but just wanted to reiterate the surprising, but very true, observation.

    Regardless, great game and good momentum going into the home stretch.

    Go Eagles.

  15. Absolutely great crowd last night. Was there with a friend who's an ND grad. I was really proud of our crowd - - and really surprised how weak the ND visiting crowd was. I have to agree it was the lamest of the visiting crowds we've had this year.

    It was great to get the win. The D was fantastic. They made Clausen look like a confused freshman - again.

    Unfortunately our offense wasn't much better. Crane did "manage" the game OK, and he's got to get credit for no INT's, but we're going to need some actual offensive production as we head down the stretch.

    As an aside, my family and I were showing our friends from ND around our beautiful campus on this beautiful Novermber Sunday, and we bumped into Herzy, Haden and a couple of other players filtering out of Alumni after some meetings. These guys were unbelievably cool and classy. Chatting up my 12 year old son, who was in total awe, they posed for pictures and really represented our University as well as we could hope. Even our ND guests had to admit they were impressed.
    These players are great. Go BC!

  16. I think, in all fairness, the ND fans had nothing to cheer for. From their very first possession, it was clear that their offense was outmatched.

  17. AlbanyEagle:

    Haden and Herzy et al. were, one might say, BC Guys? Sounds like they were. Awesome.

  18. I don't always stay for the Alma Mater, probably 40% of the time, and 60% of the time head out for the tailgate after the clock strikes 0. But I'm glad I chose to stay on saturday. Couldn't agree more that the Alma Mater, For Boston, and Viva La Vida all kept rocking and I was so impressed that the student section remained full and everyone was yelling and jumping the whole time. Great to see.

  19. In terms of the song selection: I know Coldplay isn't really traditional pump-up music, but we'll keep playing it as long as the entire student section keeps singing along.

    It was a great game to watch and an exciting win. I'm glad we had a chance to stick around and party, since it's the ::tear:: second to last home game I'll ever play for.


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