BC Fan Resources

Friday, November 14, 2008

Rice suspended for three games and other links [UPDATED]

The basketball season starts tonight without Tyrese Rice. The senior guard will miss the first three games of the season for the purposely vague "violation of team rules." He'll be back for the Saint Louis game. BC should be fine without him tonight.

[UPDATED] FSU announced Taiwan Easterling, Bert Reed, Corey Surrency, Cameron Wade and Richard Goodman will miss the BC game due to suspension.

BC is recruiting Jonathan Davis as a running back.

According to this write up BC is in the mix of DC guys Andrew Crawford and Stephon Robertson.


  1. Just 'cause we're playing FSU on the gridiron doesn't mean the rest of our athletes have to act like them...

  2. Are you kidding me? Deja Vu, there's one every year.

  3. Gah. There goes any chance of me seeing the Eagles in MSG this year.

  4. 5 suspended


  5. I really hope the Eagles win tonight, or this could be Robert Morris all over.

  6. Any idea what happened to rice? I was so excited for bball season. All the media articles focused on Rice having a new outlook and focus on his senior year. Definitely puts a damper on the start of the season. I hope we can pull three wins somehow. This sucks.

  7. Looking at some of the FSU blogs, you would think we will barely give them a game. I get that they are having a better year than they have had recently, but they are far from a powerhouse team right now. And while we are not exactly lighting things up, we aren't exactly Middle South Arkansas JC.

    I don't disagree with a lot of the analysis (like we can't kick field goals and Crane makes a lot of mistakes) but I actually think they will be shocked if we are even able to score a single point on them.

    I'm thinking maybe we should not bother to show up after reading their previews.

  8. Unbelieveable news on Rice. Remember how he-- rightfully-- went off on **** ******** for being "so selfish" in getting kicked off the team?

  9. Hopefully the young guys can step up in Rice's absence; Not a good start to the year...

  10. Don't get too down on Rice. I obviously can't say what he did but it wasn't a Sean Williams selfish thing. More like last year's suspension where he did something in the NCAA grey area and BC is being cautious.


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