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Friday, November 14, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Rice suspension shortened to 1 game

Still listed under violation of team rules, but now Rice will only miss Friday's game. He will play in all the preseason NIT games.


  1. Just got back from the game...I liked what I saw. Rakim Sanders just looked like a beast, Trapani was a great rebounder and hit some nice shots. Paris looked much better, I though he had much more of a grasp of the offense and ran the team well in Rice's absence. I was impressed by the freshmen also. Jackson is really explosive and athletic, Ellmore looks like a solid player and Ravanel moved much better than I though, he was pretty athletic for a guy his size. Roche is a lost couse at this point, I wouldn't play him. He missed a few open shots. Raji didn't have his best game but he was active on the glass. Im exited to see what the team can do with Rice in the lineup.

  2. Just to put things in perspective a little, this opponent was TINY. Or, should I say, tiny. No player was taller than 6'6. And they only had one Sr. and one Jr. The rest were underclassmen. Much like our team, with 1 sr, 1 jr, 7 soph and 3 frosh.

    Also, I want to link the box score from last year's first game and this year's first game. Rice was suspended for both. Paris looked fantastic last year starting game one, also, playing all 40 minutes (19-4-5 with 2 TO). Sanders had virtually the same stat line (22-6 vs. 24-7) and Raji (7-4 vs. 8-4). Even the minutes are similar. The only difference is Roche, who got worse.. hah



    Now I know box scores don't tell the whole story. I am encouraged because we have Southern and Trapani who can shoot from the elbow in the flex offense (Southern has a nice touch, somehow). Trapani isn't afraid to shoot the 3-ball either. Jackson looked like he has potential (I agree with the explosiveness/athleticism), but I doubt that he will play a consistent role. I feel like it will be boom or bust -- 12 minutes with 0 points or 20 minutes with 12 points. But he certainly is an energy guy, and that is nice to see on a Skinner team. I am looking forward to seeing Rice and him on the court at the same time.

    Dunn looks like a stiff still.

    I didn't get much of a read on Ravenel or Elmore... Maybe one will emerge... we will see as the rotation starts to solidify itself.

    This team encourages me a bit, and will certainly look better with Rice at the point. But... we don't have a PF. This will be a problem when we start conference play. That means that Trapani needs to play tough (and it looks like he might) and Sanders needs to crash the boards more frequently. Unless of course, Rice is driving, and then, well, we know what our transition D is like.

    1-0.... let's take it slow.

  3. I'm watching the ESPNU basketball signing day special and it gets pretty annoying when BC keeps scrolling across the bottom of the screen with "no prospects committed" I know Al usually lands talent late, but what am I missing here?

  4. We only have one scholarship for the 2009 recruiting class (Rice's spot). Granted, I too would like to see Al lock down a recruit, but it's not like we're dealing with 3-4 slots.

  5. Thats a good point, with only one scholarship available and knowing Skinner he will save it for the last minute.

    Maybe someone can talk Roche into giving up his scholarship. That would undoubtedly be his greatest contribution to the team.

  6. @ The Big Guy

    Seriously, this is like watching John Oates reincarnate, but with 200% less heart. He contributes absolutely NOTHING to the team. Where was that shooting touch I heard so much about when he was like 0-4 from three last night? Sheer uselessness

  7. that's what you get for recruiting kids from NH (Bonner doesn't count). Maybe he can kick a field goal?

  8. Big game in Tallahassee tonight - let's leave the BC vs Central Connecticut State discussion for another time.

    Get us back on track atleagle - this is a playoff game, for goodness sake.

    Go BC beat Florida State

  9. In honor of McCluskey (and Megwa, Toal and Albright) let's see Codi Boek throw a TD pass tonight.


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