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Saturday, November 15, 2008

In-game comments post: Florida State

We are now in the unofficial ACC tournament. Win and we are still alive. Lose and it is Boise or San Francisco. Let's hope the black out is good luck for us again.

I will not be online during the game. Leave your comments below.



  2. You can say a lot of things about Jags, but know this, he has kahunas that Tom O'Brien only dreams about...

  3. Who is this team and what have they done with BC!


  4. Did we really just punt from the opponents 36 with 2 yards to go??? What the hell?

  5. Would have liked to have gone for on 4th down at the 36...we gained 16 yards on that punt.

    Strange to kick onside in the 1st quarter but not go for it on 4th and two.

  6. I wonder what it feels like to be crushed by Brace or Raki on a tackle for loss.

  7. Herzlich is everywhere.

    Raji, not Raki.

    Yes, that was 3 comments in a row.

  8. BC needs to take advantage when they have good field position on the road.

    Looks like yet another game where our defense is going to have to win it for us.

  9. What happened to Harris? The guy leads you to your first score and then you don't play him again? Don't get it.

  10. Awesome defensive play call by spaziani. Great return Bowman!

  11. Crap, another opposition TD set-up by absolutely shitty kick-off coverage.

    This has the feel of the North Carolina game.

  12. How was that helmet to helmet? The receiver turned his head toward the tackle?

  13. I have the Oklahomda game here... does anyone have a link to watch the game at?

  14. Boy, that Ponder is fast!

  15. eagle1331, it's on ESPN 360 and Gameplan if you want to buy either. Othewise, i think you can listen to most of these games on the weei boston website.

  16. 2 Picks!

    Go Defense!

  17. Hmmm.... I keep wanting to enjoy this, but I feel like it's all going to come crashing down any minute.

  18. man. I'm not positive as to whether or not I should be feeling good about the game.

    I have this feeling we're like, a minute away from going down

  19. I'm about ready to turn to the Wedding Crashers on CBS.

    Vaughn and Wlson never let me down.

  20. The BC offense needs to get their butts in gear here. You absolutely will not win big games scoring just 7 points in a half. They need to man up and stick the ball in the endzone.

  21. http://www.justin.tv/redbulls

    for game.

    Guns don't kill people, Ron Brace does.

  22. Whats with Crane still playing football? 2 first half fumbles, though I won't fault him for the first one due to 2 O-LAY blocks from RT(lapham?) and harris. Costonzo is having another shitty game too.

    Hopefully we can get some offense going in the 2nd half. The defense can only do so much.

  23. Fear not, my Eagle Nation. Our guys are crazy tonight and we are now feared by the men in black leotards. Raji and Brace are truly kicking tail. Spaz and Logan are doing their thing. Crane has drunk the koolaid and burned the 'Noles and they are afraid of his unpredictable powers (as we fear them,too!) Yes, the game will be close--but believe in BC. This is our night.We will leave it all on the field. They may be quick but we are mean. We are dominating this game. (Even though we have no kicker...)We will beat these sun-drenched Floridians with our insane toughness. C'mon, believe it--Our D will rule the 2nd half.
    and now, back to my half-time margarita.

  24. MMason,

    Can you sling some margaritas my way? These close games drive me nuts

  25. logan is putting us in a position to succeed right now. i am enjoying the methodical play calling.

  26. Montel Harris is a man amongst boys.

  27. FSU must be kicking itself for not finding Harris in their own back yard.

    ... That's the Chris Crane I know... can't hit a wide open guy 10 yards away.

    Glad we made a FG though.

  28. The inability to punch it in from the 2 yard line is brutal. Florida State is too fast and can score much too quickly to leave points on the field.

    Thank God Apo came through with the 3.

  29. These are L.A. margarita's--sassy but not impertinent. As the world burns around us, we watch the Eagles burn the 'Noles and fight over the fresh limes. Keep the faith--and pass the salt. The D wins championships...the
    eye-black scares the refs. It's all good.

  30. Wow, Harris is the real deal...thank you Duke for giving him to us.

  31. wow, what a stiff arm by harris. thank god we put that one in the endzone.

  32. Mmason,

    Don't stop slugging those margaritas! They are the good luck charm.

    Lot of time left so the defense needs to keep playing tough.

  33. Damn, Jags got a taste of his own medicine with the fake punt. Well, let's keep them out of the endzone.

    This was all set up by another terrible field position kickoff

  34. Crud, we just cannot get separation from these guys.

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  36. let's try to not get cocky. this is looking very iffy right now

  37. I can't blame Crane for that one. That guy jumped about 10 feet to bat the ball.

    I ca blame Logan for throwing when you are dominating on the ground. Just pound it on these guys!

  38. Gause is a man! Are we lean and mean?
    Eagle Nation!It's margarita time!

  39. Yeah Gause!

    Now we need to move the ball and get the defense a little rest as they are dog tired right now.

    I hate these cardiac games.

  40. Gause is a man! Are we lean and mean?
    Eagle Nation!It's margarita time!

  41. herbstreet is drooling over us..... while musberger thinks this is the upset of a century.

  42. this crowd is out of it right now... i love it.

  43. At last the world knows! My Eagle Nation People--we have done that which we knew we could! Pass the Salt and cut the Limes! We are PRIMETIME again!

  44. And as the smoke clears, Corey Reynolds--cojones are not kahunas! Go Eagles!

  45. That was absolutely awesome. I am over the moon. I hope the people that were talking about Jags being on the hot seat a couple weeks ago will realize how ridiculous that was. I love the enthusiasm he brings to our program. Fair play to Crane, he played very well. Even the fumbles and INT were more good plays by them than his mistakes. Sure the fumbles were avoidable, but they did get their hands in there. This is a great win.

  46. Merry Christmas Bedford Falls!

    Great win on the road and how about that final drive!

    I was very critical of the offense in the 1st half but they stepped it up in the second for the key victory. Revenge for last year!

  47. mason-you are to be complimented for your self assured fortitude. You believed when others doubted. Great all around game. Keep the blender going and on to Wake.

  48. In typical BC fashion, another nail-biter, but we did dominate and deserved the hard fought victory. Living in the ATL, nothing will be finer than seeing my FSU buddies tomorrow! How much do we have to pay Bowden to wear the black jerseys next year in Chestnut Hill?

  49. Looking ahead to Wake Forest since the game is unlikely to be on ABC in New York will I get the game on ESPN? Thanks all.

  50. i loved Herbstreit's in-depth coverage of the post-game scuffle.. it made FSU look like a bunch of sore losers. i only caught the last quarter, but i heard a lot of gushing over BC. great win.

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  52. Eagleboston: love the "It's a Wonderful Life" reference. Greatest movie. Ever. That's basically how I feel now after the victory.

  53. Any more details about the post game scuffle? (Missed the last few minutes).

  54. Basically, Parker (FSU wide receiver asshat) threw a hissy fit and slammed his helmet into the ground at the end of regulation. A BC player came over I think to just say "hey man, good game, them's the breaks" and Parker started pushing and shoving. That's about it.

    That was an awesome game by Spaz. Crane wasn't stellar but still competent. Harris is the future of the BC running game. And how about them linebackers? Who needs Toal? It's official: recruiting rankings are completely meaningless.

  55. I'll see you in Winston Salem.

    Let's go BC - bring it home.

    It will be interesting to see if the team can maintain this intensity. They looked strong and confident last night - which is basically the way they should look at this point. We have some very good players.


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