BC Fan Resources

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Statement game

Forget survive and advance. That was a dominating performance from start to finish. I think the score was a little misleading as BC was in control throughout. Things weren't perfect though, but all units played well as a whole.

The win is nice but we still need to run the table to get to Tampa. If we play like we did tonight, it can be done.

Second viewing thoughts and grades late Sunday.


  1. Amen to that. Be interesting to see how the FSU blooger community rationalizes this one. We weren't supposed to be able to move the ball much less stop their running attack. Leading rusher - the punter!

    Great effort from the team and great game plan from the coaches.

  2. This was just another illustration of how great our defense can play. Three huge picks (one in the endzone) and one returned for a TD. Yeah, they gave up seventeen, but one drive was really just two trick plays. And on another it was our offense giving away field position like candy at the mall. But man, the whole D just really stepped up and frustrated the crap out of the opposition. The one long run on the throw to the flat (where Akins blew the tackle) was the only real run after catch. The running game was stifled. I just hope big Ron's ankle is okay after watching him limp off.

  3. I really liked the play calling tonight. We stuck to the run finally and the swing pass to Haden was beatiful, shows what he can do in space, even though that gimpy ankle slowed him down.

  4. Best post of the season: Mmason

    " Fear not, my Eagle Nation. Our guys are crazy tonight and we are now feared by the men in black leotards. Raji and Brace are truly kicking tail. Spaz and Logan are doing their thing. Crane has drunk the koolaid and burned the 'Noles and they are afraid of his unpredictable powers (as we fear them,too!) Yes, the game will be close--but believe in BC. This is our night.We will leave it all on the field. They may be quick but we are mean. We are dominating this game. (Even though we have no kicker...)We will beat these sun-drenched Floridians with our insane toughness. C'mon, believe it--Our D will rule the 2nd half.
    and now, back to my half-time margarita."

    Just thought that needed to be said.

  5. Apologies to the coaching staff...I gave up on Icabod the Headless..no more of my premature noise on playing Davis. Two competent games from our resurrected QB. That's all we need; deliberate on-field management... our D and the O-line will carry us to Oranges...go Eagles

  6. OHHHHHHH Oh-OH-Oh-ohoh oh OH OH Oh oh OH OH OH!!!

    OHHHHHHH Oh-OH-Oh-ohoh oh OH OH Oh oh OH OH OH!!!

    I'm so excited, I could throw a chair.

    If anyone had any doubts about how much more important character, intelliegence, and discipline are than fast legs, he/she should no longer. FSU helped us considerably by beating itself both off and on the field. The self-inflicted wounds in the feet of the FSU players this morning are numerous. I hope Bowden remains at FSU for years. As long as he remains, nothing will change.

  7. Also, God bless HD. May she continue to pick against us for the remainder of the season. I'm sending her flowers tomorrow morning.

    Finally, I do not want BC to be ranked after this win. Rankings are a jinx for us. Frankly, I'd prefer if we won the remainder of our games and didn't crack the top 25.

  8. Love how we're barely ranked. That's ok, keep showing us no respect and we'll keep winning. I don't remember the last time a ranked ACC team won a game anyway.

  9. speaking of rankings. it's important to NOT be ranked for the maryland game. their a different team when they play a ranked opponent. lets hope for an ugly win against wake.

  10. Looking forward to your analysis, atleagle.

    Any word on Brace? - just a bruised leg I hope. They cut block him all the time.

    See y'all in Winston Salem. By the way, after the UNC disappointment, we had to go back to Charlotte on Sunday to drop my daughter and her boyfriend off at the airport. We drove through Old Salem on the way - but also took a tour around the Wake Forest Stadium - the purpose being to remind myself that I would be back for a MEANINGFUL GAME. I had not given up hope in any way.

    Here comes our next "playoff" game.

    Go BC beat the Demon Deacons - we owe them one in their own stadium!

    I'm with you, Adam - I couldn't care less about the rankings right now.

  11. Wow.

    That game was something else. Very, very impressive effort by the Eagles and the coaching staff. Everybody played their roles and played them well.

    As somebody who was skeptical of the coaching staff (or at least the non-D part of the coaching staff) at the beginning of this year, I feel obligated to say the following: they are really, really good coaches. We haven't had a staff this good since Tom Coughlin built the modern Alumni Stadium.

    Two straight years, it looked like the season was going down the drain in late October -- last year it was consecutive losses to FSU and Maryland, this year to UNC and Clemson. And on the heels of those games...BC came out and submitted incredibly strong performances -- last year Clemson, Miami and VaTech in the ACC Championship game (which BC was a late-first-half momentum swing away from winning by two or three TDs); and this year, Notre Dame and FSU.

    I don't know where the team will go from here -- it's all in front of them, and they certainly have the defense to do it. But even if not, the improvement of this team from just two weeks ago is INCREDIBLE. The offensive line that showed up last night was light years better than the one that played against UNC and Clemson. The D is aggressive in spots -- and the right spots at that.

    Harris and Haden will be a formidable duo for years to come. And Chris Crane has gone from wild and costly to conservative and game managing. Still too many turnovers, but he has become a QB the Eagles can win with.

    Huge win. Fun win. This is a transition year -- there's no other way to put it -- and the Eagles are right there on the doorstep. Incredibly impressive, especially considering where they were at this time two weeks ago.

    Well done.


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