BC Fan Resources

Friday, May 22, 2009

Did baseball do enough? and other links

The BC baseball team finished 2-1 in their ACC Tournament pool. However, it wasn't enough to advance within the conference championship. But the positive showing could be enough to get BC into the NCAA Tournament. This projection has BC in and so does this blogger.

HD looked at the new coaches in the ACC and predicted a 5-7 start to the Spaz era. Not all bad press from HD today. She gives much deserved credit to Bowman and Davis.

Despite starting all 16 games last year and playing well, the Bears still think Josh Beekman is undersized.


  1. I hope Josh doesn't have the Flutie Curse.

    Always performing well, but he was never tall enough

  2. Guard had turned into a road gradder position. Beekman is strong and compact so he can do the job, but I imagine he's a bit small when facing the massive noses in the 3-4.

    Wonder if this gets Beeks to center, where many thought he was a natural.

  3. As someone who is slightly more of a Bears fan than a BC fan, I would say that playing well is a bit of an overstatement. I loved Beekman when he was at BC and think he will make a good NFL guard soon, he could still use some time to mature and become the player the Bears want him to be even if this does not happen on the field. Offensive line is a difficult position to adjust to and Beekman could be better off in the long run playing as a utility back up this year.


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