BC Fan Resources

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fenway for football?

Fenway was supposed to host the ACC Baseball Tournament. There has been talk of playing a BC-BU ice hockey game there and I've floated the idea of a bowl game in Fenway, but no one has seriously considered a regular season game there in decades. That didn't stop Ivan Maisel from listing it as a location for a BC-Auburn game (thanks to Kevin for the link). The novelty and the SEC opponent would allow for inflated ticket prices that would easily exceed any lost revenue from moving the game from Alumni. I don't think this type of game will happen nor would I want it to be a regular occurrence, but one game against a marquee team in Fenway would be huge.


  1. As a future alumnus (2010), I would come from anywhere in the country to see BC play an SEC team in Boston. I am honestly sick and tired of getting third rate non-conference home games. BC needs to stick its neck out and play a few non-conference games that we have a chance of losing. We have the opportunity to appeal to Catholics nationwide a la Notre Dame, maybe not to the same extent but if we win on national scale it may not be too hard to turn a few.

  2. Anonymous9:00 AM

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  3. Anonymous9:30 AM

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  4. I don't think BC will ever have a team as good as Auburn on our non conference schedule anytime soon. It would be great to catch a game at Fenway or even at the Patriots stadium.

  5. J Mac, perhaps you forget about USC in a few years (2012-13, if I recall). I actually think playing - and beating - the Auburns and Illinoises of the world (as well as Notre Dame) would be better for our rep than hanging with USC. It's more important to win against good teams than to look competitive against elite ones.

  6. I think it would be a great idea to play an annual game at Fenway. It would be a great way to generate buzz for the program each year.

    I remember back in '07, there was talk about playing Florida State on Labor Day night. However, because of the rules of Newton, we couldn't play a weeknight home game that season and any game would have needed to move off campus. In retrospect, Fenway would have been a great place to kick off that season.


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