BC Fan Resources

Friday, October 12, 2007

ACC rooting guide

No TOB game this week, so I am going with logic. Here are the teams who would help BC by winning Saturday.

-- Virginia. Helps ACC. Hurts UConn.
-- Georgia Tech. Helps our resume and undermines future opponent Miami.
-- Duke. Undermines future opponent VT.
-- UNC. Helps ACC.


  1. why does the ND game scare the hell out of me?

  2. 1. Because we have a lot more to lose than they do - the oppostie of the usual sitaution.
    2. Because it is hard to shake the past and you keep expecting the TOB let down game
    3. Because we probably aren't the 4th best team in the country (but we probably are in the top dozen) and it makes us nervous to be that high.
    4. Because you have seen us struggle a little against Army and UMass.
    5. BUT REALLY IT IS BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED ND PLAY. IF YOU HAD, YOU WOULD REALIZE THAT THEY ARE REALLY NOT VERY GOOD. IN FACT THEY ARE BAD. They lost to an OK GA Tech team, an average Michigan team, a below average Penn State team, a below average Michigan State team and an OK Purdue team. They beat a pathetic version of a schitzo UCLA team with a walk-on QB who was scared out of his mind. A Brady Quinn led ND team might be scary. These guys - not so much.

  3. I have been a college football fan for many years.

    I have seen BC upset bettet teams and saw many other upsets on TV, etc.

    I really don't see this ND team as being capable of the upset. Hopefully we won't have a lot of turnovers to help them make it scary.

    But I really think we'll come out strong, with a great plan and the Irish will be playing from behind all afternoon. I hope we see some early "Logan Explosion Plays" to send the message that they have no chance.

    The BC players are pretty poised and should not get rattled at all.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'd prefer VT to win rather than Duke. A Hokie victory would increase our strength of schedule considering our upcoming meeting in Blacksburg, would raise the profile of our Thurs. night showdown, and would increase the value of a future win/dampen the blow of a close loss.

    I'm of the opinion that as long the matchup involves squads from the Coastal division, better to preserve elites than bring them down. Much rather play the best than mediocrity.


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