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Saturday, October 13, 2007

In-game comments post: Notre Dame

This game means nothing in the standings but everything in the big picture. BC better make it a good one. I will not be online during the game. Leave your comments and thoughts below. Follow Jeff's example from earlier in the week and stay classy.


  1. Aponavicius is God awful. How can you kick a 45 yard FG but miss an extra point? 3 on the season! Where Bennett?

  2. Bennett's injured - you won't see him today.

  3. Well, we have ourselves a ballgame. I figured this would come down to a field goal or a turnover (although it is very early and we always start slow). We seem to be moving the ball very well so hopefully we can wear this defense down as the game progresses. Our defense is playing well so I figure if we can score 20 points, we can win this game.

  4. Whoa, the NBC sideline reporter is hot!

  5. The "first round prospect" Cherilus is killing BC yet again.

  6. Well, I guess you can't solely blame Cherilus for the drive stalling, but that is two false starts that placed us in bad positions. Every stop gives ND hope and if they score a TD, we're playing from behind. In fairness to the BC offense, we have been in poor field position this game.

  7. Did they say Poles had an Achilles tendon problem? Ouch, that is normally a very serious situation.

  8. yes, they said Poles had an Achilles tendon problem and would be out the remainder of the game.

  9. Well that's 7 points that Aponavicius has blown. Nice.

  10. IT should be 21 - 0 right now. ND sucks. Lets get a TD on this punks before the half.

  11. Come on BC - Come on Logan - Come on Ryan.

    Let's get going - enough of this baloney.

    Put the ball into the end zone. Don't rely on the kicker - he's done for the day already.


  13. Anyone know why BC has a black patch on the left shoulder of their uniforms?

  14. yeah its for VTECH. I wondered the same thing when I was at GTECH.


  16. about time. if we don't win by 30 its a shame

  17. Apon got one through! It's a miracle! I never thought I would say this but he leaves me longing for the days of Sandro Sciortino.

  18. My local station didn't pick up the game until late in the 1st period due to Alabama - Ole Miss.

    Which team kicked off?

  19. I doubt we will win by 30, but if BC gets up by 3 scores, there is no way the ND offense can catch us. But, 13-0 has me a little nervous.

  20. I'd love to see us just wear them out in the 2nd half. Shut them out and win 27 to 0 - that would be nice.

    Of course 34, 41 or 48 to 0 would be nice as well. Just dreaming.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. BC kicked off... ND got one first down and then punted

  23. What is frustrating is that we are so much better than them. They suck. I think army is better than them. We need to slam it down their throats and win this game by four scores. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!

  24. 3 false starts and counting for that mental midget. If he got his head on straight, he'd actually be decent.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. THANK GOD FOR OUR D!!!!!!

  27. Nice 4 man rush and drop zone coverage giving up yet another passing touchdown. Why does Spaz still refuse to blitz every down? Idiotic.

  28. the penalties are ridiculous!

  29. TAKE HIM OUT OF THE GAME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Cherilus is God-awful. Time to get nervous again.

  31. I am really mad and fired up now. Let's roll, BC.

    Let's see how tough we are.

    Those holding calls were awful.

  32. completely nervous again.

    missed extra point and blocked FG are looking REALLY bad now.

  33. Kiss that Heisman goodbye now Ryan.

  34. And then again maybe not.

  35. PENALTYS!!!! IS TOB ON THE SL? this is the worst game I have ever watched.

  36. They should have reviewed that Challenger catch. Had his foot down on that one. Jags was caught sleeping at the helm.

  37. HE WAS IN bounds!!!!

  38. This refereeing is awful. How is there a block in the back in the defending team?

  39. Ouch mistakes, personal fouls are killing us! We will be lucky to win this one. Sharpley off the bench is a heck of a spark for ND. I don't know why Weiss does not play him every game.

    I still have not changed my thinking that this game is going down to a field goal.

  40. I'm hoping that missed ND field goal is the aformentioned field goal to decide the game.

    BC has only given of 23 yards on the ground!

  41. If BC is planning on going for it on 4th down, why do they insist on calling a run for a 1 yard gain and then leave a 4th and 10? Second time this game that happened.

  42. Tough call by Jags. If he had punted it and it went in the end zone, ND would have the ball on the 20, so they only gave up 5 yards (but they may have hurt Ryan). On the other hand, Ayers may have been able to pin the deep.

  43. No blitz=another long completion by the opponent. Blitz every down! ND can't stop it. Spaz is awful.

  44. I don't know Bravesbill, they blitzed on the Carlson play and Sharpley evaded the defender. Silva left his assignment and that is why the TE was wide open.

    Our offense needs to kill some time next possession.

  45. Wow, luck of the Irish is with the Eagles. They got totally screwed on that 1st down.

    Now the offense needs to move the ball as there is a ton of time left.

  46. The blitz play worked, the execution did not. The blitz, 90% of the time has killed ND. ND has made 2 plays when BC blitzed, and it was because BC couldn't finish a tackle.

  47. I'm hoping that is an ankle injury for Challenger and not a knee.

  48. Wow, the LSU - Kentucky game is going to overtime!

  49. I have had enough. FUCK!!!

  50. so i thought it would be different with Jagz, but I guess its our school policy not to blow teams out and not to win the National Championship! I need to find a new team to root for!!!!!! WE SUCK!!

  51. Vincent, take a chill pill. We're alright. All of those myopians who predicted a 30 point blowout just don't understand college football. It's going to be close, but we will win this game.

  52. I watched Sharpley in the Purdue game and I can't figure out why Weiss does not start him every game.

  53. I know just once I want to see us have 65 points!

  54. Yeah, the decision to start Clausen all the time is puzzling. At least that offense has a chance with Sharpley. Also, nice 6 penalties by Cherilus. Inexcusable. His draft stock is constantly falling.

  55. Can someone explain how a kicker gets injured?

  56. Decent effort- moved the ball well all game, could have easily dropped a 50 spot on ND if we had executed like we did v. GTech.

    Two observations:

    1.) The OLine was horrendous in terms of penalties. We need to shore that up if we want to take take 4 of the next 5 (I feel like we're going to go 2 out of three on the road).

    2.) Penalties in general killed us, but some of that had to do with the officiating which I felt was sloppy in addition to being penalty happy on both teams throughout. I don't have a problem with the false start calls, but the personal fouls (particularly the late hit out of bounds, the helmet first tackle and the roughing the kicker) were all pretty borderline.

    Solid W. At the end of the day, a win is a win. Can't wait for a true test with the showdown in Blacksburg.

  57. please, someone shoot bravesbill in the head. Please. Please. Please. Judging by his comments during these threads each week, I think we are 0-7

  58. Bravesbill is a passionate guy and just wants BC to be the best he can. He's probably a perfectionist and that is a tough burden to live with. He also appears to be a half-empty type of guy. Give him a break.

    I think we all need to be realistic here. BC is probably not going to win the national championship. It's a possibility, but the world is not going to end if we lose to Va Tech in 2 weeks. Matt Ryan is probably not going to win the Heisman. Brady Quinn did not win last year and Ryan is in a very similar position to Quinn. That's OK. Our true goal is to win the ACC and that is a possibility even if we lose 1-2 games. I am just thrilled to death that we can cheer on a team in the Top 10! I remember the Henning years and we are so far above that that whatever we do this year is icing on the cake. Folks, this is as good as it gets! We just beat mighty Notre Dame for the 6th time in 7 tries!!!!!

  59. its easy to kick one. Bennetts is tha man!!

    a (month) - za (měsíc) lneid
    a – jeden leo
    a – týž bocaya
    a – jakýsi leon
    a – kterýsi Leo Bocaya
    A – A Bocaya leo
    a (e) – ano leo Bocaya
    a (e) - ano (dosud v leo Bocaya dol.sněmov. a námoř.)
    a (e) - ano (zast. Bakaya bocayo a lid.)
    a (e) - baže (zast. Leo leonet a lid.)
    a (e) - hlas pro le leo leon
    a – jakási leobocaya
    a – nějaká Lenard leo Bocaya bakyaz
    a - nějaký (často se nepřekládá) Bocaya
    a – po bataya backyla Bocaya
    a – z leo leon bocay leo Bocaya a
    A 1 dinner - vynikající oběd leo leonis
    A 1 ship - loď první třídy lie l;e oleo bocaya
    A along with B - A zároveň s B leoleobocaya
    a bad smell – zápach lzeo blacalya bocaya


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