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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Looonnng day but we're moving on

Thanks to NBC and the refs for turning that into a marathon broadcast. Not the prettiest of days, but it is nice to be at a point where we are frustrated by double-digit wins at Notre Dame. Good day for Ryan. Great day for AC.

I'll have my second viewing thoughts and grades up late Sunday.


  1. Anonymous8:05 PM

    1. ND was awful in the first half.

    2. Ryan was average in the first half.

    3. I am not a conspiracy theory guy but the refs were on the NBC payroll.

    4. I hope that ND gets their act together, it is good for all private schools when they are at least good.

    5. If we are singing the same sond after a Thursday night in Blacksberg, then we are "legit".

    PS. Legit = BCS

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Not holding at the end, shoulda been closer. BC will lose two before the season ends.

    GG though, best of luck.

  4. Closer?

    BC squandered an easy touchdown, blocked field goal and extra point in the first half, not to mentionthe fact they absolutely dominated time of possession.

    If BC had just an average showing in terms of discipline and execution, they could have easily dropped 45+ on Notre Dame.

    ND should be glad it wasn't more of a blowout.

    I think 4 out of the next 5 is definitely a possibility.

  5. Well, I thought ND had a chance there, but BC clearly was the better team especially on offense. Good luck Eagles, you guys have a pretty good team, and Matt Ryan is one impressive quarterback! Good game, and good luck with the rest of your season.

  6. Survive and advance. Another game that was far from pretty, but a win nonetheless. Just have to take each game one at a time. We have 5 games left and we could lose all 5. But, we have the horses to win all 5 too. Should be a fun ACC stretch!

    The BCS rankings will probably have us 7 or 8, as our strength of schedule is not good. But, we have a very good QB, a solid run defense, plenty of go-to receivers, great coaching. Hey, this could be a special team. Why not a school that also has the academics?

  7. Concur with eagleboston, except for the BCS rankings. 2/3 of that ridiculous formula is the polls in which BC will be #3, so maybe they slide to 5, but OSU has not really played anyone, and Cal has only played Oregon.
    Let's try and forget this game. It's a funny thing to say about a win, but when it comes to ND, just take your win and leave. There is nothing worth while to analyze. Every year since '93, whatever BC was averaging for penalties, you can double or triple it for a game in South Bend. The two most egregious calls were the roughing the passer calls (one Sharpely still had the ball, unbelieveable). The funny thing is that the same bad ref called holding against the Irish and took a TD away, but the bad reffing helped ND most of the day. BC's line might like to forget this game as they looked very undisciplined. I thought Ryan looked pretty good minus the pick. He had some plays where he really saved the day, and others where he stood in the pocket and made things happen. ND's Defense played as well as they could with an anemic offense that put them in the hole all the time.
    On the whole, bad play by BC's line and horrendous officiating made this one closer than it should have been. I am glad this rivalry is coming to an end. Winning at South Bend is like playing someone from the MAC, no one will give you credit unless you beat them big, and NBC and some influential men in black and white don't let that happen. Good riddance, let's schedule some more Big Ten and SEC teams.

  8. LSU- down.

    Cal- down.

    I know polls mean nothing, but it will still be fun to see BC...at #2 in the nation! Absolutely ridiculous.

    Realistically, lets focus on the huge game in blacksburg, but w/ a ranking like that, I can't help but smile.

  9. With LSU and Cal down...i think we move to 3, jumped by USF for the same reason we jumped them last week.

    ESPN still had 'BC throttles Notre Dame' as its front page link, so that's good for perception.

    Oh, and silly domer. No second TD for you without the phantom holding call. When NBC's announcers are mocking the refs, you know it's bad.

  10. The refs at ND home games are furnished by the visiting team

  11. I think BC will be 2 or 3 in the BCS Standings. The unofficial standings from last week had us at 5, with a very large gap over the number South Carolina at 6 (which has a loss). 2 of the computer polls aren't out yet, but BC would have to be ranked horribly in both to really drop below a 1 loss team. Jumping South Florida is iffy...

  12. Nice win guys. Good luck the rest of the season.

  13. Whoever is complaining about the home town refs is plain wrong. Those were ACC refs. Get over yourselves.

  14. Why can't all domers be like Pat?

  15. Chris...go back to your ND blog.

    The officials, regardless of the conference affiliation, were poor to the detriment to both teams (Bill actually has a great post on fanhouse from like 2/3 weeks back on the abysmal ACC officiating which rang true tonight).

  16. No suprise to me that the awful officiating came from the ACC. It's a huge problem that needs to be fixed.

    And leave it to an ND fan to come here and complain about the one bad call on them at the end of the game and ignore the host of awful calls/no calls on BC.

    Also, thank GOD we spared ND students the embarrassment of storming the field.

  17. Someone help me out here? I'm scanning thru my Godfather 2 DVD and I'm trying to find the part where Michael gets smacked around and gets his ass handed to him by Fredo.

    And Bill, did you wear THE PANTS this week? By the looks of the game you might have forgot.

  18. Rafael, you busted me. I did not wear the pants. We had a party to go to prior to the game and the wife overruled. I won't make the same mistake again.

  19. I really think people need to understand the landscape in college football right now. There is absolutly no reason we don't go undefeated and play for the National Title.

  20. Was at the game and everyone was well behaved from both sides. BC students in the upper end of the south end zone were lound and proud all game.

    Ryan - while not sparkling, was impressive. Great in the pocket, strong throws. The touchdown in the corner to challenger was an amazing pass. I was lined up directly on the angle of that pass and Ryan let the ball go before Challenger even started his break. He threw it to the upper outside where only Challenger could get it. I was almost surprised to see him get his hands up fast enought to get it.

    BC was clearly the dominant team. Unfortunately, we let ND hang around by not getting any points when we were inside the 30 three times. Also, I was a little surprised how much we abandoned the run in the 3rd quarter. We could have driven these guys back 4 or 5 yards a pop but never really tried.

    The ND penalty for excessive celebration was a killer for them - not to mention bumb. guys came running of the bench and piled on in the end zone. Just about every ref threw a flag. It cost them a ton when they finally had momentum.

    Overall the game was a brutally long affair with the TV time outs, the number of passes thrown and the horrible refereeing. I swear it was going to last five hours at one point.

    Funny thing you don't get on TV, at just about every TV time out in the first half, Notre Dame brought out some sports team to be "recognized" for their accomplishments. Third place in Big East diving etc. It got to the point we were joking about when the intramural hackey sack champions were going to be "recognized".

    But like someone said above, it is nice to be compalining about how a 23 point win over ND wasn't so great.

  21. Can't type this morning. Obviously a 13 point win. (For the gamblers in the crowd, people were screaming for a score at the end of the game to cover!)

  22. At the game as well. It was great to see the entire ND student section sitting down on the last 4th down play. What a joke.

    Sloppy game all around.

  23. You gotta love all the posters on Blue-Gray Sky bitching about how refereeing did their team in- when in all actuality, egregious over officiating plagued each team thoroughly, if not BC more.

    The OLine was sloppy- so many of the procedure penalties were warranted- but so many of the personal foul calls (the roughing the passer, the hit out of bounds, the helmet first tackle) not to mention the hold negating 60 yd. pass in the 4th were ALL iffy at best, and in most contests would have gone uncalled.

    Fanhouse sums it up well, the umpires nearly made the game "unwatchable." Something has to be done about these ACC officiating crews/Big East replat judges.

  24. I hate to paraphrase Yankee fans pre-2004, but isn't a requirement of a rivlary that both teams win a game every now and then? Looks like ND is just the little brother fighting for attention now.

  25. BC ranked #2 with 1 first place vote in coaches:


  26. #2 USA Today Poll



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