BC Fan Resources

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sights and sounds from South Bend

Tim F. sent along these shots from Saturday's game.

Denny D posted these two Youtube videos or BC fans after the game.

And from Joel B.

Here is a clip of Tim Russert talking up BC.


  1. ps that wasn't sarcastic, i can't believe how loud our fans were.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Chris, I agree with you to a degree, but I think the "Don't rush the field" memo, etc. may have influenced some emotion.

  4. Hey - if you travel to go to a game and have a big "build up" to it, you are going to celebrate no matter who you play when you win. Plus - ND can't claim all the tradition, history, etc and then poor mouth yourselves when you loose. ND is ND. It's a big win at 10 - 0, 8 - 0 or 1 -5. Part of the baggage of being one of the big dogs of college football.

  5. Personally, it was a big game just for all the hype/contentious that preceded it. I'll tell you this much, as a Sox fan myself, I don't care how bad the Yankees may be, I'd respond in similar fashion if I had witnessed a nice W at Yankee Stadium. In many ways, I think the same dynamic applies here. Regardless of records, it's nice to take a W from a similar big-time Catholic school.

    But I will say this, even though there was so much condescension and empty cockiness (unbacked by play on the field) from ND fans leading up to the game, you can't fault BC fans for showing some team pride in enemy territory.

    Nice W, Go Eagles.

    Now lets move onto the meat of our schedule.

  6. Christopher, if I may respond to your comments:


    This was one of the worst weeks in BC football I have experienced. All the bullcrap hype on TV and the internet leading up to this supposed NON-rivalry game... I'm so glad it's over. This game is really turning out to be a lose-lose for BC: Lose and it's "oh yeah, you're Fredo." Win and it's "you got lucky THIS time, but we have 35,000 national championships and 4 billion heisman winners and you don't know how to celebrate after a win because you don't have any tradition and we are the center of the football universe. blah blah blah."

    Sir, you are a poor loser and you don't deserve to celebrate in any wins ND might have this year.

  7. Alex L -

    I think your response was way over the top. I don't think I'm being a poor loser on this one. I just don't think the celebration was in proportion to the magnitude of the victory.

    I congratulated you on your win. For the record, not every ND fan refers to BC as "fredo" or takes an elitist attitude towards them. I have several friends at BC, and I like BC on the whole.

    I'm not trying to be a troll or a flamer, so don't label me as such.

  8. Chris, you're a disgrace to ND fans.

    ND has been mired in mediocrity for the past two decades, and yet you still feel a ludicrous sense of entitlement.

    There is nothing more gratifying than seeing clean, energetic, respectful support for your team, exemplified by these BC fans.

    What that is, is a fan base enjoying their victory with energy and class. I just wish you could exhibit the same class in defeat.

  9. So... Christopher, you and your fanbase spend an entire week building up how big and impressive your football history and tradition are and hwo nothing BC will ever do to compare to it... you send a campus rep on TV to fly the "BACKUP COLLEGE" tshirt on a national stage, you publish an article in your school newspaper saying WHEN ND beats BC - not if - don't rush the field because we don''t matter....

    And then when it all comes crashing down on you, you come to a BC blog and admit you're terrible and then belittle BC fans for taking this too seriously? Grow up.

    If BC fans celebrated too hard in your eyes, perhaps you'd like to justify ND's "storied" football team being flagged for excessive celebration after a TD against a team that doesn't rate.

    But my guess is you don't.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Eagles fans,

    Apparently we aren't supposed to celebrate this win particularly hard becuase Christopher - one man - stood resilient against a sea of many.

    Sure, ND fans may have talked down to us all week and exhibited an insufferable smugness, but since Christopher didn't, we're supposed to apologize for being excited about the win, the #3 BCS ranking and the 7-0 start.

    Or maybe Christopher is jealous and a crybaby, I can't tell which one.

  12. Alright, this isn't going well. All comments retracted. Enjoy the rest of your year, best of luck.

  13. Thanks Chris: nothing like a fleeting moment of the high road amid repeat posts defending your ridiculous/self-contradictory initial statement. What a joke.

    Enjoy Indiana.

  14. One more ND comment before we (thankfully) leave them behind for a year.

    I ventured over to NDNation this morning and took a look at a few posts. (And yes, I realize that NDNation is an "intra-ND-family" message board, despite the fact it's on the world wide web and such.) Apparently as a way to nurse their wounds they were looking- anywhere- for bad behavior on the part of BC fans. The most they could seem to come up with was that a few players apparently crossed through the band on their way off the field. No joke. Mostly their posts were about their own fans' bad behavior-- although according to one poster the fact that a drunk ND fan harassed some BC girls was because "this week brings out the worst in us." So there you have it. Their bad behavior-- is still our fault. I've heard it all.

    Anyway, on to Blacksburg.

  15. WHOA, are there two LAEagles? That cannot be.


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