BC Fan Resources

Monday, October 15, 2007

Just where we want to be -- under the radar

Here are some posts of note regarding the first BCS and my reaction at the end.

Stewart Mandel doesn't think BC will hold our position.

Brad Edwards reminds us that the No. 1 team in the first BCS poll has not had great success winning it all.

Angry T thinks we are headed towards a doomsday scenario.

Sunday Morning QB captures the fallacy of the human polling and how the system is decidedly broken. Things should be decided on the field, not by polls.

So the consensus seems to be BC won't be a factor in the National Championship game. That's perfect. Let everyone yabber on about South Florida or if LSU will jump back in the game. BC can just focus on the next opponent.


  1. Tyrod Taylor questionable for the BC-VTech game. Good or bad?


    Poles out for season = very bad.

    Let's go Eagles!

  2. While I know escaping the hype is what Jags wants, I feel like we are always in a lose-lose situation with the media. If we lose games, we hear "BC is a bad team. Don't pay attention to them." If we win, we hear "BC is a bad team, and this is just a fluke. Don't pay attention to them because eventually they will mess up as always." This season especially we get "BC is a bad team, but because most of the other teams this year are sub-par they are standing out. But that still doesn't make them good." For once, I wish we would get a little respect. I hope that this crazy season doesn't leave people with the impressiont hat they only reason we are doing well is because we are capitalizing on teams that are playing poorly.

  3. Kristen. I know how you feel, but it's not all negative. Look at Hawaii, they are also undefeated and aren't even in the top 10. Alot of the national sports pundits have had very nice things to say about BC. Steve Conroy's coverage in the Boston Herald has been very good.

    So I think BC is getting the due respect it deserves. But we also have to be realistic: most people only know that we have gone 9-3 or 8-4 the last 8 years and so that is what they are basing their judgments on. Also, there is some truth to the fact that we have played only inferior opponents. While I agree with this to a point, I think it is overplayed somewhat, but it goes with the territory. With more success comes more visibility and with that comes more scrutiny. So look at it as a price of success.

  4. Alex, I definitely agree that with more spotlight coming our way it opens us up to more negative as well as positive comments. The articles that really get me are those that say how terrible it would be for BC to go to the Championship, how that would be a game no one would want to watch because it's just BC, that it would be a loss of money. I've been waiting for a big tier bowl since I started at BC (since as a dance team member it would have meant a free vacation). Even though I'm no longer there, I would still want to see us finally get somewhere (going to Boise my senior year wasn't quite the vacation I had hoped for). It's a shame that these people claim we aren't worth watching in a big game. BC isn't a huge state school like some of these other powerhouses, so I hope our fans continue to show their passion for this team and get rid of the image we have as a school whose fans don't travel and don't support their team.

  5. I'm kind of the party pooper here but I want to keep stressing that we have 5 games left before we can even think of the BCS. I think we will have our hands full with all 3 road games and FSU and Miami at home are not exactly cake-walks. Both teams have a lot of speed and talent. Don't worry, if we win out, we will get respect and I think it would be refreshing to have a smaller school in the title game, especially one that graduates its players. We struggled against UMASS, Notre Dame and Army and that is hurting us with national respect.

    Realistically, we will probably lose 1-3 games and the title game will be a moot point. But, we still can win the ACC, even with 3 losses. I'm hoping for the best but I'm not going to say the season is a failure if we should lose a couple games. We're building something here with JAGS and that keeps me excited, win or lose.

  6. Hello Kristen:

    I think as the BC core fan base gets into the ACC games more passionately - you'll also see much better participation in the Bowl Games. I also think we'll pick up some ND fan base if we ever get into a big bowl - like the Orange Bowl or the Peach (Chick-Fil-A) Bowl in Atlanta - now the #2 ACC Bowl. Needless to say, BCS New Orleans would be fantastic. But not getting ahead.........

    When we went to the Cotton Bowl in '84 (New Years Day 1985) I recall that 20,000 fans flew from Boston to Dallas. BC fans will travel to a meaningful Bowl Game.

    If we are fortunate to win our division and get to the ACC Title Game, we will need more than 20,000 at the game in Jacksonville in order to gain any respect. If we ever got to the Orange Bowl - I think you could see 30,000 fans cheering for BC.

    We should have enough friends in the media to show us plenty of respect under those circumstances.

    Let's become as good as we possibly can - we won't worry about the media much right now. We have important business with which to concern ourselves - getting a strong pass rush against VT, etc - and winning the game.

  7. eagleboston, sorry that I must continue to play the part of your adversary, but you keep saying things that I think are just plain wrong. "Probably 1 to 3 losses?" PROBABLY 3 LOSSES? We've gone 7-0, won every game by double digits, declined the opportunity to run up the score at the end of each of our last five games, and have only one ranked opponent left on our schedule, and you see it as probable that we'll lose as many as three of our last five? You remind me of that sour-faced Indians fan Randy Quaid played in Major League--"Oh, they'll blow it... they ALLLLLLLLWAYS DO!" This year is different... because we do have a new coach, a new system. We ARE building something. That's why we WON'T lose three games. If we WERE to lose three, how would three losses--with this senior-stacked team--be "building something?" We've BEEN losing three a year three years running. Losing three again is something called "stagnation." It's called a "plateau." And then so many of these guys leave. Where does that leave hopes for the team in 2008, with Ryan and a lot of his supporting cast gone?


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