BC Fan Resources

Monday, October 15, 2007

More pics from Notre Dame

This batch is courtesy of Sean H. I have also been hearing rumors that ND security ejected or arrested anyone in a SuperFan shirt that looked at them funny. If you have any legitimate horror stories with ND security, please let me know in the comments.

One other postgame video from Mike D.


  1. The security at ND was aggressive. didn't see any harrassement of BC fans but did see one incident. A couple rows behind me were some 30-ish ND fans amidst the BC crowd. At one point in the first quarter, the Ushers came over and tapped one of them on the shoulder and said "You three come with me and bring your drinks". Apparently they were spotted pouring something into their soda cups and were summarily ejected. As far as I could tell, they did nothing to call attention to themselves. The BC people in the vicinity were certainly taken aback by the swift and certain justice. When one of the ushers came back to the area he said, "They gambled and they lost."

  2. I also saw a few people get thrown out of the stadium for drinking, but I don't have any problem with that.

    The ND ushers must have checked my ticekt 6 times, and did the same to any and all wearing BC colors. Two BC studens in our row decided to sit on each other's laps to keep warm...the usher responded to that move like they shot a child.

    Overall, the security and the ushers were far less agressive in 2002. That year, in a beyond-bush league move, ND security did nothing about underage drinking before the game. After BC won, though...wow, were the police out in force. Gotta love that.

  3. I did see a "superfan" several rows behind me have a discussion with security. As a BC grad, I was embarassed as to the language and demeaner of said superfan. The ND security spoke to him, and he seemed to calm down a bit. I thought the security handled it well.

    It is one thing to be over-top vocal in support of BC, and it is another thing all together to have to have parents holding their hands on their kids ears. Probably not an issue if he was in the student section, but among the families...

  4. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I was in section 117 in the end zone and we smuggled some "medicine" into the stadium. The usher was crazy and he kept calling security and pointing at people in the crowd to kick them out. The best part was he was literally sitting next to my buddy while we were mixing drinks. Nice guy but not the brightest bulb...

    Also, I did not see anyone kicked out for wearing a Superfan shirt. Making drinks and wearing a shirt...yes, but not simply wearing a shirt.

    Go Eagles

  5. There's a letter in today's ND Observer from a Superfan apologizing for our fans throwing trash on the ND band. I was at the game but quite far from the majority of our students. From a distance, I thought our fans did a great job cheering -- loud and positive -- but for those who were closer, is there anything to this trash incident?

  6. Must see Thursday TV from NYTimes blogger:


  7. I would love to hear the explanation for why the Notre Dame band was brought into the Boston College section to play in front of students in the first place. Throwing anything is obviously an idiotic thing to do and there are no excuses for those who did, but whoever thought the whole ND band in BC section would be a good idea and/or do anything but instigate is beyond me. Absolutely idiotic decision by whoever is in charge there.

  8. I am an '05 BC Alum and sat in Section 130 about 8 rows from the very top of the stadium. I was wearing a Kiwanuka Giants jersey and was almost kicked out for standing the entire game except for halftime. It's a college football game (not the opera) and I think I'm entitled to standing up and cheering. I said nothing offensive in nature and cheered for BC in a very classy, albeit aggressively loud, way. At the beginning of the second half, they had to send an usher up to my seat to babysit me for the rest of the game because there were so many complaints from the ND fans. I've never witnessed such bitter people who were just upset at the fact that BC was better this year and I wasn't joining in their misery. They even made up lies to the usher saying I was being offensive to which I responded with such rage and fury that the section quieted down eventually. Finally, two ND fans came up to me and said, "I hope this is not a poor reflection of ND in general...you did nothing to deserve this treatment." Nevertheless, I had a great time at South Bend and loved the Superfan cheering session by the ramp after game.

  9. When I was at the Wake Forest game last year, elements of their band came over to the BC Section and played "For Boston" - I thought that was pretty cool and very classy.

    Was that what the ND band was trying to do? Or were they actually sitting in that section for the entire game?

    Sorry - just trying to get the picture. Sounds as though they were in the wrong section, doing the wrong thing.

  10. I was there for the band situation. This was nothing like Wake Forrest was described, which sounds very classy. The ND band came into the BC section to harrass BC fans, playing ND fight song. I thought it was a little classless and a pretty dangerous move. A couple of people threw a few pieces of trash, but they got off really easy if you ask me.

  11. Sounds like ND was just trying to bate the BC student section: classy move ND, classy move...

  12. I must have seen atleast 5 people wearing BC whale pants. Those things are getting popular

  13. I was about 10 people from the band. At that point they were down considerably and fairly out of the game. The band took the stairs between 118 and 117 and played their fight song. On one side of them (117) was a group of what I'm guessing was big BC alumni and the other side, with the exception of a random ND fan section (about 20 people), was the heart of the BC Student Section. Both the band and ND fans were poorly placed there. The band played, a couple napkins and i think cups were tossed. Nothing like what happened to us at Georgia Tech. Classless on our part? Probably a little bit... just plane dumb, childish and instigating on their part? Definately.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. And ND said the game didn't matter much?

    I've never seen a fanbase or a school more determined to prove their self importance (which is a faulty premise to begin with) than ND.

    Let me get this straight: the ND band- an extension of the University- is deliberately sent from the field to the one major section of BC students (maybe 750 ppl?) in a stadium of 80,000, to play the ND fight song literally in the faces of these Boston College students?

    This was a deliberate attempt to bate and provoke questionable behavior from a handful of BC fans, so that ND can denounce the entire BC fanbase. The inanity of the whole thing is astounding.

    Just another classless move by the Irish.

  16. what makes me sick is that we can actually profit from their beating sc next week...not that it's going to happen...

  17. Guys, the band in our section was not for BC. ND has been doing it and into other sections for a few years now.

  18. I like the picture of our flag covering Touchdown Jesus' face. He should be so lucky this year.

  19. First off, I think ND employs one usher for every three fans at the game...
    But anyways, I was asked at least three times to show my ticket to the ushers after I was seated. We were in a section full of older ND fans, so obviously no one else in our section was asked to show stubs. We didn't bother anyone and I actually had a good time with the ND fans near me... surprisingly nondelusional and funny about their subpar team. But don't tell me it's coincidence that the ushers only bothered the BC fans in our section. If you're not bothering anyone, who really cares if you're in your exact seat assignment.
    Also, can BC please start putting fans in the upperdeck behind the endzone at alumni. Whats up with that?


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