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Thursday, November 15, 2007

BC-Clemson preview

In Jags’ first press conference he spoke of taking it to the next level. Since then he has reminded everyone that BC has only been “one game away.” Here is that game. Miami will matter for rankings, bowls and style points, but this is the only game with true implications. Win and BC goes to its first ACC Championship. Lose and we are back in familiar territory -- third-tier bowls and a good but not great season. I’ll be on hand for the game. Hopefully it will be a day to remember.

Theme that won’t be discussed on television. When people discuss the ACC, Clemson is considered a power (or lately a partially sleeping giant). BC is considered a modest, underdog program. While I think Clemson does have some recruiting advantages and provides a big-time college football experience, historically Clemson and BC are very similar. The Tigers have won 624 games and carry a .590 winning percentage. BC has won 598 games and carry a .583 winning percentage. The main differentiation and probable reason the programs are viewed differently is that Clemson won a National Championship in the modern era. If Clemson is expected to compete for an ACC title every year, why can’t we expect BC to be in the mix annually as well?

Three simple keys.
1. Stop the big play. Spaz’s D is supposed to bend, not break. The past two games they have allowed 13 plays for 20 or more yards. Clemson broke some big plays last year. BC needs to limit those mistakes to less than three in this game.
2. Get to Harper. I know I’ve been beating a dead horse, but if there is ever a week where we need our pass rush to come alive it is this one. If mediocre QBs pick us apart without pressure, a good one like Harper will pass for 300 yards before the half.
3. Create a few big plays in Special Teams. If there is one area where Clemson is still vulnerable it is in special teams. Tribble being questionable may be a good thing. Perhaps his replacement might actually return a punt. Robinson and Smith have had some decent returns but nothing to the next level. BC needs someone to step up.

Gambling notes
-- Jags is 2-0 as a road underdog
-- Tommy Bowden is 13-19 against ranked teams
-- Clemson is 15-5 in their last 20 home finales
The current line is BC+7.5

What would be a pleasant surprise? Seeing the defense clamp down. I expect a shoot out. If our defense holds them to two touchdowns, I’ll hand out plenty of kudos to Spaz.

What would be a letdown? Getting blown out. A lopsided loss would probably send us out of the Top 25 and kill all the buzz that was left from our hot start.

What would be a shocker? The perfect game. Even when things were going well, we never really put a perfect 60 minutes together. This team never reached its full potential in one day. It would be nice if it happens Saturday.

Bottom Line
I wish I felt better about this game. All my rationalizations are pretty weak: “they’re due for a letdown,” “we won’t lose three in a row,” etc. Clemson is beatable, just not by the BC team we’ve seen the past two weeks. My mind is saying this will be ugly, my heart thinks we still have a chance.
Final Score: BC 28, Clemson 20.


  1. I hope you're right, but the BC team that we have witnessed in the past 3 weeks (VT included) has me prepped for a let down.

  2. Check out this article on Ryan.

    Sportsman of the Year

    Pretty cool stuff, he even gave a shoutout to the Ryan for Heisman guys.

  3. Whatever good stuff you're smoking sir, please pass it this way so I can use it to numb myself after BC gets blitzed.

  4. Great article about Ryan. I'd love to see him triumph in these last two games and at least get invited to NYC. Not feeling so good about that after the recent debacles, though.

    I think I have come to the conclusion that BC has inherited the "curse of the Babe"; we all know how that ultimately ended. Go BC!

  5. This is the biggest game Clemson has had in years. If we can come out of the gates strong, and score first - all the pressure will be on them.

    Let's make this work to our favor and take it right to them. We're not backing down, BC - we're going to go after these guys - straight ahead and with razzle dazzle.

    When someone challenges you, relish it and knock him right in the jaw.

    Let's go BC - you can do it. We know you can and we're behind you all the way.

    Stop this "we're lousy and scared to death" B.S. - we're every bit as good as they are and let's give them one to remember!!!

  6. One other topic - Matt Ryan and the Heisman.

    This is like politics - who's ahead in the polls - I for one am sick of it. Yes, Matt is deserving of all this, but the Heisman talk is brought out much too early. I think it hurt both BC and Matt Ryan this year - as much as the young man tried so hard to avoid it.

    As Matt himself has said - it's all about the team - it's all about the game - it's all about keeping things in perspective - and let's enjoy the experience and the competition.

    I'd like to vote Matt Ryan most valuable player in the BC victory over Clemson - although I am sure Matt would be fine with someone else getting the vote as long as the Eagles win.

    Let's go TEAM.

  7. The Heisman buzz week in and week out is all for eyeballs and $$$s for the major media outlets. ESPN.com has a different person on the top of the Heisman watch each week to pique each team's interest, etc. Think: ESPN commercials - "Heisman Hopeful lives here," "Comeback Kid lives here."

    Forget that nonsense. Matt is a humble dude. While I think it would be great for him to be invited to NYC, let's focus on what matters - this game. Let's go out and have a total team effort. I, for one, am not scared of this Clemson team. I've watched a lot of their games this year. They are a beatable team.

    I will be at the game. If you see a bunch of fans wearing BC shirts, stop by and say hi.

    Go BC!

  8. Injury news?
    Dunbarr, Pruitt, Tribble?

  9. Jags is quoted as saying both Dunbar and Pruitt will play.

    Tribble though has a torn MCL. Hoping he gets back for our bowl game.

  10. Heard that Silva is returning punts but that he's only allowed to fair catch. Loyte is supposedly trying to do long snaps for Geiser. Looks bad.

  11. Mike McLaughlin will handle the snapping. He'll be fine.


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