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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Guest Blogger: Danny Ford Is God

From a distance Clemson has looked great the past month. But what do I know? To get a real look at the Tigers I asked the guys from Danny Ford Is God to answer a few questions in anticipation of Saturday's very important game. Their blog name is due to the long shadow Ford has cast over the Tommy Bowden era. Hopefully, Bowden does nothing this Saturday to make them change the name of their blog.

Heading into the season the Clemson question marks on offense seemed to be on Oline and QB. Based on production, I am guessing things turned out pretty well. What has been the key to things coming together?

DFIG: The line had to gel. I know this is sort of a vague football cliché, but the guys really had to get used to lining up beside each other as a unit. They had all gotten snaps before, but not in their current iteration. Barry Richardson has been the anchor, and as fierce as he seems on the football field, you won't get more than two words out of him off the field. Not only does he look like an escaped Easter Island statue, he is about as vociferous as one.

In terms of Harper's production, it mainly comes down to the schemes we run in addition to protection. We don't ask him to throw bombs down the field too often, nor does he throw the number of passes per game that Ryan does. He mostly has 6-7 yard passes, dishes out to our speed guys, and screens.

Most teams have been coming after Ryan. How good is the Tiger pass rush? What can BC expect defensively?

DFIG: Junior Phillip Merling should be attempting to get at Ryan with all his might this Saturday. Against Wake Forest he had seven tackles, three tackles for loss, two sacks, and several QB hurries. Overall our defense is relatively stout, but Matty Ice will be by far the best QB they've faced. In the ACC, Clemson is 1st in total defense, 6th in rushing defense, 1st in pass defense, and 4th in scoring defense. The Clemson defense will most certainly be rushing the QB often.

BC fans are pretty down in the dumps. The only thing that some of us are clinging to is the Tommy Bowden letdown/hiccup theory. I know it is grasping at straws, but do you guys fear a Tommy screwup this Saturday?

DFIG: The Tigers, in recent memory, have often taken fans' hopes and dashed them against the rocks of failure. I will in no way be surprised if we lose to BC and then SC. Both teams are coming off strings of losses and need to salvage their seasons; BC to get an ACCCG bid and SC to get a bowl bid. That being said, I think this team is more akin to the 2003 Clemson team that rattled off 4 straight wins to finish strong. If Clemson loses Saturday it will not be due to lack of preparation. Our friends on the team say that the Tigers have been staying at film practice longer than usual and putting more work in at practice than usual. I think the team and coaching staff are focused. Again, we've had epic failures before, but I don't think this season will be one of them.

Finally, what is your prediction for the game?

I think Clemson wins by a touchdown. We'll post our official score predictions on Friday.


  1. not that this is related to football...

    But Sean Williams put up 14 and 7 tonight and the Nets only had 69 points. He also had 4 blocks for the second straight game... looks like he may benefit from Carter being out.

    Funny, that would look nice as a BC senior, which he could be. OK, this is the only bitter comment I'll make about the fact that our front line could be Williams and McLain this year but instead, Blair and Roche are starting.

    I'll try to focus on Clemson... let's win that pivotal game that we have lost the last couple of years

  2. No negativity. Let's do this! Go BC!

  3. Matthew, I was at the game last night, and Williams looked like the second best defender on the court behind Garnett. More so, he pretty much shut down Garnett when they were on each other. Not a bad sign for bc(or future recruits) to show that two of the top rookies so far are BC grads.

  4. How excited can BC fans/alum be at the success of Sean Williams? I mean, sure I'm happy for the guy, but he let his college team down - big time. We could have gone a lot further in the NCAAs last year (heck, maybe even won it all) with Williams on the team.

    I'll cheer for him - but I won't hold him in nearly the same regard as I do a Matt Hasselbeck, Kiwanuka, Craig Smith, Dudley, and will be, Matt Ryan.

  5. let's not forget that sean williams is NOT a BC grad!

    even though this is technically the senior years for sean williams and akida mcclain, they put themselves before the team - hence, good riddance.

    guys like craig smith and jared dudley are the BC grads that i'll always been rooting for in the pros...

  6. Getting back to football - and this very important and significant game - sometimes I need a slap to wake me up and get me out of my doldrums, etc.

    Well "Walker" gave me that a few discussions ago. His comments were made respectfully, but they really irritated me in a challenging way. Among oher things, he said "I think BC's biggest battle on Saturday will be two fold. The last time you played here it was daylight, this will be an entirely different environment. Under the lights in Death Valley = DOOM and GLOOM for the visiting team. Just ask the #15ranked GT jackets from last year. Saturday's game is hyped up more with much more at stake for CU. Second, BC is a passing team, Matt Ryan apparently loves to throw the ball to anyone not in a gold jersey, and Clemson is the #2 passing defense in the nation. There are not too many statistics here worth milling over before anyone can see this could get real ugly for BC, real quick."

    Well guess what - everyone expects Clemson to romp in this game - so I figure the pressure is really on them.

    Let's go BC - let's capitalize on their inner doubt and take it to these guys in Death Valley
    at night. While Walker thinks it could (will) get ugle for BC early - what if it doesn't? Yes, the pressure is all on Clemson.

    Let's put 45 points up on their great defense!

  7. DOOM and GLOOM, eh? Was that the same DOOM and GLOOM Clemson laid on earlier this season ... at night, at home, against a similarly ranked opponent? A 41-23 loss to VTech doesn't sound too gloomy for the opponent.

    Go Eagles!

  8. i just read in the globe that tribble is "questionable" for saturday night's game. i'm still hopeful, but that'd be a huge loss, as a freshman backup CB would be filling in. yikes.

    well, at least the status for dunbar and pruitt have been upgraded to "probable."

    all hands on deck... GO BC!

  9. How did our long snapper get hurt? Unless he was playing scout team or something, I can't imagine how he would have hurt his knee.

  10. Knowing Dunbar, I don't think there is any chance he sits out next game. He's a gamer, and I'm sure he'll play hurt if it's at all possible.

  11. In my defense…

    Please understand there is no disrespect in my post. Memorial Stadium is the largest ACC by seating capacity, at 86,000+ (FSU 1999). It’s the 16th largest stadium, NFL included, in the nation. Combine that with devoted fans and you have a loud hostile playing environment. Just this past October Bruce Feldman of ESPN considered Clemson the #6 “scary venues for opposing teams”. Understood this is an opinion, but it must be considered to hold some truth by outsiders. While writing this I was upset to see that the Oregon Ducks just broke the Clemson’s loudest stadium in the nation record (Clemson 126-Oregon 127.2) The Ducks are apparently very proud of this, I would be. Clemson is loud, visiting QB’s need to be louder. As for Ryan, I was simply stating the obvious. If you have not heard the comparisons all over the media between Harper and Ryan you’re living under a rock. Media outlets have began to question why they have been paying so much attention to Ryan when statistically Harper appears to be a better QB. Compare and you will see what I am referring to. The only stat Ryan beats out Harper on is total yardage, and that’s because BC is a passing team. Passing efficiency and interceptions, there is no comparison. Bottom line, if the team that played Maryland shows up Saturday, it will be ugly for Eagles. To be fair though, if the Clemson team that played GT show up it will be ugly for us, real ugly. In our defense, the other “L” from this season to VT you are referring to, if that Clemson team shows up, BC will lose. If any of you are coming to the game, Tigers fans are very welcoming and friendly, safe travels to all of you, show up early for the fun, and ask anyone for a beer and you’ll be asked what kind. Saturday will be fun no matter what.

  12. No disrespect taken - your comments and observations are very fair. You have offerred them "in a challenging way". It will be a very difficult environment for sure. This is also BC's 4th straight night game and 5th this year - I don't know about other fans, but I'm sick of night games.

    I'm hoping that BC accepts your observations as a challenge and plays the strong game it is capable of playing against a fine Clemson Team.

    I was at the game 2 years ago and what you say is accurate - Clemson fans are very welcoming and friendly - and I have said so in other posts.

    As my golf buddies who are Clemson grads say "Hope both teams play well - Good luck".

    I truly hope this game becomes a showcase for the ACC as well.

  13. If the BC team that beat VTech and Georgia Tech at night, on the road, BC wins.

    I will say, going to the Clemson game two years ago, that you Tiger fans are nothing but friendly and hospitable.

    See you Saturday!

    Go BC!

  14. If the BC team that beat Va/Ga Tech shows up, that is ...


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