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Friday, November 02, 2007

Fatheads and other late links

Having watched the different Fathead commercials thousands of times, I've always be secretly dissapointed you couldn't order a BC one. That is no longer a problem. Guess what I am getting my wife for Christmas? Do you think she'll want it in the dinning room or the guest room?

Here is a preview on former Eagle Craig Smith.

Bad news on the TV front -- Mike Patrick will be calling most of the ACC basketball games on ESPN.

Here is a nice article on Jags' brother. (Thanks to LBI for the link.)


  1. I just heard on ESPN that Matt Ryan is 50th in pass efficiency. 50th! Should we feel guilty that he is getting all of the attention in the Heismen over players that may be more worthy of the coveted trophy? Or is there more to the equation than pass efficiency? Is the fact that he is 22-4 as a starter so impressive that he should be in the conversation? How about the types of throws he makes that the other 49 could not make? Also, couldn't you argue that if Ryan was surrounded by LSU or USC's talent, he would be even better? Food for thought.

  2. pass efficiency is often a product of the type of offense that you are in. If you throw a lot of 8 yard passes, you are going to have a much higher efficiency.

    Taking shots down the field can make your efficiency take a hit. These are just numbers. It's been said many times before, but this trophy goes to a player that really stands out on a top 5 or 10 team. Ryan is the guy until we lose a game, maybe two.

  3. When was the last time you ever heard pass efficiency brought up in the Heisman race? Answer: never. This is just being brought up by detractors of Ryan, the front runner, probably because it helps their candidate (likely Dennis Dixon).

    Ryan sizes up quite well in the statistics the voters historically consider: TDs (13th), yards (10th) and completions (11th). Several of the players above him in these categories have played nine games to Ryan's eight.

    We shouldn't apologize for anything. The bottom line is, we keep winning and Matt probably stays as the front runner.

  4. http://www.fathead.com/college/boston-college/boston-college-logo/

    BC Logo available at Fathead.com. $85 each with a current special of buy 1 get 2d half price (probably for any combination of fatheads).


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