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Saturday, November 03, 2007

In-game comments post: Florida State

Forget the weather. Forget the critics. Just take it one game at a time. Beat Florida State. That is all we can do. WE ARE BC!!

Since the game is on TV, I will not be online during the broadcast. Leave your comments and thoughts below.


  1. I cannot wait to see BC shine on this cold and rainy night. At home, under the lights, national TV. Once again, we have been underestimated, which is just fine with me. GO EAGLES!

    WE ARE BC!

  2. I don't know if anyone has a video of Manny Ramirez on Jay Leno last night, but I was floored when Manny made this quote:

    "Boston now is one of the best cities ever....because now we won, BC is doing great, the Patriots are winning, and the Celtics have a great team out there"

    I think it says something about the state of Boston College when Manny Ramirez is on TV to talk about the Red Sox winning the World Series and he gives BC a nice shout out. Maybe this can be more than just a pro-sports town.

    One game at a time, lets beat Florida State tonight. Go BC!!!

  3. Wake goes down to UVA!!

    We now have a 2-game lead.

    Let's win tonight!

  4. At last Corso shows his true colors and joins the other two clowns in dissin BC today. Let's prove the Three Stooges wrong

    GO EAGLES!!!!

  5. Run the ball down their throat, all night.

  6. If LSU wins a squeaker against another team that is ranked lower than VTech, does BC's win over the Hokies still mean nothing?

    Part of the fun of tonight will be watching those three no-talent ass clowns eating crow on GameDay Final.

    GO EAGLES!!!

    F&*K CORSO!

  7. They all are just looking for that "I told you so" BC loss.

    F*** that.

    Lets win this big game on a national stage.

    GO Eagles.

  8. It's nice to see the zone open up the middle once again for a large pickup. When Spaz actually blitzed on the first possession, Weatherford rushed and threw an ugly incompletion.

  9. FSU can rack up the penalty yards all BC needs to do is hold onto the football

  10. Ugh...TOs are killers. And they were on a march the the endzone as well.

  11. Matty Ice really has to stop his Brett Farve impersonation these constant INTs while finding ways to win are brutal on my heart

  12. Jimbo is schooling Spaz. Spaz is absolutely out of his league.

  13. Can our receivers use both hands when getting tackled to cover up the ball

  14. Someone tell me why Sid the Clown is still kicking. He has proven over and over that he is terrible and yet he's still kicking. Give Bennett a chance. There's no possible way he could miss the FG and 3 PATs on the year.

  15. Gotta make third down stops...this is starting to become ridiculous.

  16. It's because Spaz is a God damned idiot. Blitz Weatherford. He has all day to pass.

  17. Could NOT agree more, Bryan. This is killing me.

    Also, the defense needs to get off the field. They're going to be dead by the 4th quarter at this rate.

  18. Meh the ACC officals owe us from last week....hope they overturn the TD

  19. Nice defense Spaz. Way to give Weatherford all the time in the world to pass. Someone please remove this clown.

  20. Of course they didn't....thankfully BC likes to come from behind...another trait I would like to see stop

  21. The ACC review crew seems to really love us. Somehow they always get it right on the big plays.

    Such crap.

  22. I got a silly idea how about we don't leave the outside open so they can run all day?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. It's Spaz's drop zone defense. 3 rush, and everyone else drops back. How can you not run against that?

  25. Oh man, here we go again...

  26. How comes when a play is in our favor originally it gets overturned, yet when it's against us no matter how much evidence there is it still isn't overturned.

  27. Could be worse, but I hope we right the ship with the first drive. Last week's comeback was great, but I'd be ok with us lighting it up and blowing this open a bit.

  28. That last call was a good reversal. The TD call was suspect but there wasn't enough evidence to overturn it. Nice to see TOB return to Alumni.

  29. Let's go players and coaches. You know that you're in for a tough game all night.

    Why aren't we talking about Herbstreit et al now?

    Boy was I irritated by the talk about ranking and NC game, etc. WE ALWAYS NEEDED TO WIN THIS GAME - NOTHING ELSE MATTERED.

    Let's go.

  30. The only bright side so far is we are down by one score, we get the ball to start the second half and Jags is great at halftime adjustments

  31. Catch the freaking ball on the punts! This kills us week in and week out.

  32. Take both Apon and Tribble out of there. Spaz needs to learn defense from Mickey Andrews. That is how defense should be played. BC's defense has allowed Glennon and now Weatherford to look like Heisman contenders.

  33. Gotta just love the defense

  34. Look what happens when they blitz!!!!!! Do that all damned game Spaz!

  35. Uh, where's that been the ENTIRE game? This team sometimes makes you wonder what the heck is going on.

  36. I'm making the call right now. We win this game.

  37. I'll make a different call. Seeing as how Spaz is an idiot, BC will lose this game.

  38. Ok, I just logged in here. Where is the outrage on the touchdown call? The ball BOUNCED. The announcers were just starting to talk about how it had to be overturned when they upheld the call. That was absolutely awful, the evidence was conclusive beyond doubt. Then, of course, ABC never shows that angle again.

  39. I love second half BC...they really need to play like this all game if they get to the game that shall not be nameds

  40. God damnit can we not catch a break

  41. The FSU TD was legit. 1 angle showed that it might have bounced whereas all the others did not. There was not enough evidence to overturn the call. On the other hand, you gotta love the BC penalties killing scoring drives.

  42. No blitz=another TD. Nice going Spaz. Fire him immediately. This game is over. Sorry about the Heisman Ryan, Dixon is the clear frontrunner.

  43. On the bright side we're still Orange

  44. Don't give up hope lads.

  45. NJ, you are wise my friend...

  46. Weatherford still has all day to pass! Get a clue Spaz! Blitz Weatherford! And to reiterate Spaz, a 4 man rush is not a blitz!

  47. 2 BS noncalls. What terrible refs.

  48. Ryan for Heisman time of death is 11:54 pm EST.

  49. We should've never left the Big East...their officiating never cost us games like ACC refs

  50. Matty Ice should have gone deep though. Unfortunately his Brett Farve like ability to make bad throws while trying to win games is what happens. We may win a lot of games this season but our BCS National Championship dreams rest on Chris Crane and hopefully the boy has the ability to not force throws.

  51. So can we please go back to the Big East. Atleast they have competent referees

  52. Hell, had Apon been able to kick a 32 yard FG, it would have been a tied game. Gotta hand it to Spaz as well. Only he can make a truly mediocre QB look like a Heisman candidate.

  53. Like my Grandpappy told the Nazis during WWII, "Nuts".

    This game sort of reminded me of Operation: Market Garden (yes, I am that old). We had a great game plan, and at times things looked spectacular, but then one thing went wrong, then another and then another. Soon we were mired in mediocrity the way the British 30th Corps got stuck on the road to Holland. And then when we least expected it, we ran into an SS Panzer division instead of the 398th Wermacht mantenance division.

    Just so there's no sour grapes, Hats off to FSU. I hate you, but you guys played a hell of a game, especially on D. The refs could have been better, but they were not nearly as bad as the VT or ND games, so I won't dwell on that sore loser topic. The thing is, if FSU had played like this all season (mistake free for the most part), I think they'd be undefeated. How come you guys can only play good against BC?

    One thing to note, the FSU fumble on the punt return was recovered by BC, but the refs decided to wait until 10,000 people piled on so they could screw up the call. Goood job FSU not giving up, BC guys need to hit the weight room for some more curls.

    Okay, moving forward, now that all those monkeys are off our backs (NC, Heisman), we can concentrate on winning an ACC title, or at least an Atlantic Division title. Maryland does not look that scary, but after tonight, there are no gimmies. Every game is a grudge match, and I only hope that the bitterness of this loss puts enough fire in the boys to really hammer the Terps, the Tigers and especially the 'Canes.

    WE ARE BC!

  54. I did not see the game so I cannot comment on what happened. Obviously, I am devastated. A small school like BC gets a shot at greatness once every generation, and this was our shot.

    It was a great run and the school received a lot of good pub, but I am pissed that the college football elite are popping their champagne bottles as order has been restored. Still,in mid-August, I predicted BC would finish 8-4. We could still go into a tailspin and my prediction could come true, but I feel we will bounce back. We really never belonged in the national championship hunt and I think we all knew that but were afraid to admit it. With Wake's loss, our more realistic goal of an ACC Championship is still within reach.

    I saw part of the Oregon game and I have to say that Dixon is more deserving of a Heisman than Matt Ryan. Dixon is amazing to watch. I still think Ryan is the best QB BC has ever had, but he is clearly not the best player in the land.

    So, two dreams were shattered tonight, but I'm hoping we can rally as all is not lost. Now, we truly find out what kind of coach Jags is. If he can get this team to rebound, I'm a believer.

  55. Had to have a perfect game and didn't get it.

    I'd like to thank Noel for knocking out the power at my house 10 minutes before game time and thus making me miss the entire game.

    As always - get the weatherman.


  56. All is not lost, by any means.

    Winning the Atlantic was, and will be our, our proximate goal. Now we can see the real character of this great BC squad.

    Lets focus on Maryland.

    Go Eagles.


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