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Thursday, December 04, 2008

Herzy wins Defensive POY and other links

The ACC named Mark Herzlich Atlantic Coast Conference Defensive Player of the Year. Well deserved. No inside info, but I think we are witnessing the end of his BC career. Let's hope he goes out with a bang.

HD picked BC to win this Saturday.

This article includes Bud Foster's brief scouting report on Davis.

If you don't have ESPN U and missed the basketball game Tuesday night, here are the final frustrating minutes.


  1. I believe Mark is staying. His dad says he is and he said he is multiple times. From what I hear he wants to finish his degree. If I were to bet, I would say he will be back.

  2. I think the NFL or NFLPA is trying to institute some kind of "hard cap" for rookie salaries to commence for 2010 draftees, which means Herzy would most likely make a lot more money if he came out this year, before that happens. I'd love to see him stay at BC, but I would understand his decision to leave for financial reasons. According to Mike & Mike, we might see a lot of underclassmen leaving earlier because of this... but that also means it will be a much deeper draft in 2009 than 2010... so lots to consider.

  3. Dominique Davis has a slightly quicker 40 time than Chris Crane. That being said, I continue to disagree with people that say things like Foster did:

    “I think the Crane kid could (make plays) by moving and just getting rid of the ball. This kid has the ability to run, and he can throw the football. He’s more dangerous when things aren’t there. He can ad lib and run and do some things.”

    Is it just the fact that one QB is black and one is white, and people see white QBs as throwers and blacks as runners?

    I saw Crane as a bigger threat to pull it down and run, and more confident with holding the ball on the option. I see Davis as a guy with a pretty solid arm looking to throw and not run.

    Crane: 82 carries, 219 yards, 7 TDS
    Davis: 23 carries, 3 yards, 2 TDs.

    I know there are other factors here like play calling and experience and playing time... but Crane just seemed like a more confident runner than Davis.

    anyone else have any thoughts?

  4. "Is it just the fact that one QB is black and one is white, and people see white QBs as throwers and blacks as runners?"

    Without a doubt- Definitely a race thing. People immediately say "what an athlete" when the quarterback is black. DD does seem like a good athlete, but he hasn't shown anything that would make me say he's MORE athletic than Crane.

    There are so many college football teams that these "experts" don't really know any of the teams outside of the top 5. A comment like that is an easy cop-out which none of the other analysts will refute because they don't actually know either.

  5. I think we need to have Duds back as a guest coach. Trapani, Southern, and Raji all had shots inside of ten feet in the sequence and none of them drew contact. Your gonna miss contested shots like that but the big difference is that players like Duds and Smith would've gone to the line for one, two, or maybe all three.

    On the Davis thing, I do think he's got more make 'em miss than Crane. Remember his TD in the RI game the article mentions? He cut back around the ten yard line and made a guy completely whiff. I don't think that's a play Crane makes. Also, in a Herald article today Davis mentioned how Logan's trying to keep him in the pocket on passing downs.

  6. I think Foster's referring to Davis' suprising accuracy when he's on the run (I remember the commentators talking about it during the MD game). That being said, it is pretty clear that Davis is no more mobile than Crane was.

    I bet Foster's baiting DD into running more so VT can get a few Fumble-6's.

  7. I'll bet Davis is actually faster -- when you are timed in the 40, you naturally run as fast as you can. I don't think we've ever seen him run hard while carrying the football (yet). He's probably looking at defenders, plotting moves, analyzing whether to throw the ball away, slide under a tackle. I'd love to see him aggressively just sprint upfield.

  8. This is a little OT, but could be a fortuitous bit of news for football recruiting. According to ESPN (http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/recruiting/tracker/player?page=onthetrail&recruitId=54993), new Tennessee coach Lane Kiffin pulled Tajh Boyd's scholarship offer. Of course, now the kid wants to go to tOSU. Anyway, given our uncertain QB situation going forward, talented options are always welcome.


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