BC Fan Resources

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Guest Blogger: Gobbler Country

Don't you feel like you know the Hokies by now? I do. With that said, I still wanted to get an outside opinion so I asked Gobbler Country to return as a guest blogger. I kept the question short and to the point. His answers are below.

1. What is the biggest difference in the team since the first meeting?

Gobbler Country: The biggest difference is we know we aren't a very good football team. Going into the BC game, we we had won five straight games and assumed we could beat a Matt Ryan-less BC team with ease. Well, that didn't happen. In fact, the BC game was probably (hopefully?) the beginning of the end for Bryan Stinespring and the offense has been just as bad in each successive game as it was against BC, with the exception being the Maryland game.

We know we aren't very good and our margin for error is zero. Therefore, the defense has been playing a lot better since the games against BC and FSU. And while the offense still isn't putting points on the board, we are running the ball better. There really isn't a big difference between the Hokies you saw in October and the Hokies you'll see on Saturday. But the main difference is we're more self aware of our flaws and what we need to do to hide them.

2. Do you think Sean Glennon will play Saturday?

GC: I hope not and here's why. After the UVa performance, the only way I see Glennon making his way on the field is if Tyrod gets hurt or if Tyrod turns into a human turnover like he did against Duke. If either of those happen, we're Nashville-bound.

3. What is your prediction for Saturday?

GC: We'll win because I won't be there. As far as how we'll win, I'm sure it will come down to a late field goal or turnover. This one is going to be boring, close, clean and quick. You have two teams that are going to try and run first against defenses that are really good at stopping the run.

Don't blink or you'll miss this game. It won't be like when Texas Tech is on TV and you're an hour in and the first quarter is almost over. In baseball terms, you've got two pitchers who work fast and induce a lot of ground balls going Saturday in Tampa. You also have the two fewest-penalized teams by yards in the league.

The team that wins will be the team that takes advantage of what mistakes the other team makes.



  1. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Jackie Bicknell's group are the differance makers this weekend.
    As seen in the last 3 games, the zone scheme has really (finally)sunk in with our kids. With Tech having a small front 6, we will wear them down.

  2. I'm very concerned about containment of Tyrod Taylor. He ran all over BC in the first game. Fortunately, he was not able to stick the ball into the endzone, but all it takes is one missed assignment.

    I am also worried about Davis handling the intense blitzing pressure of Bus Foster's defense. On the other side of the coin, Crane did not exaclty handle it well and BC still came away with a victory.

    It should be another cardiac game and I'm hoping the ball finally bounces BC's way. 24 years is just way too long to wait for a New Year's bowl.

  3. "I'm very concerned about containment of Tyrod Taylor. He ran all over BC in the first game. Fortunately, he was not able to stick the ball into the endzone, but all it takes is one missed assignment."

    I would say he was running for his life, not that he ran all over BC.

    My level of concern about this game is about the same level of concern I have of being run over by an escaped elephant from the zoo.

  4. Vincent,

    I wish I could be as confident as you. I guess I have been burned too many times since I became a BC football fan in 1983.

  5. confident?? arrogant maybe?? just plain stupid?? perhaps.

  6. Catholic School will beat the State School kids: 24-17 BC.

  7. Congrats to Mr. Herzlich on being named ACC defensive player of the year:


    The guy was a beast this year and I really do hope that he decides to return next fall. His first INT against Wake was just sick, and so was his INT against Maryland. Congrats, Mark!

  8. and now for something completely different:

    i am very pleased to see charlie weis retained as the ND HC.


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