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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Basketball wins and other links

The basketball win had a weird feel. Rice got himself in foul trouble again (I'll get to that in a minute), but the team played well without him for most of the night. Paris ran the point and we got decent minutes from the three freshmen. But then things fell apart in the final minutes. The defense remains a huge issue. We are getting killed with drives to the basket. One of two things happens, the guys blows by our defender for any easy two or a guy drives by our defender, draws help then kicks it out to an open man for a wide open 3. We could somewhat get away with this when we had a shot blocker. Now we don't and it leads to many easy baskets. Perhaps this team needs to play more zone. As for Rice, I don't know what the problem is? He is committing really dumb fouls (reach ins, etc.). He is a smart guy which makes this all that more confusing. He really needs to get refocused over the next few weeks. He's not helping his draft stock and keeping this team from playing its best.

The Megwa story was much scarier than most of us realized. Let's hope he fully recovers.

Here is a look at the ACC Championship Game.

Matt Hasselbeck hung out with middle school kids Tuesday.


  1. it was another pathetic turnout for the basketball game (on behalf of students mostly). this is looking like a serious problem. let's hope people show up when the acc schedule starts.

  2. Agreed. I was at the game, and the student sections were mostly empty.
    Ridiculous. That shouldn't happen when classes are in session, especially against an opponent from a major conference.
    If I can pay for season tickets and drive in for the game, the students should be able to walk over to Conte...

  3. Student attendance has been a problem for 2-3 years now. It's mind boggling and frustrating to those of us "adults" that show up for every game. I even wrote a letter to the Heights last year taking issue with students' non-support for a team playing in the best bb conference in the land. This ultimately rests with the Athletic Department. While on the whole I think they do a pretty good job, they are falling woefully short on "selling" basketball to the student body or creating any kind of home court advantage. It's embarassing.

  4. I live in Des Moines and the local sports talk show hosts spent about 5 minutes ridiculing the pathetic attendance.

    Iowa is a very young, so-so team and to barely beat them by 2 points at home is horrible. I'm telling you, Skinner is the basketball version of TOB. If he can't draw fans to the arena with his mundane flex offense, he needs to go.

  5. "Skinner is the basketball version of TOB. If he can't draw fans to the arena with his mundane flex offense, he needs to go."

    Thank you.

    Thank you.

    Thank you.

    I just hope we can get someone competent aboard by the time this team becomes juniors and seniors. I also feel for Tyrese - there's no shot in hell of him getting drafted if he's stuck in an offense like this all year.

  6. whoa whoa the flex is not the most exciting offense in college basketball, but it can be very effective. and skinner is a winner. just look to 2-3 years ago. in most full student sections in the country kids couldn't tell you what kind of offense their team is running, and teams in the big ten that play rock fight 50-48 defensive games have full houses.

    the athletic department tried a new policy for student tickets and it so far has blown up in their face. now, not only is nobody showing up to the games, but they're not generating revenue.

  7. Johnoatesforthree,

    You cannot blame the poor attendance on just the students. Based on what I could see from the television, the non-student sections were also empty. This means the local alumni are not supporting BC basketball. Why? I don't know but they better figure out why soon or no one will want to play for BC.

    I just think there is a strnage love for Skinner that was not there for TOB. All TOB did was win and he got run by the fans(granted, he topped off at 9-3/8-4). Skinner did not even break 500 last year and he gets a free pass. I don't get it.

  8. I have to agree with johnoatesforthree, BC has been a very efficient and strong offensive basketball club for many years under Skinner. The kids do a good job executing the flex because he teaches it well. The problem with Skinner's coaching is defense and the reason they will probably never make a deep tournament run is that they don't get enough stops. They are not a good enough defensive team and haven't been for at least three years.

    Local fans only seem to buy in and go to games when a team shows it can be a consistent, big-time winner and that jury is way out for this team.

    Why the students are not going I cannot say but their attendance is pathetic for sure.

  9. good assessment karen.

    It's harder to evaluate the performance of alumni based on numbers... but looking at the student section behind the hoops yesterday was horrifying. 30 people total? maybe? I know there are some scattered throughout the arena, but it cant be more than 100 or so, maybe 150..... Think about that for a second... We'll say 10,000 students for a nice round number. Only 1% show up for an acc/big ten basketball game??? What the hell are these kids doing? Most arent doing anything more productive. At a school with so many high school athletes and kids interested in sports, this is mind boggling. PATHETIC.

    And stop putting it on the athletic department or skinner. if mike d'antoni was out coach would we draw more people? Is the marketing part of the athletic department supposed to trick students into coming? Be serious. Being competitive and playing in one of the best 2 conferences in the NCAA should be enough.

    Turn on a WAC game at midnight and see them pack their high school gym. I bet ivy league schools draw a better crowd with much lesser opponents.

    eagleboston's perspective from IOWA is eye awakening. No wonder people don't respect BC students or the athletic department. It's tradition is not rich and whlie the results are there, its like our athletic department is in quicksand. so much effort to go up, and so quickly back down.

  10. Thanks for posting the Hasselbeck link. I love to root for him because he always seems so funny and it makes me proud to have him out there as a representative of BC. As a teacher, I appreciate those who are good role models and take time for kids. I have it on good authority that our other Matt (Ryan, obviously) spent some time in a local school last year while still at BC. There are so many bad role models out there in the NFL and I'm so glad that BC has produced these 2 great qbs who stick to being "men for others."


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