BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Words of wisdom for BC students and fans

Photo courtesy of Matt F.

As I was working out the logistics of this weekend, my wife raised a fair question, "didn't you say this was a once in a lifetime opportunity last year?"

I answered quickly, "It was and so is this year!" That's right BC students, you are getting a second chance at a once in a lifetime opportunity. The school is giving you tickets. All you have to do is get down to Tampa. Last year I threw out every solution I could think of short of hitching a ride on a freight train like hobo. Now there are much simpler solutions. Airtran, JetBlue, and Delta all have reasonable rates from Boston to Tampa. In some cases you don't even need a hotel room...you can fly early Saturday morning and and fly back Saturday night. It would be the best $250 you have ever spent.

These adventures are not about the costs. They are about the experiences. As silly as it sounds, it means something to say you were there. Listen to alumni and recent grads. Soon you'll be trying to figure out babysitters or vacation days. The carefree moments are few and far between once you become part of the rat race.

For you seniors, this time next year you'll be sitting in a cube reading about two ACC teams getting ready for the ACC Championship Game. As much as I trust this staff, the odds say that BC won't be one of those teams. If you throw the credit card down and buy a plane ticket, you could witness BC's most important win in 60 years.

Alumni and other members of the BC family, I won't try to guilt trip or prod. I know the dilemmas. If not for calling in a favor or two the Mrs would not be joining me this weekend. That said though, you understand what's on the line and how truly rare these situations are. If you are leaning towards going and live on the East Coast, seriously look into same day flights. Don't miss this chance.

Depending on the schedule, I only get to a game or two a year. I never go to game watches. I am so off kilter and antisocial during some of these games, it's best that I watch them alone. That said, I wouldn't miss this because it is a chance to add my voice to the small chorus cheering on this group of BC Guys. It's also a chance to share an experience with the other faithful.

Last year hurt. As soon as time expired, I was racing for my car. I didn't want to spend another minute in Jacksonville thinking about what could have been. But I never regretted going. If you can get there this Saturday, join us. You will never regret it.


  1. "For you seniors, this time next year you'll be sitting in a cube reading about two ACC teams getting ready for the ACC Championship Game."

    Ouch. It hurts soooo much more when you ACTUALLY are reading it from your cube....

    BC '09 get down to the game and represent. ATL isn't lying.

  2. Hell, I'm ten years out, and I asked for the trip down as my birthday and christmas gift from my wife. Get creative people!

  3. I'm BC senior going to the game and I've heard a lot of people talking about "waiting and going to the Orange Bowl." As much as I like this positive thinking, there are no guarantees we get there, and we need to get fans down to Tampa to cheer on the team. I went to Jacksonville last year and even though we lost, it was still a great experience. Take a study break and get down there, you won't regret it.

  4. BC should give a discount on OB packages to anyone who goes to Tampa.

  5. I also used to be of the opinion that if I had to choose between going to the ACCCG and the Orange Bowl, I'd rather do the later. Yet, this is flawed thinking, because the latter is not guaranteed like the ACCCG is. What people who are vacilating on this decision ought to do is to commit to either going to the ACCCG or the subsequent bowl game. Put in that context, the ACCCG sounds pretty good, compared to Nashville:)

  6. ATL, do you think you could talk to my parents and convince them that this is a once in a lifetime experience also?

  7. According to the Globe: Brace and Haden are a go for Saturday; Jags second in ACC COY voting.

  8. Wow - Clarence Megwa really went through a lot with that horrible fractured leg. God bless the young man.


    Go BC - beat VT for Clarence - and Alex, Brian, James and Chris. Let's do this thing!!!!!

  9. Boston.com


  10. Bought my ACCCG tickets this afternoon at the box office. There were 6 people in line behind me, and they were all stunned when they heard what I was buying and telling me how great it was. This should not be a big surprise. We need culture change.

  11. ATL:

    Wasn't there a BC-Sponsored process for the geographically-challenged BC fan to "sponsor" a student or two to get them to the game last year. Anything like that this year?

  12. Charlotte based 99 alumni here and I had almost the exact same conversation with my wife.

    Having problems finding a flight for under $400 (which from charlotte is ridiculous) And I'm pursuing every option (driving to any airport within 5 hours) that will get me there in time and not cost a fortune. It's starting to look like I may be driving....9 hours each way. I must be crazy but I can't miss this.

    Students please please please listen to ATL. I cant tell you how much fun it is to see this team on the road and how much they need your support. ATL is right about now being the time. Almost all of my friends can't make it due to kids/jobs etc and I am lucky...there's always an excuse and there is no certainty of the orange bowl.

    In the Words of the immortal Ben Stiller:

    Do It. Do It.

  13. People - GO!

    I took two of my adult kids last year and we had a blast despite the lack of anything to do (other than the ACCCG) in Jacksonville. Tampa has got to be way better. The atmosphere surrounding the events on Friday and Saturday was great. I'd recommend it to anyone who has the most remote possibility of getting there.

    I bought my tickets this year as soon as I could - one of the kids is in for sure again and the other might make it. I hope to meet some of you at the events there.

    Mike - thanks so much for this great blog.

  14. scott - my buddy in charlotte is driving to atlanta and flying to tampa for something like 150 on delta.

    see y'all in tampa.

  15. Chik-fil-A officially selected georgia tech as their representative... so basically... it's Orange Bowl or bust for us now...

  16. Scott - check AirTran from ATL also - same price as Delta pretty much.

  17. In addition to the GT selection (interestingly, the selection committee comments that it may not be the best economic pick, but it's a reward to the kids ... where was that thinking last year? Such BS)

    Clemson is going to the Gator?!?! How does that happen? This system is just silly.

  18. To add my voice to the chorus: I am an '08 grad who wishes I had "gone to the 'ship" last year (loss and all) and is begging all current students to take advantage of those free tickets. I am yet another of the "working-world" people who just can't swing it now...ironically, I even live in Florida, but I have a mandatory out-of-state conference I must attend this weekend. I am not stretching the truth to say that I cried when I realized it was the same weekend. Sooo...current students, PLEASE, PLEASE GO!!!! Cheer us into the Orange Bowl so that at least I can come support my Eagles then!! :)

  19. good call out on Dr. Saturday BTW

  20. We are all busy!(I have a wife and 3 active kids.) Where there is a will....

    How often will BC make it to the ACC championship game? I was there last year and I'll be there on Sat. cheering loudly and will be able to say "I was there when BC won their 1st ACC Championship!"

    Carpe diem!

  21. add two more students to the chorus! me and my roommate are going down there - debt and all - to cheer on the eagles. You can still probably get the $279 tickets we got out of Boston. You really can't beat that to anywhere right now!


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