BC Fan Resources

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A new recruit and other links

Spaz and company landed their highest profile recruit to date in New Jersey WR Shakim Phillips. It's a good sign that we were able to close on a high profile New Jersey recruit. Hopefully this will build momentum for the rest of the recruiting class.

Kent State Eugene Jarvis injured his kidney against BC and will miss the remainder of the season.

The BC Draft guys held a Q&A with Steve Conroy.

Here is the latest video from bceagles.com.


  1. Just saw the news about the #5 WR Phillips choosing Boston College out of DePaul Catholic in New Jersey. Look, I understand this business about church-state separation. If the state isn't funding private schools like DePaul Catholic, then they don't get to tell them what to do.

    But please, at some point, the welfare of the child has to matter. In light of this news, how can the high school coaches allow a fast, pro-prospect wide receiver to attend Boston College? Haven't they read the preseason polls and the recruiting rankings over the past few years? Why would they subject their prize student to be seen with such unheralded peers? WHERE is Child Protective Services in all of this? Don't they have the child's best interests at heart?

    Don't the coaches listen to the commentators, who tell us ad nauseum that Boston College is "slow" and they "work hard" and that "they are what they are"? Haven't the high school coaches paid attention to what emanates from the fields of Raleigh, where we learn that at Boston College, "8 or 9 wins" is the best you're going to do??? Doesn't this young man want to go someplace where the national commentators will look at the logo on his helmet and assume he is fast and athletic, instead of someplace where the media talking points tell us that he must be slow.

    I feel for Georgia, Illinois, and the other schools that do things the RIGHT way. The schools that show you a GREAT time on campus when you visit. The schools that put you as upperclassmen into programs of study that actually speak to you, such as "Consumer Economics" and "General Curriculum", so you can put in your "volunteer" workouts without extraneous interference. Schools that regularly show up in the high school recruiting newsletters that all NFL scouts use as the basis of their personnel evaluations.

    Look, this kid might get a great education, build a successful career, blah blah blah. But it's not going to do much good if he drops in the February recruiting newsletter rankings from say the #5 WR in the country to #20, just because the newsletter editor doesn't want to embarrass himself at the next SEC media festival.

    THEN who's going to suffer, high school coaches? I'll tell you. The CHILD

  2. Loved the video with the exception of Spaz's locker room speeches. He's not quite Knute Rockne is he? I can't even imagine what he'd sound like after a loss. And is "Hip, Hip, Hooray!" really the best they could come up with? That's embarrassing.

  3. ObserverCollege - I love your doodling!

    Even if I might understand the reasons - the turnout for this game was terrible - and a major embarrassment.

    GDF has got to figure this out.

    What a difference this team will experience this Saturday. I hope the captains have prepared our younger players into using the energy of 84,000 hostile fans into a positive for BC.

    Let's shock the ACC and the nation and start Dabo off 0 and 2 in the conference!

    I agree that "Hip, Hip, Hooray" seems a little lame in the context of the locker room.

    The cheer should be offered to the opposing team after the game while both teams are still on the field. "Let's hear it for Kent State! Captain yells out Hip Hip - answer Hooray; Hip Hip - answer Hooray Hip Hip answer Hooray"!!!! That's the way the cheer should be used.

    The cheer in the locker room could very well be something more pertinent to this particular group of players - their own private cheer.

  4. Drop season and single game ticket prices 50%, give away thousands of 'em through area high schools and neighborhood organizations, run free game-day buses from all over hell ... get rid of those ass-crushing (and freezing in a couple of months) aluminum bleachers ... keep winning, that's usually good for attendance, and play someone that matters.

  5. mod10aeagle - I agree, but we can't even seem to give them away. GDF has got to anticipate a low turnout and take positive steps to fill the stands, for crying out loud.

    I have season tickets, although I live in Columbia, SC. I donated my 50 yard line tickets through the website, because my Boston area family members were all busy, etc. It appeared as though only a handful of "fans" was sitting in Section EE. Invite 10,000 students or more in for free - well ahead of time. Get this thing right, GDF. Or schedule some good games early. These players work too hard to run into an empty stadium.

    I'll be there for Florida State and UNC (also Clemson and Maryland away this year) and my daughter will be at Wake and NC State.

    We had better fill the stadium for Central Michigan - that's for sure!!!!

  6. Fantastic comment Observer, keep up the great work.

    The players deserve better than empty stands. I have season tickets, so maybe there already doing this and I don't know, but why not do tiered pricing. You know the Kent State game isn't going to be a big draw, so drop the prices on that one considerably to fill up the stands? You'll sell FSU and others, so raise those higher. Just a thought.

    On the flip side, can you imagine what stands would be like if on top of our nonconference schedule, we had Big East schools coming in?


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