BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A note about message boards

By writing about this I am making a bigger deal out of this than it needs to be, but someone used my profile on one of the BC message boards to write something I would not write. Thanks for those who made me aware of it. It's been removed and there is "nothing to see here." Just know that anything I write on the boards would and should have the same tone you'd find here.


  1. ATL,
    When I saw those comments on that message board I thought something was off. It was very un-ATL like. Glad to hear it was not you.

  2. Considering that board currently has a thread celebrating the death of Myles Brand (NCAA commish) of pancreatic cancer and referring to him as, among other things, a "douche," I wouldn't expect it to be a bastion of intelligent sports discussion.


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