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Thursday, October 01, 2009

BC-Florida State preview

With the GameDay hype and the Goldout and the general positive feeling about Mark’s news, some are forgetting about the actual football game. While not a must win, the game is pretty important to both teams. If BC loses it puts us in a two loss hole in the division and makes Tampa a long shot. If Florida State losses, they fall below .500 and the Bowden succession plan/retirement talk would heat up.

Narrative talking point that you’ll tire of by the end of the game.
“Florida State had their own minor leaguer…you may have heard of him since he won the Heisman…” The parallel between Shinskie and Weinke will get mentioned. If Shinskie steps up and looks good, I am afraid it will get beaten into the ground. I would love to see Shinskie have a career like Weinke’s but the media and bloggers are all too quick to call someone the “next” something. Let Shinskie be Shinskie.

Three Simple Keys
1. Challenge their Defensive Ends. Last season Chris Crane killed them with the zone option reads. Based on how South Florida moved the ball, it doesn’t seem like FSU has adjusted. I don’t expect Shinskie to run the ball, but I hope we use the Wildcat more in an effort to move the ball and keep the FSU defense off balance.
2. Get to Ponder. Our blitz was anemic last week. Ponder is not 100%. We need to rush him and watch him force bad throws.
3. Play to win. This is a pretty vague 'key' but I think regular readers know what I am getting at. Think of the onsides kick in last year’s Florida State game. It was a statement. Now think back to the prevent against Wake. It was a different sort of statement. Florida State probably has more talent than we do. They need the win more. We cannot play to keep it close and hang our hats on a moral victory. We need to be aggressive and play to win.

Gambling Notes
-- Since ACC play began, the road team has won each game in this series.
-- Bowden is 75-29-2 coming off of a loss.
-- Bowden hasn’t lost three games by the first week of October since 1976.
The current line is Florida State-3.5

Bobby Bowden took over Florida State in 1976. Since then BC has had eight head coaches.

Scoreboard Watching
I’ll be interested to see how Wake Forest responds when playing NC State. Wake is our only win of note and our NC State game is just around the corner. Transitivity doesn’t always work, but it should give us a feel for what to expect from the Wolfpack.

I hope to see…
The defense minimize the big plays. Our Safeties are good, but they let us down a bit last week. We need to contain Florida State and make them work for every point.

BC is in trouble if…
We go down early. In BC’s first ACC game against Florida State, we were down 14-0 nearly before the first commercial break. We clawed back then (in an eventual loss) but my fear is if we get down early we’ll revert to Clemson mode and pack it in.

Bottom Line
We still don’t know what we have. Can Shinskie build on last week? Is the defense the squad that performed so well against Clemson or broke down against Wake? I think things will be answered Saturday. I hate putting much faith in the emotion of it all, but I don’t see us losing with all the focus on Herzy. I hope it is one of those charmed days where everything goes our way and we glow in the possibility and hope that a big win brings.
Final Score: BC 23, Florida State 13


  1. ATL's dustbwol sign for Game Day:
    "Let Shinskie be Shinskie"

  2. Rain in forecast (again). Who benefits from that?

  3. People who don't benefit from rain:

    - Fans
    - ESPN
    - ABC
    - Anything related to cancer awareness
    - BC Marketing who were promoting "gold" clothing

  4. Completely agree with you ATL on the play not to lose mentality. It applies mainly to the D. We have seen that we can't generate a pass rush just from our DL. As Skinner was picking us apart on the last two drives I was screaming at Spaz to send a blitz, with some more choice words in there. If we just sit back Ponder is a decent enough QB that it will be a problem. I don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill but guys I think we might have TOB part 2.

  5. Just read in the school newspaper they are setting up multiple tents around the stadium with "gold gear" ready to be sold. This would be great considering people would probably not want to walk to the bookstore. I hope they loaded up on gold ponchos though...

  6. ATL -- Has BC used the wildcat this year with any success? Do we really have the right backs for that?

    I think a (the?) key for us is if Shinskie can establsih a mid to long passing game to loosen up the field, and give the running game add edge.

    I agree with you that a key on defense is pressure on the QB -- our secondary can only cover for so long.

    Let me ask if it might be possible that Spaz & Co. held back on the blitz last week (too much so of course) so as to lull FSU into thinking that we do not have a hot blitz. Love to see more blitzing

    So there it is: Blitzing and Bombs and we win!

  7. 34b- We've used the Wildcat a few times this season. I remember one wildcat play specifically against Wake that resulted in about 10+ yards. I remember it because I also remember thinking "Wow, BC just managed to successfully run the Wildcat."

  8. They have Harris take the snap in the Wildcat. Hasn't it been discussed previously that Jeff Smith played QB at Silver Lake, maybe he should take the snap with Haden being the motion man. Seems like the better setup on paper.

  9. I was thinking Harris with Haden running to the edge.

  10. Have you ever picked BC to lose a game in your career as a blogger?

    Go Eagles. Fire Spaz, Tranq, and all the other conservative old foggies

  11. Tired of all the fuss over the Wildcat. A tad overrated, no?

    Gotta attack that FSU secondary.

  12. Tim:

    I always predict a BC win. What's the fun in predicting a loss?

  13. Parking plan for Gameday is predictably lame. Only season ticket holders with campus permits will be allowed to park on campus. The rest of us slobs have to park in Needham and take a bus...or worse...use public transportation (the B-line is soooo expedient). Couple this with the forecast and there could be a very small crowd.

  14. morrina: there will be plenty of students at Gameday, that's for sure. The big news around campus all week has been that Gameday as coming, and i can see the excited look on people's faces walking through the Dust Bowl as they are watching the ESPN people set up the Gameday set. Even without the alumni/non-student season ticket holders, I think we will see a great turnout for Gameday.

  15. morrina, you can always parks in Oak Sq and walk up Lake St. There are streets in there that aren't Allston/Brighton parking only

  16. There's no other way. How could they let any old person show up in a car and watcha a television broadcast until noon, then have that person out of the way for the other cars? It's the only way this can happen. I think it's a decent plan, better than not allowing any cars on.

  17. The walk up lake street is not that bad - only about 20 minutes and it's downhill on the way back after games. You can park anywhere on the other side of Washington Street with the rest of the ex-tailgaters/alumni who don't want to fork over $5K for a parking pass and the right to get yelled at by BCPD for tailgating too long in the parking lot.

    Morrina, you could just have your mom drop you off too?

    The crowd is gonna be huge despite the anticipated weather.

    BC 31 FSU 26

  18. Parking. skip needham scene/shuttle. It will add an extra 2 hours to your day. (an extra hour or each trip back and forth to needham)

    For games, I usually park on Beacon, 4-5 blocks down from Cleveland Circle and either walk or hop a cab (lots of them around waiting for BC gamers). Bring about 3 bucks in quarters and it will keep your meter good for about 4 hours. Should be enough time, and odds of getting a ticket at 7-8 pm on saturday night are low (meter-maids go to bed early!)

  19. Don't forget the Green Line D Riverside Line - Chestnut Hill Stop. There's street parking on Hammond on out to Route 9. There's street parking across Route 9, and I used to park in the lots of the Soule Recreation Center - a Town of Brookline Facility. Not sure if that's still possible.

    It's not a bad walk - about 1 mile I guess.

  20. You Eagle fans who can go to Alumni Stadium this weekend rain or shine have no idea how lucky you are to see this BC game "live." I hope you all show up and make it loud and wild. We'll be out here in California wishing we could support Herzy & the Goldout and the Gameday crazies, and this year's BC Eagles victory over FSU. Go Eagles!!

  21. Any south florida game watches?

  22. BC 27 FSU 17


  23. It always amazes me how few people know exactly how many ways there are to get to campus. Think outside the box people!


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