BC Fan Resources

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Media push for GameDay and other links

Here is Mark's message to BC fans. If you are going to the game, please show up in "gold" and buy one of the beat cancer shirts (if you can find one).

Mark's been out in front of the media sharing the positive results of his MRI. His interview with Scott Van Pelt made big news.

This will put a damper on your day -- check out how Tranq's offenses have fared against Mickey Andrews' defenses.

As for news on the team...Shinskie is stepping up, LeGrande is back and Kuechly is now playing

Josh Bordner is excited about potentially coming to BC early.

The ACC updated the TV schedule for basketball.

Scott Gomez is glad to have Brian Gionta in Montreal.

The Hokies fundraiser for Herzy exceeded expectations.

The analysts up north think part of Quinton Porter's struggles are due to overthinking.


  1. My wife and I will have our BC yellow (gold) rainslickers on - hopefully it won't be as bad as the weather at Clemson.

  2. Let's hope that Coach Gary Tranquill learned something during his retirement years prior to coming to Boston College. Oh Boy!I don't want to see Mickey Andrews gloating on the sidelines.

  3. If Tranquill is coaching the QBs to look at receivers three times before they even make a decision, I predict a lot of injured QBs in our future.

  4. Porters issues are due to overthinking or handsomeness?

  5. Rather than comparing Tranquil's offense (on other teams) to FSU's defense, let's compare BC head-to-head with FSU, including Spaz's defense to FSU's offense, over the last 4 years.

    Teams are 2-2 from 2005-2008; FSU has never gained over a 100 yards rushing in any of those 4years against BC. BC had more offensive yards than FSU in 2005, 2007 and 2008, and very similar yards in 2006. FSU aint what it used to be. It's basically Wake Forest with a storied past. Come to think of it, FSU is ND of the South!

    This year FSU did have a very impressive 313 yards rushing agaisnt BYU, but only 19 against South Florida.

    Which parts of which teams will show remains the question!! And let's hope that our horrible 4Q secondary performance in the Wake game was a result of some bad coaching not a lack of player ability!

  6. Has any other university decisively claimed the phrase "Gold Rush" for filling their stadium with fans wearing gold? (i.e. Penn state has their "white out")

    Also, Herzlich's cured! Put him in.

  7. Don't read to much into Tranquill's record against Andrews. In all but '01 his teams were way over matched and in '01 when UNC had a decent team they put up 41 points in huge upset over #6 FSU

  8. Jim, ASU has used the term "Gold Rush" in their push to get everyone to wear gold since the early part of this decade. It took a solid 3-4 years before everyone started to respond.


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