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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hammered by the Hokies

Virginia Tech is a very good team but they are not as good as we made them look today. One stinker in a season is almost expected. Two terrible games raises questions. Nothing really worked today and I am frustrated and concerned about our lack of identity on offense.

Spaz rallied the troops after Clemson. Now he's got to do it again. (I don't know how things keep falling apart like this...)

I will endure the pain of a second viewing and have grades up late Sunday.


  1. The last 3 games I missed due to other commitments: UNC last season, Clemson and Va Tech this season. All wipeouts. I have to miss the Notre Dame game so go ahead and chalk that up as a loss.

    Do I dare watch the replay on 360? Is there anything positive to see?

    I'm not panicked as I predicted after the bowl game last year, before Jags left, that BC would lose 5 games this season. And that was before Herzy was sick. It looks like we are on that pace. It's due to poor recruiting by TOB at the end and by Jags. BC is a young team, they have some good players. They will be better, just not this year.

  2. I'm not bothered by a loss, so much as the way we lost it. This was never even a game. That being said, I think the Eagles can still finish 5-3 with a shot at the ACCCG. Can we go 3-1 against NC State, UNC, Virginia and Maryland? Yes we can.

  3. wait, i said 7 wins and get called a downer and you say 5 losses and?...hmmm....something amiss here...

    poor recruiting...yeah, big part of it, also clemson and va tech on the road, qb trouble, new staff, the list goes on...

    can shakim phillips rush the passer, by chance?

    we'll be alright...um, eventually...

    home games...home games...home games...

  4. @EagleinAtlanta

    Godbless you for being able to watch this game a second time, I had a hard enough time getting through watching it a first time. Hopefully you have a bottle of Jim Beam and a box of tissues handy.

  5. poor guy. I wouldn't wish a second viewing of that game on anyone.

  6. CT,

    I never called you a downer. That was the cadre of rose-colored myopians that have been on here for years claiming BC is going to win a national championship. I keep telling them we need to win the ACC first.

    I'm watching the replay and from what I can see, the defensive scheme needs to be scrapped. Their zone coverage is way too soft and none of the DB's seem to be on the same page in pass coverage. They might actually be better going to a straight man-to-man and blitzing LeGrande and Keuchley.

    Offensively, they just got buried in the field position game early and then Spaz threw in the 2nd team at a very stupid moment in the game. They were only down 17-0. This is a statement you make when the game is definitely out of hand, and at this point, there was still hope.

    Now, I'm gonna watch the 2nd half which must have been better.

  7. If it makes anyone feel any better, NC State has already given up 21 points and 259 yards at home to Duke with 5 minutes left in the first half, and Duke is currently driving in NC State territory. And luckily we get them at home. If we can regroup and refocus, we should very well still win next week's game. Va Tech is a good team, and we just played horribly today. Playing horribly and missing opportunities against a top 5 team will lead to outcomes like this.

  8. Ok, I'm watching the 2nd half replay and I found some positives. 1) Marscovetra played very well. Granted, he was playing against the 2nd string, but he has a nice touch on the ball and great pocket presence. 2) Larmond can be a big-time receiver. 3) Kuechley is playing even better than Herzlich did as a freshman. All will be around for a few years.

  9. Wow, Virginia is really putting it to Indiana thru 3 quarters.

  10. Our zone defense pass coverage was soft throughout the first 3 quarters--they went thru us like we were hologram ghosts at Disneyland.

  11. Another positive - our scrubs tied Va Tech's scrubs 14-14 in the 2nd half. This means a couple years down the way, we should be more evenly matched.

    Keep in mind, this was an unranked BC team going up against the #5 in the land.

  12. Update: Duke has 450+ yards and 35 points late in the 3rd quarter at NC State. Thad Lewis already has over 400 yards passing. Compare that to Russell Wilson only have 151. If our offense can't move the ball against the Wolfpack's defense in their first trip out of state, we're in trouble. Their secondary looks just as bad as it was last year (they gave up 400 yards to Crane...ouch)

  13. Hey CT - I'd really love to watch a game with you - after reading your comments you seem like a great fan to watch the game with.

    Allow me hmmm 7 wins... hmmm

    Maybe you're the only 'realist' here who can call BC out when we're bad. But hey there's nothing better than watching BC get its keetser kicked then reading you're smug A$$ comment about how you knew this would happen.

    I consistently love your positive attitude.

    Do me a favor and take a long walk of a short pier.

  14. Welcome to the Playa Hata's Ball 2009


  15. That was only our second loss and we made it to the ACCCG with three last season. We just have to remember that we played the #5 team in the country today and even though we made them look better than they acutally are they are still the #5 team.

    I still say that BC finishes at worst 9-3 this season. The next six games on our schedule are all very, very winnable and I can easily see BC winning out. My personal prediction is that BC wins out or drops one to ND, sending us to the ACCCG for the third straight year to end up facing VT or Georgia Tech, where we beat one of the afore mentioned teams to head to the Orange Bowl. Mark (Herzlich) y words, BC wins out and returns to Tampa

  16. Hmmm... So John, what you're telling us, is that while the game was not pretty, we DON'T have to throw a virgin in the Wicker Man? There's still hope?

  17. We should probably throw the virgin in for good measure.

  18. JohnQ,

    I agree with Dan...throwing in a virgin anyway would probably be a good idea just to be safe. But yes, otherwise, I would say we shouldn't be too, too worried. Should we be worried...yes, the offensive performance today was reminiscent of Clemson and God knows we don't want to end up back there, but we just need to remember that we were playing the number 5 team in the country and an outcome like that shouldn't be unexpected. I still stick by what I said before and believe that BC will still finish the season 9-3 with a trip to the ACCCG. But just in case, get that virgin ready.

  19. I like our chances next week. Duke went into Carter-Finley and won 49-28 while piling up almost 500 yards in the air. We are playing at home and NC State has a defense reminiscent of Wake and FSU. Right now I think Wake is the team to beat in the Atlantic with one ACC loss and their current beatdown of Maryland, but that could very well change with them going to Clemson next week and also having to play Georgia Tech and Miami this year. All 4 of our remaining games are against teams who have a combined 2 wins in conference play (as many as us), and surprisingly those 2 wins come from the two teams who you'd least expect it (UVA and UMD). I don't think it's time to hit the panic button quite yet.

  20. EagleBoston(really Iowa) and CT. --

    I was the one who said Bravesbill (not CT) was a downer, which is true. He is/was/will be.

    But I have hope for you guys. C'mon JDK, CT aint so bad! And E-B(I) is just in love with his own opinions. Harmless guys and good guys to keep the discussions going. Not much a board without CT and E-B(I).

    But CT adn E-B(I) if you and others are going to your darkside, now is the time to go for it. This is the week to get the demons out of your system, because more hope is coming!

    The rest of us will continue to have high hopes and high expectations for the rest of the season! Join us!

    Afer all, it is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all!

  21. So much for defense today, I think the average score for an ACC team today is gonna be 30+ points. Crazy.

  22. and if it wasn't for us it would be 40+

  23. Even an 8-4 record will get it done if we finish 5-3 in conference. Maybe this is anathema around here, but I really don't care all that much what happens in South Bend at the end of the month. While I'd surely love to whip those arrogant Domers, I'd trade a win against ND for a win against NCSU, UVA, UNC or Maryland any day of the week.

  24. @chicagofire

    I disagree 100% as far as this year is concerned. It's obvious this year's squad isn't ready for the big time. Since this is the last year we play ND for awhile, all I want for the rest of this year is a victory in South Bend to keep the streak alive.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Look at the remaining games. If we beat UVA, MD, UNC and NCS,WE WIN the ACC Atlantic.

    very doable.

    Beating FSU and WF should tell us we can and should beat all these teams.

    (unless clemson wins all its remainig ACC games, including Miami and Wake)

    We're not the class of the ACC, but we can be the class of our division. Not bad.

    So, wow..we still control our own destiny...hard to believe...

    ND is just a distraction... and basically for bragging rights against a bunch of dopey domers. We own them already, so even if they win this year, so what...

    Winning ACC comes first.

  27. Mod 34B,

    BC is not in control of their own destiny. We have 2 losses. So does Clemson. Clemson beat BC, thus Clemson is on control. Get your math straight.

  28. Eagle-Iowa --

    no need to be so nasty...try re-reading what i wrote. If you were not so quick to be a school-marmish know-it-all,, you might have noticed the following point:

    "(unless clemson wins all its remainig ACC games, including Miami and Wake)"

    I await your retraction.

  29. wow, jdk, i'm almost honored to be called out. almost. i'm walking as i type and i see the end of the pier up ahead. just let me go, buddy.

    didn't mean to sound smug. not my intention. but seriously...my rose-colored glasses are in the shop and i can't find the rainbow. others can. we're average. qb and basic defensive issues. yikes.

    you see some of the other comments on here about winning out and going to the acccg at 6-2? re-read them. everything is groovy. we're headed to a bcs bowl. can't wait. first in line. miami is great in january.

    things'll be good in the next couple of yrs. i'm w/ ya.

    love mod34b's...mmason's...bjk's...eagleboston's optimism. terrific. don't understand their's and atl's thinking about this team, that's all.

    and if you're going to tell me to walk 'of' a pier, next time i'll capitalize when necessary.

    besides, mod34b said i'm 'not bad,' 'harmless,' and 'good.' that practically qualifies me for a nobel peace prize.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Basicaly this game and the clemson game were a hot mess!!!!! Tranquill must go!!!!!!! Spaz should have kept Logan! Jeeez its like watching Dana Bible all over AGAIN!!! HEY GENE....WE GOT TO NUMBER TWO NATIONALLY UNDER RYAN & JAGS...AND YOU COULDN'T KEEP US THERE????? Why not call Gallup and his son at ND..maybe they can tell tell you that loyalty means crap!!!!

  32. I have to agree wholeheartedly with CT. This team is flat out awful. It is lucky to be in such a crap division. And the awfulness of the team starts at the top. Spaz is one of the worst head coaches ever. What coach gives up on their team in the second quarter? This is the second time in 4 games he flat out gave up. Unacceptable. Spaz was one of the worst choice for head coach. Practically anybody would have been better than him. Logan was the optimal choice, but instead we get saddled with a loser.

  33. Bravesbill --

    Every single thing you said in this post is negative and dark. Not a smidgen of light.

    But I love the post. Really, this is hysterical. It is almost as if you (unwittingly) wrote a paradoy of yourself.


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