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Saturday, October 10, 2009

In-game comments post: Virginia Tech

A noon start in hostile environment on a rainy day didn't bring out the best in our guys earlier this year. That was then, this is now. We are playing much better and are a little more tested. The Hokies are very good and should be a good barometer of how far BC has come and how far we have to go. Let's go!

I will not be online during the game. Leave your thoughts and comments below.


  1. Hope the guys come out fast and strong. WE ARE! B-C!

  2. I thought this was going to be an ESPN360 day, but its not.

    For those in Boston area, the game is on channel 14 WSBK (raycom feed)

    High def too!

    go BC

  3. good try on the kickoff, but bad execution.

  4. oh no.. now we have a very bad run defense...

  5. The D-line is getting run over these first couple plays. We're just not getting any push at all.

  6. we just don't start well...

  7. 3-0..stopped the TD at least

  8. Good job holding them to 3. Williams is the real deal.

  9. "Impressive Drive," but I'll take the field goal. You shouldn't "impose your will" and have to settle for three.

  10. VT helped us out a little there, but still a very nice play by the right side of the line to force the FG try.

    On the other hand, the the front seven needs to get some push on running plays. They got run over on that drive.

  11. now, the biggest palys of the season...Is shinskie up to handling the hard-core VT defense...

    100% guarantee we start with a run to nowhere into the line!!

  12. Exactly: the Raycom announces are abysmal. Particularly the color guy.

  13. Hey, give these guys some credit. They're not as bad as the guys doing baseball on TBS!

  14. Maybe Uncle Dave always needs a few throws to get into the game?

  15. I wish Frank Beamer had a coach in waiting...

  16. Dave is warming up, getting rid of the fear...he does have time...so that's a plus

  17. I like the protection so far

  18. I've gotta wonder if Jeff Smith even breaks tackles in practice

  19. I think Jeff just rolls joints

  20. Holy shit we cannot stop the run

  21. VT's running game is rediculous.

  22. Have they attempted a pass yet?

  23. Well, here we go again.

  24. Nope, all runs. Thank god for Kuechly

  25. once we stop the run, the pass will come

  26. Good lord. Another first down and they still haven't thrown a pass.

  27. Also, these announcers are just bad: 4 100-yard games? "Just a champion"? "He's got feet"?

  28. the short middle of pass defense is always totally OPEN

  29. At least we have the O'Reilly Auto parts red zone

  30. How do you not have a single defender in the middle of the field?

  31. Where's that pressure been all day?

  32. ugggg.. that TD was really ugly

  33. Goddamnit. Our defense is effing terrible. How do you not cover a guy? At all? Jesus.

  34. We really need to score here

  35. You could see that coming once he said "he's going down again."

  36. really, the Q is why did they not tackle TT.. secondary can only last so long

  37. Maybe Raycom is bad luck.

  38. Why did Larmond stop????

  39. If he just freaking kept running he had that!!

  40. That was a good throw. Larmond needs to keep going.

  41. the receiver DID quit on teh ball,,, bad

  42. This tackling sucks.

    No chance if we can't take advantage of opportunities, Colin. Please execute.

  43. No pass rush. No cornerbacks. Awful.

  44. We need to do something about our secondary scheme. What is going on, how are these guys getting so open in the middle

  45. I don't think he quit on it, I think he misjudged it. Like a center fielder who runs in on a ball that winds up going over his head.

  46. Anyone else watching/drinking by themselves? How depressing for me.

  47. Ugly 1st, let's bury it and move on. Someone make play, O-Line has given Uncle Dave some time so far, we have some opportunity.

  48. Galvin:

    I'm drinking. One beer for each first down VTech gets. The ambulance is on its way.

  49. Q1 VT 154 yards; BC 7 yards

    yet i still have some hope...

  50. Galvin,
    Just switched from coffee to beer by myself. It could get sad early. Not to mention Purdue is ruining my parlay already.

  51. Galvin: Watching by myself. Wasn't planning to drink. But the way this is going ...

  52. This is looking like our ACCCG losses to VT in that both teams playing seem to think VaTech is better. Our defensive approach is just pathetic, we act like Mike Vick is playing qb for the hokies.

  53. I think the cast of Glee is playing defense for us.

    Seen enough. Back to weekend chores list.

  54. AO -- think you've got a point.

    BC is intimidated...

    hopefully they are now embarrased and will let lose with some reckless abandon....

  55. Ah sorry to hear it fellas, but good to know. I am sucking down yuenglings like there's diamonds at the bottom. Mod, I still have hope too. Their offense can be stopped (maybe not by us today). We just need some luck and some more effort

  56. VT's willimas already has run for 92 yards!

  57. where is Tuggle?????

  58. Oh my god what is going on? Did he replace the offense as a message or due to injuries?

  59. Why is Marscovetra in?

  60. this is shaping up as a long-lasting bad memory...

  61. Hey, maybe we'll get another "it could get ugly" quote by Spaz at halftime!

  62. Now we have a TRUE, TRUE 18 year old frosh..this is insane coaching...just nuts...

  63. Great idea Spaz. Thanks a lot.

  64. its a point being made to the first team. if you they can't do anything then might as well put the second team in who probably can't do anything either.

  65. Spaz for Nobel Peace prize (no knowns skills required)

  66. If i wasn't so emotionally invested in BC sports, this would be comical. Que horror.

  67. first team was so embarassing it is the only thing you could do to get your point across

  68. I get the point. How long do you scar your second team for at the expense of this point?

  69. Oh my God, this is painful. Is it hockey season yet?

    What a joke. All done. Time to watch some recorded Barrett Jackson car auctions.

  70. i may have to add "cleaning up my own vomit" to that saturday chores list

  71. 24-0. One point for each dollar I paid to watch this shit on ESPN Gameplan. DAMMIT. Goodbye low alcohol blood content.

  72. That 7 points was directly due to Spaz messing around with a stupid message to the first team. I have nto seen something so ridiculous before.

    and teh coverage...VT guy just ran right past our guy...

    pass the Yeunglings

  73. the TV announcers seem to be relishing this bloodbath. there has been audible giggling. what a joke.

  74. Are these refs serious?

  75. They refuse to sell Yeungling in New England. I can only supply Miller Lite.

    I hate building my day around blowouts. (at least Minnesota gives me something to cheer about)

  76. Me too JohnQ. My girl is going to be pissed at my drunk sulking when she gets home.

  77. it was a perfect point to make, the first team was pathetic. vtech would have scored either way.

  78. I like Mulrooney's fire on that hit. I just want to see some enthusiasm. Let's not quit!

  79. This is absolutely embarrassing. Total disgrace.

  80. Ok a stop! What if we can somehow get it to 24-14 by half. I will take 3 shots of nasty vodka if that happens. Any other takers?

  81. And I thought the Clemson game brought out the worst in us

  82. this looks like the Northeastern game

  83. I love how BC has a player on the team named Conor O'Neal who is not Irish-Catholic, pretty cool.

  84. Well, umm, I guess I have the Falcons game to look forward to tomorrow. At least I can watch a (former) BC player make a first down or two. This is just ... humiliating. Galvin, I'm breaking open the tequila!

  85. and then the skies went black, and all hope was lost....

  86. Northeastern didn't look this bad.

  87. offensive line is a joke

  88. The announcers are bad, but they aren't relishing this any more than we are. Games like this suck to announce, b/c how the hell do you make it "sound" interesting when it's so bad?

  89. VT 250 yards; BC -4

    no BC first downs

    no BC passes completed

  90. So.... anyone heard a good joke lately? Stock tips? What else is going on in the world?

  91. haha, they get in the plug for the ACC game next week before they lose all viewership

  92. Beamer is going for the National Championship. Spaz is trying to build a team. Our defense has been a problem in every game, we have no kickers, and now our QB is hurting. We'll see EVERYBODY play today.

    Get ready for a public beat down, with the announcers enjoying their chance to dump on BC for every time we've proved them wrong, because now these pinheads get to be right.

    Our only hope is that VT gets so tired of beating us up that we come back in the second half with a vengeance and catch'em napping. We just can't quit, though--that would be a very bad thing for everyone who is BC...all of us.GO EAGLES!!!

  93. You think Darren Evans is happy for Ryan Williams? I bet not

  94. What a cock Beamer is.

  95. Beamer is doing exactly what a coach should do ....

    BC is jsut outclassed here. Could you imagine if BC played Alabama!!

  96. Fact: The loser of the BC / VT regular season game has gone on to win the ACC title each of the last two years.

  97. Great throw Dave.

  98. shinskie is making horrific decisions.

  99. I know mod, he is a fantastic coach really. I am just a sore loser.

  100. I mean do you see the size of those holes for Williams, just huge.

  101. Ok enough is enough. Shinskie is beyond rattled - its like he is just throwing it up for the hell of it. While he may be our QB for the season, he doesn't have it today. Let's see what the others got and hopefully put some positive yards on the board.

  102. Well, there is something about Shinskie today....the "freak out" factor seems to be at play...He just can't play when he lacks confidence....this is is tough. His passes are just horrendous...soft floaters...

    But why did Spaz bypass Tuggle for Marsco????

  103. if we do get it together and win the Atlantic, who is going to travel to the ACC championship to face VT after this spanking?

  104. BC Double Eagle.. I love it

    you have identified the only glimmer of hope !!!

    We are going to win the ACCCG!!!

  105. This espn duke commercial is pissing me off. "And this is where Corey Magette plowed 3 girls at one time"

  106. Announcers keep saying that they know our team won't quit. How can you quit when you haven't even started trying...

  107. I watched ND do this to BC back in '92 at South Bend. Holtz ran up the score to prove they were #1 and they beat us 55-7. This next half will be cucial for our kids. Go BC!

  108. Half -- VT 293 yards; BC -4

    0 BC first downs

    0 passes completed.

  109. I have never seen a more pathetic BC game. Just when I think there is a glimmer of hope for us to be good this year, we blow.

  110. If he keeps this up, 0 blow jobs from freshmen girls for Shinskie when he gets back to campus.

  111. I haven't followed BC football as long as most of you here but have any of you ever seen a worse half of football?

    3 Yards of offense
    293 Yards Allowed
    2 INTs (including a Pick 6)
    0-9 Passing
    0 First Downs

  112. Galvin,
    Does the commercial show where Chistian Laettner plowed three guys at one time?

  113. ... Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  114. hahaha I think they mention him laying pipe to a few nice young Duke gentlemen.

  115. By the way, Lou Holtz will be happy as a pig in shit today. That son of a bitch hates us so much

  116. Long time lurker, just signed up because I can't stand the atrocious play and the play calling. BC clearly was not ready to play today and that is on Spaz. The O-line has been horrific and the defense hasn't been much better (poor tackling). I don't understand why they aren't adjusting on defense and crowding the box on first down to stuff the run? I really think Spaz is a better lieutenant than he is a general. Too bad we can't bring Jags and Logan back and put Spaz back at DC.

  117. It's been a long time since I've seen a BC team play so badly - maybe under Henning, after the gambling scandal?
    I like Spaz, but this and Clemson make me wonder if he's up to the task.

    Even Cowboy Jack's last season they played hard.
    This'll raise the pressure on Bowden too, won't it?

  118. I think the worst thing Spaz did was hire Tranq at OC. I think the win over Wake and FSU were good wins, especially over a well coached Jim Grobe team.

    The thing that was not okay about that game was the vanilla play calling on offense that got the opponents back in it. (and the prevent D I suppose)

    Give the keys to Day.

  119. Yeah, Tranq was a bad choice, I agree. Let Day run the O and work on Shinskie's mental preparation.

  120. Anyone seen enough of Shinskie? Anyone? Bueller Bueller?

  121. I will say, the way Shinskie has looked in Death Valley and Lane, makes you wonder if nerves are the reason he didn't make it in baseball, and if he can handle these types of away games in football.

  122. let's not lay this completely on Spaz and Tranq...

    all BC playerws are getting beat on almost every play...

    psst...to state the very obvious, VT is way better than us

  123. Bueller! ... BUELLER!!!

  124. A turner-over .. SPAZ-ball..

    if we score and make it 34-7, then we are comparable to #11 Miami who lost 31-7... (lol)

  125. Quigley has no gone to pot....

  126. Sometimes the other team just has more horses, more arrows, can sing AND dance, wants it more, has nothing else that matters more, been around longer, and knows the terrain better than you know yourself. We beat these guys once in their homecoming game not that long ago...and that means alot to Hokies. Frankly, they're damn good and we're not...yet. The better team is winning. They've always been a monumental pain in our rears, and Beamer loves beating us and piling it on...this is his kind of heaven. And then there's Bud Foster--any guy named after two beers has to be dangerous...I think I'll just have a lager for breakfast right now.
    It's that whole jive lunch pail thing.

  127. well said mmason

  128. Ummmm... if it makes anyone feel better, Minnesota is doing their part on my Minny-Iowa-Florida parlay!

  129. Touchdown!

    For Boston For Boston
    We sing our proud refrain
    For Boston For Boston
    'Tis Wisdom's earthly fane
    For here all are one
    And our hearts are true
    And the towers on the Heights
    Reach to Heav'n's own blue
    For Boston For Boston
    'Til the echoes ring again!


    WE WANT MORE!!!!

  130. 34-7.. we are just as good as Miami!! (who lost to VT 31-7)


  131. And a kickoff into the endzone!

  132. Mod,
    I have laughed at both of those Miami references, but honestly, sometimes that's all teams need to BELIEVE they can play. You can say even good teams have bad days.

  133. See, now? Shinskie makes the big accurate pass,gets totally hammered (he's not alone there...), and then Larmond fights for the ball and trots in with a big catch and a TD. Game of inches? Hell, yes. No shutout now. All we have to do is pull the comeback o' the year in the next 11 minutes...and not give up that TD pass to Davis that just happened. Hey,Louie, it's not my night...

  134. John Q -- actaully our stats vs FSU are quite similar to UM's stat's against FSU.

    Shows how really good VT is and how really, really, really good Alabama is (500 yrds to VT 150 yards)

    But does this mean that DUKE is better than BC in football. NEVER

  135. Oh wait... yeah, nevermind.

  136. Marsco threw the TD, not Shinskie.. not bad

  137. i think Beamer is trying to score 94 points in support of Mark Herzlich and Ewing's Sarcoma research...

  138. But seriously, VT is classless trash. Up 41-7 and you go for it on 4th and goal on the one. No class at all.

  139. Either way, it wasn't a great pass, it was a great play by Larmond. Larmond has great potential. He beat that d-back in the first quarter and just misjudged Shinskie's pass.

    Hopefully the super fans remember how this one tastes when VT comes to Alumni next year.

  140. Groundhog,
    A lot of people consider going for it on 4th down to be MORE sportsman-like, because you're giving the defense a chance to stop you, especially given the fact that you know they're going to run; as opposed to kicking the easy three points. I guess it all depends on your point of view.

  141. that's a good point johnq. although i think we all know BC's chances of stopping the run is ZERO this game. throw in the crowd screaming for blood, and it just seemed like a little salt in the wounds.

  142. Two road games, two awful performances. Yikes.

    Not all that surprising, though, is it? I mean, the Clemson game was a warning sign. Crumbled like a cookie against Wake and got lucky. Played as well as we have all year and beat an average FSU team.

    You play with what you've got and this team lacks defensive playmakers and a consistent QB and personality.

    Can't get all carried away by beating average teams at home.

    We beat cancer last week but can't beat Ryan Williams this week.

  143. Wow. I am so glad I left to go do things at school. I was planning on watching when I got back, but I really don't feel the need. Absolutely pathetic game on all fronts. Shinskie's line is more or less comparable to Tuggle's from the Clemson game (Tuggle had more picks, but completed multiple passes and threw a TD). Absolutely horrific.

    And here's the thing, thick and thin, we are stuck with Spaz for five years. Even though it is far too early to pass any kind of judgement on the man as a head coach, and even if you dislike him as a coach, we are stuck with him for five years.

  144. The only way to watch this is with the sound turned off and the Chili Peppers on loud as hell...

  145. Marsco & Larmond are a doin' some cool things...atleast there's that.

    And then there's the required cheap shot late from the Hokies.

    A TD right now would be good for the collective soul...

  146. I am liking Marsco... some nice throws...some good nerve...

    what happened to Tuggle???

  147. Touchdown!

    For Boston For Boston
    We sing our proud refrain
    For Boston For Boston
    'Tis Wisdom's earthly fane
    For here all are one
    And our hearts are true
    And the towers on the Heights
    Reach to Heav'n's own blue
    For Boston For Boston
    'Til the echoes ring again!



    WE WANT MORE!!!!

  148. After seeing this offensive performance and our QBs for the next 4 years any chance Shakim Phillips keeps his commitment?

  149. i wasnt expecting a victory... but wow. i try to stay optimistic but its tough right now. hopefully this refocuses the team for nc state and nd...

  150. I think we should wait on any Spaz pronouncements until after the season. You know, when it ends in D.C. at the Tuesday Bowl that starts at 8:30am. Or something like that.

    The good news: we've got home games left!

    The better news: UGA is losing. That almost makes my drunkeness worth it.

    At least ATL doesn't have to rewatch the game--he can cut and paste the Clemson review.

    Can't wait for that LSU-UF game tonight.

  151. And another kickoff into the endzone!

  152. This won't hurt so much when VT wins the national 'ship--and they CAN do that...better an ACC team than not.

  153. Yeah, was this the wrong year to make my first road trip to Notre Dame?

    I'd like BC's chances a lot more at home.

  154. I guess the QB controversy is resumed in new form...Marsco or Shinskie....I am digging Marsco...

  155. CT: I wasn't making a pronouncement. It's way too early for that and Spaz is a first-time head-coach. I actually think that he has the potential to be a good head coach (if he was fifteen years younger; okay, unnecessary). I was only pointing out that, even if you think Spaz is a bad coach - I do not - there is nothing to be done until the end of the 2013 season. Gene will be hamstrung on this as his entire reputation rests upon Spaz being a successful coach.

    Instead, Spaz is going to have to learn from his mistakes and build upon those lessons. He'll have to figure out to make his team more aggressive and how to encourage his assistants to change their schemes to accommodate the talents of the players they do have. Spaz will have to recruit talented D-linemen as well special-teams athletes and specialists. Most of all, he'll have to lean on this team's leaders to rally the players as they try to wipe this turd of a game out of their memories. NC State is up next. Let's hope they play with a chip on their shoulder.

  156. One thing that ATL can really check out on his review is our pass coverage--what was with that? Tyrod was throwing to wide-open guys all day--even the rookie sub was looking good because our pass D just didn't cover. Big plays every other passing situation...and more mysteries at QB...Is there any consolation in our 2nd half performance numbers? I wonder.

    Now I have to hear about this score from all the Domer lovers in California for days on end...sure hope USC helps out a little and puts up big numbers on those guys.

    Go Eagles!!! We'll be back--I've seen worse...

  157. This comment has been removed by the author.

  158. Shakim will still come because we have a good QB coming in from CA next year (unless they were watching and texting each other today) Speaking of which, does anyone know if Rettig is gonna come in early?

  159. BCNorCal, no worries, I wasn't pointing you out specifically. I read all the emotional stuff throughout the game about how bad the staff is and was just thinking that we'll know how good they are AFTER a game like this in their adjustments.

    I know it makes me a gloomy gus, but I've sorta always thought that this season is not about much more than getting prepped for next year--staff settles in, QB chosen, new recruits, etc. Not giving up on the winnable games this year, but good teams are at least competitive on the road and we're decidedly not. Competitive, that is.

    What's concerning is how truly vast the talent differential looked today. Maybe Lane Stadium had something to do with that.

    I guess our "we've found a QB" cries after last week are kinda back to "wtf just happened w/ our QB?"

    BC makes me drink more than I should.

    mmason, I was a freshman for that '92 game in ND. Didn't Holtz fake a punt late in the game? Our karma ran over his dogma the next yr, tho.

  160. Totally agree with this year being a good prep year. Said the same thing on the espn game board leading up to this game. We've already hit the high total for most predictions this year so any success from here out is pretty much gravy. Almost everyone on offense is coming back so this year should be our preseason for next year.

  161. CT--Holtz faked the punt in the third quarter when ND was up 37-0. As well, he called out his first string guys on D to stop us and preserve the shutout when BC was going for the TD on 3rd & goal when the score was 55-0 with 30 seconds remaining. We scored and it was a long, inebriated BC weekend in Chicago that followed before I flew back to L.A.. That following year we beat ND at South Bend, remember that? They were #1 in the nation, headed for the National Championship after beating #1 FSU the week before. We were not supposed to even be in that game, and won with a line drive FG as the time expired.

    This is why I caution all of this black crepe after this VT game. In '92 when we lost, we were ranked #17 and ND made a big deal in the Sunday papers about how they schooled us on who rules football in America. It was humiliating--but they had Jerome Bettis and he was a man playing with and against boys.

    College ball is always a schooling--we'll rock these guys soon enough, I think. It's a really green team with new coaches and no Paul Petersons or Hasselbecks or Matt Ryans to lead them...yet. Our Defense is as big a factor in keeping us in it--we just didn't bother VT at all today. It was a light scrimmage for them with a party waiting at the other side of the game. Lest we forget--Penn State did this to us every year when Spaz was playing for THEM! They were up at half time in every game by 40 points in the late '60's. And then along came Flutie.

  162. I remember watching the '92 game in my dorm room...I think we had won our first 7 games that year and had "emerged" again on the national scene. And then the beat down. I almost strangled Holtz through my TV when he faked that punt.

    And the '93 game is probably #2 on my all-time sports moments ('95 Braves). Remember watching that game in a Walsh Hall lounge with a dozen friends and holding hands for that FG. That whole game was surreal. Foley to Mitchell. The dropped INT on the last drive. I mean, one week after The Game of the Century b/t ND and FSU. Good times.

    (I didn't remember this, but was reminded recently that the Miracle in Miami occurred one week after Maryland's all-time comeback against Miami...down, what, 35-3 at half and MD won 45-42 or something like that.)

    We whipped up on Penn St. a couple of yrs back in the early 90s when I was at BC. Wish we would get them on the schedule again...good exposure in PA.

    Anyway, enjoy the margaritas. The next Sam Adams is for memories of a knuckleball FG in the twilight of South Bend.

  163. getting me teary-eyed, ct.

  164. CT--Yeah, that was a knuckleball FG! I remember a crowd of people in my house going nuts and just screaming as all those ND players writhed in agony on the field and BC guys "took turf" from the field as the announcers (Wasn't Brent Mussberger calling that game?) were hyping the Giant Killer theme--BC back from the grave destroys ND's Return to Glory! Great Days--and
    more to come with these BC guys.

    I'm obviously a BC faithful--but there's alot to be optimistic about--we've got Marsco & Shinskie and Larmond and Keuckly and Deska and a cast of others that are going to get better--our injured Vets are still on the active list--we didn't sustain any big injuries today and I knew we wouldn't be likely to win this one--but next year I like our chances.

    NC State is coming and then ND and neither of those teams are a VT in any way, shape or form. This mountain had to be climbed to give the BC team growth cycle a wake-up call for players and staff. Spaz is a rookie HC,too--and he knows it. I like the way he still coached these guys to 2 TD's and stopped the juggernaut that Beamer wanted to present to the world. Don't think that Frank Beamer let up in the 2nd half--he wanted 50 plus points on the scoreboard and didn't get that.
    So, for that we are happy...Go BC!! The Eagles will be back next week to take it to NC State.

  165. Hey guys... awful result, and thankfully I was at Cocktoberfest getting blitzed better than Tyrod was...

    Basically, we are just a very poor road team this year. A lot of that comes down on Spaz, but in the end, too much youth on both sides of the ball.

    We are fortunate to be in a bowl position. The worst is past, jut defend the home turf and develop some players.

    And now two historically bad QB performances? That is on the OC... we knew Tech is good, but getting an occasional first down may throw them off their rhythm.

    Forget it and move to NCSt.


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