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Saturday, October 03, 2009

Holding on for Herzy

That was how the day was supposed to end. There is plenty to discuss but ultimately you have to be proud of the boys and happy for Mark. Two less emotional takeaways are that Shinskie can play and the offensive line is now performing as we predicted. Harris saved the day with his TD run but there were plenty of individuals who stepped up.

My obvious concern was game management. For the third week in a row our coaching staff went too conservative and nearly cost us the game.

I'll have second viewing thoughts and grades late Sunday. For now, go BC, go Mark and beat cancer!


  1. These unnecessarily dramatic second halves are going to kill me. SOMEONE needs to get through to the coaches that they can't continue to turtle up!
    Glad they pulled it out for Herzy.

  2. the offensive staff was not the problem this week, ATL. The first two third quarter drives were marginally conservative, but the second went for 48 yards before stalling at the FSU 35. Hard to find too much fault with that one. Then the third ended with that horrible spot. Definitely not on Tranquil

  3. Anonymous8:36 PM

    There is a chance that the coaching staff understands what the talent level of BC can and can't do. Maybe, just maybe they know what they are doing. We are 4-1 and 2-1 and we just found a quarterback for the rest of the season and maybe 4 years.

    Maybe not this year, but perhaps next year we say goodby to Idaho and Tennessee in late December.

  4. BCPete, I agree with ATL on this one. I would classify the first two drives of the second half as more than marginally conservative. i thought it was a classic example of "playing not to lose" and set the tone to allow FSU back into the game.

  5. Spaz abides by the old TOB regime strategy - prevent offense and prevent defense. This coaching staff needs to step on the opponent's neck (although the refs screwed us with the first down spot, they made it up with the pass interference call).

    We need to be more aggressive when we are winning, especially against a good team like FSU.

  6. The team just looked different in the second half. Until the very end, everything looked flat. I felt like I was watching the Wake game all over again. But a win is a win and Kuechly is a beast.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Luv ya Vinnie, but no name calling.

  9. McLaughlin Post-game Quote when asked about Albright's injury:

    "...Brad Newman and Max Holloway came in and did an unbelievable job. They were chasing the quarterback around all day. The guys stepped in and did a great job.”

    Was McLaughlin playing in the same game that I was watching? I thought our pressure on Ponder was abominable!

  10. I was critical at the end of the 3rd quarter of the very conservative offensive strategy. I'm not a Jags fan at all, but one thing I liked about him was he always had the foot on the pedal. Remember the fake punts he used to call?

    However, to be fair to the offense, they did put up 28 points. It is not the fault of the offense that the defense was giving up big play after big play. If an opponent is going to score, you want them to work for it. FSU was scoring in under 2 minutes. That cannot happen and must get corrected as you cannot rely on the offense scoring 28 points every game.

  11. I think it was pretty clear that Tranquil put the shackles on Shinskie. Check out those 3rd quarter stats. The FSU secondary, weak all year, had lost their best CB in the 1st half, and we decide, after driving to the FSU 35, already up 21-6, to put on the brakes?

    Defensively, we just don't have a ton of talent, esp. up front. That lack of pressure won't change all year. It'll be a lot of zone coverage and playing the odds that the opposing QB will make mistakes.

    Luke is a future star. Can't wait to see him a little heavier.

    But, let's face it: FSU is an ordinary team. They're not doing anything this year.

    All in all, a good win for Herzy and for the program, given that half the country got to see it. Good exposure.

    Next week...ugh, what a challenge. Let's hope we play this road game better than the first.

  12. Good win, but:

    1. F the Wildcat. I think we tried it something like eight times for a combined total of five yards.

    2. Still no pass rush. Awful. Every QB that we will go up against will slice and dice us.

    3. How about a D-back jumping a short route once in a while?

    4. Poor behavior by many FSU fans in Section B and others. Sounded like a typical day at Fenway, i.e., "You suck!"; "BC fans are losers!"

  13. Can someone explain how a defense that has been one of the top teams in interceptions can so consistently leave receivers wide open? Those facts are completely contradictory. On Florida State's two point conversion there were four BC defenders in the target zone, none of them marking the one receiver there. They were all staring at Ponder, seemingly oblivious of the receiver. When the receiver stopped, they continued to drift like clouds on the wind opening a clear passing lane from Ponder to the receiver. What is that?

    When you're in zone coverage, doesn't that mean you cover the receiver in your zone?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I'm not suggesting Bobby is out of touch, but when Boston College was driving for the winning touchdown Saturday I think I saw him turn to his long-time defensive coordinator Mickey Andrews and say, "Dad-gummit, Mickey, we have to find a way to stop that Flutie.

    Mike Bianchi - Orlando Sentinal

  16. I am really sorry about the name calling. I feel terrible!!

    However I am really starting to question the BC Eagle fan base. It's amazing that after a huge win like this peope still complain! I don't get.

    Anyway amazing game! Great win. I think Harris is a very special back.

  17. Hi Vinny,

    I think people got used to a more riverboat-gambling approach under Jags and are having trouble adjusting to a more conservative style, myself included. Both approaches can result in wins and if you would have told me that BC, given all of the off-season drama and loss of talent would be sitting at 4-1 in August, I would have taken it in a heartbeat.

    Speaking of hearts, this more conservative approach is harder on the cardiac system and I think that is why people are frustrated. But, remember how many Pick-6's Ryan used to throw? We have not seen that from Shinskie. He takes what the defense gives himand other than the 3rd quarter, I thought the play-calling was excellent.

    As far as the defense goes, they can stop the run. But, pass defense is a problem. It starts with pressure up front. And Mod10 is right. On the 2 point conversion, everyone was staring at Ponder and they allowed a receiver behind them. That can be corrected.

    Here is the good news. The offense is only going to get better and better. Did you see Harris stay inbounds late in the game? Lesson learned. Shinksie seems to improve with every play. The bad news. The defense has a long way to go. They are young and will get better, but we have a brutal stretch ahead. The offense is going to have to carry this team from here on out.

  18. Eagleboston -
    I completely agree with you... Can you imagine hearing "The offense is going to have to carry us from here on out" after the Clemson game? I would've thought we were totally fornicated.

    Shinskie is showing some flashes, he looks far better than Crane or Davis looked last year. It's exciting to think about the next 3 years if he keeps progressing.

    No point in getting ahead of ourselves though - with a little luck and a lot of hard work, there is no reason to believe we can't turn this season into something special. No ACC team is exactly lighting the world on fire, especially in the Atlantic, and even though we lost to Clemson, we still control our own destiny, as they are now 1-2 in the ACC.

    Our next game will be the biggest test of the entire season. Let's keep it close 'til the 4th, then put it on Shinskie's arm. The legend begins next Saturday!

    There's enough Kool-Aid to go around, all you gotta do is ask.

  19. was at the game last night and was very happy overall. i can understand why people are "upset" about the victory because we were up 18 at one point, but i think we need to realize how far our team, our boys, have come. its great watching shinskie grow up in front of our eyes. he had a few bad passes that should have been picked, but he was able to shake it off and lead us from under center.

    montel was electric. i loved his passion and he showed great awareness taking that knee with about 2 minutes left rather than running out of bounds on his big run. of course, he fumbled the next play but costanzo saved the day. o-line looked pretty good. claiborne is fun to watch out there. he is always having a good time, getting fired up.

    defense did what it had to do. again, i think its been discussed, but we need to teach this killer instinct. foot on the throat. luke reminds me of herzy as a freshman. making plays all over the field.

    spaz is doing an admirable job. with the turmoil our program has faced, i think we are all very pleased to be 4-1 currently. do i disagree with some of his calls? of course. do i disagree with tranquill and some of his calls? you better believe it. but this team is becoming exactly that-- a team. during the alma mater last night, i saw one unit. they are playing for each other.

    was it just me, or was every reviewed play upheld? 8 or 9 reviews, no plays overturned. just an observation.

    lets drop the doom and gloom and support our boys. they are doing great things.

    one last thing: at the end of the game, herzy ran over to the student section and started jumping around, waving his towel, screaming like a madman. the crowd ate it up, and so did i. chills. god i love herzy.

  20. Block Party nice comments, especially: "lets drop the doom and gloom and support our boys. they are doing great things." They are and we will!!

    Let's also have a little faith in Spaz and give him some credit.

    Last, one unsung hero this year is Steve Aponavicius.. Kickoffs aside, he has been very perfect through 5 games. Although I cringe with every extra point kick, he's not disappointed. Hope i did not just jinx him!

  21. It is worth noting that our performance agaisnt FSU was very similar to Miami's effort against FSU. Miami of course is now #11 in the polls.

    Some comparative stats:

    Miami (FL)
    476 total yrds
    386 passing yds
    90 rushing yds
    22 first downs
    time of possession 28:35

    Florida State
    404 total yrds
    294 passing yrds
    110 rushing yrds
    21 first downs
    time of possession 31:25


    Boston College
    399 totoal yrds
    203 passing yrds
    196 rushing yrds
    20 first downs
    time of possession 28:17

    Florida State
    411 totoal yrds
    341 passing yrds
    70 rushing yrds
    23 first downs
    time of possession 31:43

  22. Also, interesting to see what is now going on now at FSU. Like he is a political figure, the local paper is now calling for Bowden's resignation due to losing to BC!! (the final, unstomachable, straw)

    Here is how Tomahawk Nation presents it

    Bowden has lost the hometown paper. Tallahassee Democrat Calls for Bobby Bowden to Step Down
    "It is time to move beyond the Bobby Bowden Era. ... Let players — current and future — know that the Jimbo Fisher Era has a starting point — and that starting point begins once this season is over.

  23. Very satisfying win yesterday from the boys in the logo-less helmets. Shinskie really picked it up after the first series and looks like an actual, honest-to-goodness college QB who has all-conference potential. And the running game is brutally good. This offense has the potential to be the best in the division.

    The defense, well, not so much. If Albright is out for an extended period, we are in a bad position. That said, there is certainly a ton of talent and potential in the back seven and they are going to have to make some plays for us to win games.

    Good win, go Eagles, beat cancer and let's who those castrated turkeys what we're made of next week.

  24. A little Eagle in Atlanta recent blog history that is amusing (i could not find a recents Bravesbill to add sorry):

    mmason of BC v FSU "Don't like to go negative on our chances, but if FSU watches that last quarter of the WF game, and how we were picked apart and worked like a pinball machine, our hopes of a W are slim to dim"

    Matthew on BC v FSU "And I don't like our chances in this game either. I will be an optimist, get excited, and cheer my heart out.... but put a gun to my head? I'm going with FSU." and "Let's keep this in perspective, as Wake is not a particularly good team. I still like what Tuggle brings more to the table" and "I don't think Shinskie looked as good as people think. A lot of his completions were due to good catches by our receivers "

    eagleboston on BC v FSU "I hope I'm wrong . . .but right now, I have to agree with the line Florida State plus 5." and, after WF win "It is unlikely BC will win the next 2 games "

    CT on W after WF "A 'feel bad' win."

  25. no need to rub it in, this board is a stream of conscience.

  26. BlockParty,
    Couldn't agree more. I haven't been infront of a computer to comment on games recently. But I post plenty of emotional, nonsense on Sundays when things are going wrong for the Patriots.

    There's a reason some of us aren't coaches.

  27. "It is difference of opinion that makes horse races" (Mark Twain (1835-1910)) and differences of opinions that make blogs interesting.

    Be not so timid and weak Blockparty, its all to keep the conversation going. This week some are wrong, next week others will be wrong. No one will bat 1.000%

  28. While no one will be at 1.000%, are any of you picking BC over VT at Lane?

  29. mod34B calling out some regulars. nice.

    btw, the Wake game was a 'feel bad' win. we should've lost in OT. we didn't. we got very lucky. i was elated.

    greg reid should've intercepted that pass right before harris' winning td run. he didn't. we got very lucky. i'm elated.

    listen, really, i don't think this team is destined for great things, b/c they haven't played anyone of caliber yet. the one road game was a disaster. fsu is going where?

    again, i'm thrilled we've got 4 wins. and i'm thrilled the three best ACC teams are in the other division-va tech, miami, and ga. tech.

    just an honest opinion that we're living on borrowed time. and i'm completely okay with that. i desperately hope i'm wrong. i don't think i am.

    no dline talent of note. a susceptible pass defense due to that. shinksie has looked good at home in two games, and awful at clemson. he's making progress. awesome. hope he wins the heisman next year.

    the schedule is pretty favorable, actually, after va tech at blacksburg. i fear clausen will have a field day with us at his place. but as for the conference, nc state and unc at home are winnable (it seems), as are uva and umd on the road.

    don't know why the offense couldn't score around 30 in most of those games and don't know why we wouldn't give up 30, either.

    i don't think we know enough about shinskie quite yet, but things look better now than they did. then again, the defense looks worse. what does that mean? who knows? i'll hope for a favorable bounce here and there, but wouldn't be all that surprised--or, more importantly, disappointed--if we continue to be maddeningly inconsistent.

    part of that may be the fault of the coaches, but i don't think we've seen enough from them yet, either.

    guess i'm just a doom-and-gloomer. i'll work on it.

  30. great win for the team, the fans, and herzlich. while tomahawknation is on suicide watch because they think they just lost to a Division III team, I think people are starting to recognize BC has the talent and ability to win big games.

  31. Mod 34B,

    Hey, I love when I am wrong when I make negative predictions. But in fairness to me, if you look at my first in-game comment prior to kick-off, I did say feelings can change and I now feel BC is going to win against the Seminoles. And when I did go negative during the game by calling the season's time of death, I was using the infamous Reverse Karma that has now worked 3 years running. Even I cannot believe the power of Reverse Karma and I invented it. I created a monster as it has a life of its own but, what the hell, it has resulted in 3 big-time BC wins!

  32. I'm picking BC to beat VTECH!

  33. eagleboston (but really EagleIowa),

    the thing is that I did not see you "call" your reverse karma when it counted. Maybe joining forces with the prince of doom and gloom, B-Bill (early seconmd half), was when you got so negative that it qualified as reverse karma.

    But part of me thinks you are making this Reverse Karma stuff up.

    Next game, post it on the board when it counts!

    ps. you sound veryClintonian! :~)


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