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Saturday, October 03, 2009

In-game comments post: Florida State

Yet another wet home game. Who wants to put together a fund for the BC Dome? Regardless of the weather, spirits will be high. Let's hope the guys rally around Mark.

I will not be online during the game, so leave your comments and thoughts below.


  1. Finally get to watch the game here in Nebraska. Hope to see the boys come out strong and take it to the visitors early. GO EAGLES! FOR BOSTON!

  2. BCNorcal,

    I always assumed you were in Cali. I'm just down the road in Des Moines.

    I posted earlier that I had a bad feeling about this game. Feelings can change and I now think BC is going to win. The weather will slow down Ponder and the FSU speed and I think BC can establish the run.

    By the way, another embarrassing crowd. I thought they would pack the stands to honor Herzy.

  3. Why hello neighbor! I'm just down 80 in Omaha.

  4. Ponder is throwing some dangerous passes.

  5. we stop them...without a pass rush!! but Ponder is not too accurate...

  6. Terrible series for Shinskie right there. Both of those passes were just bad decisions.

  7. gunell's drop was a bad decision???

    2nd pass was ok given the circumstances

  8. I liked the play-calling on that series, but Shinskie just did not execute. Both QB's having trouble with accuracy and that may be due to the weather. I thought Shinskie should have run on that 3rd down. I think he could have made the marker.

  9. Dude, Gunnell did not drop that. He was covered and the pass was deflected. Both passes were well-defensed. I will say that it was a good job by Shin to avoid the sack, but that's all the credit I'll give him. Just like I'll credit the D with not giving up points despite playing terribly soft coverage that Ponder will exploit.

  10. NO PRESSURE>>>uggghhhh

  11. Anyone else's TV in NYC blacked out (ESPN)?

  12. Good job tackling there by the D to hold FSU to three. Still, a lack of pass-rush and a lack of tight coverage is not a good combo against Ponder.

  13. Holding them to 3 was huge there. We just got stuck in a poor field position situation.

  14. yes, just 3 was big!

  15. must be a confidence thing...we seem to start slow against big names..

    great run on the wildcat

  16. Wow, that was an awesome fake! Cameraman had no idea where the ball was going. And Haden might've scored if he'd had the ball!

  17. Now Shinskie is throwing perfect passes!

  18. Why the hell is this game blacked out in New Orleans?

  19. Who's your daddy?! Montel knows! Great drive. Shiskie was really slinging it and a great finish!

  20. You have the love the lack of a FSU secondary. Uncle Dave for the win.

  21. what is with the kickoffs???

    defensive kicks i guess...

  22. The Eagles look pumped up--big drive for the TD! Now the D needs to get some sacks and turnovers.

  23. Let's pray Bowman is OK.

  24. McGovern needs to take some chances and start blitzing. This lack of pressure is killing BC.

  25. decent first Quarter..

  26. The game is not blacked on TW - YC cable, fyi. It's on espn.

  27. Ponder going for it is a real dis on our defense...

  28. Good lord, this pass defense sucks.

  29. My God the pass coverage is horrid! Their receivers are wide open.

  30. yes, pass defense and lack of rush is not good.

  31. Monster hit by Kuechly!


  33. Great stand by the D! Albright was just unblocked!

  34. NO TD.. yaaaaayyyy

  35. Now that's a pass rush!!!!

  36. Luke Skybacker is the next BC great.

  37. WOW!!!!!The Shinskie Dude Abides!

  38. What a pass from Shinskie! He saw the safety blitz and took advantage.

  39. The Shinskie Dude abides! Love it Mmason. A white Russian to you!

  40. Great blitz pick-up by Harris on the long throw.

    Great pass protection thus far...really impressed w/ the OLine early.

    Falling in the love with the Wildcat, I see...hmmm....attack that FSU secondary! Throw to set up the run!

  41. Looking back at the play, the blocking on the 7-man blitz was superb. Castonzo locked down the lone rush on the wide left. The right 3 of our line block the three rushers on their side. But in the middle, it was Richman and Haden blocking 3 more blitzers by themselves. Fantastic pass protection.

  42. CT, you're right, it was Harris. Phenomenal job by the young man.

  43. Scoreboard watching: Maryland beat Clemson. That is huge as Clemson has a 1 game advantage on BC.

    And what is up with Butch Davis' team? Going down to UVA?

  44. speaking of "dis", jimbo fisher 4-goal was certainly a dis,,,a dis tha backfired...

  45. When the ground game works for BC it's a thing of beauty...Harris just explodes after the first defender misses him. Man, he's fun to watch.

  46. eagleboston: that UNC offense is really bad. No good runners and a mediocre QB. The defense should be better than that, though.

  47. UNC...SOME MUCH POTENTIAL, and they are bad ....ACC really is pretty bad tis year. Vtech against Duke was pretty weak

  48. Are we rooting for Wake or NCSt?

  49. Uncle Dave! Nice little play-call there and a lovely ball from the old man under center.

  50. I'm lovin' this...another sweet little route for a TD! Remember last year at this time when we were freakin' out with Crane? Say Halleluia!

  51. Boyd, we always root based on standings. We want Wake as we have a 1-up advantage on them. Further, NC State may be the best team in the Atlantic right now.

  52. 14-3...a thing of beauty so far. Keep it going, Eagles!!!! I need bragging rights over my freshman Nole little sister. =)

  53. Another nice blitz pick-up on the TD pass.

    Throw to run! Throw to run!

    Root for Wake. We've got the tiebreaker.

    Clemson loss...I don't know...could be pretty big down the line...they have the tiebreaker with us, so we were two games down...now, only one...

    That's why I disagree w/ ATL that this isn't a big game...FSU is in our division! Tiebreaker!

  54. Lance Armstrong commercial!


  55. SeminLOLes! What a dumb play by Ponder. Nice play by Scafe and Morrissey!

  56. Herzy starts to talk and we recover a fumble? This is blowin' my mind!

  57. great to hear Lance say "Boston College" and now BC is beat cancer!!

  58. Okay, if we're going to keep running the Wildcat, just run a traditional zone-read and actually give the ball once in a while. Just be basic, please.

  59. Our boot is on their throat now. In my best Mortal Kombat voice: "Finish him!!"

  60. OK, now I'm going to question the play-calling. You have a team on the ropes after a turnover and you try a razzle-dazzle play for negative yardage? Just shove it down their throats and get yourself in a 2nd and reasonable.

  61. let's hope for heavy rain now...i think the heavy rain is coming.

  62. agree EagleBoston. Jeff Smith is cursed.

    just run the ball or drop back.

  63. Well, the FSU line seems to be fearing the BC D line here...we ned to get that ball back.

  64. now bad play calling by fsu!!

  65. Man, I get so nervous when our D is in third-and-long, but FSU helped us out and some nice tackling gets us the ball back.

  66. Jeff!!!! Wow, that kid FAST!

  67. the jeff smith curse is broken!!

    great play...great throw!!!!

  68. Loving this. We have our QB.

  69. Let's don't get too excited yet. We were way up on Wake and blew it. Just keep plugging away.

  70. Jeff Smith just found a job and Dave Shinskie is doing a Paul Peterson right before our eyes!! That was a very killer play...Jeff just blew by the defenders like a Ferrari!

  71. As much as I've been down on Shin in the early going this season (and even this game), he is playing very well. The decision-making isn't always the best, but he has a gun and is finding open receivers. Hold strong here boys and then come out strong in the second-half.

  72. hate the kickoff philosophy...esp at the end of the half

  73. Crap, Albright goes out and the lack of pass-rush returns.


  75. Very nice half there, guys. Very nice. 30 minutes, let's hope they come out strong and aggressive.

  76. I think there have been a lot of doubts about Shinskie around here. Me too. I'm convinced now. Very nice first half!

  77. Well, great half. I wish the defense could have held at the end and FSU is phenomenal at making adjustments. BC is going to have to keep the pedal on the metal and figure out how to tighten the pass defense. Shinksie looked great. Goal line stand was one for the ages. Loved Smith coming out of the shadows. Let's go BC!!!

  78. Hope Albright is okay--a really good guy and he's our pass rush,...but our pass D has stepped up some. Is everybody diggin' this ballgame? If the rain keeps up the second stanza will be an adventure.(n.b.,The Huskies are schoolin'the Domers.)

  79. just checked weather.com...looks like not much rain for the next 2-3 hours..too bad...rain would help us keep the lead..

  80. Mod 34 B,

    Why are you cheering for the rain? We got crushed by Clemson in the rain. Also, the last thing we want is a wet ball to fumble back to FSU.

  81. Im on the west coast stuck with the Big Ten game showing on ESPN. They did at least show the highlights at half and that touch Shinskie had on the Jeff Smith TD was niiiice.

    Also didn't Albright look like Herzy on that 4th down sack?

    Looking good so far. Let's kick em when they're down and send a message to Blacksburg for next week.

  82. BC gets the ball to start the 2nd half.

  83. AO--I'm in Arizona--watch on www.channelsurfing.net (scroll down a bit to find the game)

  84. yeah, maybe no rain is better...

  85. Punts are for [site decorum]. I just hate punting on 4th on inches. Wish they would've tried to pass at least once on that drive.

  86. hope we have not gone into 'safe' mode so early inthe second half

  87. I don't mind the punt when you can put the other guys back inside the 10. Just leave it up to the D and get it back with better field position.

  88. Man, I'm having Riley Skinner flashbacks here.

  89. Again, no pass-rush and soft zone. Blitz a guy or something. Our D only has a chance because of FSU's mistakes.

  90. ponder....skinner....ponder...skinner....ugggghhh

  91. whew...a stop...

  92. Wow, did you see Keuchley run that screen down? Probably got away with a facemask.

    C'mon offense, give me at least 1 more score!

  93. Put a little more meat on Kuechly and watch out world.

    Pretty obvious our gameplan is to sit back and keep the guys in front of us. Esp. w/ this lead. Hope FSU screws up. Which they're pretty good at.

  94. The Kuke is awesome!!

  95. Wow -- I'm dreaming of Keuchley and a healthy Herzlich on D next year.

  96. And BC has fallen in love with the rush why? It seems as if Spaz is trying to kill clock in the third quarter already! The BC pass rush is pathetic as well. FSU could pick apart the BC secondary with those 10 yard passes all day. A little blitz now and then would work wonders.

  97. Braves,

    I love you man. My glass is about two-thirds full right now.

  98. Boy, Spaz is a little too conservative for me right now.

  99. I'm always worried about the worst and after last week's 4th quarter meltdown, I can see another one coming considering they are doing the same conservative kill the clock stuff as last week.

  100. this is painful on O and D....they should play to win.. did not wake game teafh coaches anything....fortunately, Ponder is not that "on" today

  101. Watch the holding Seminoles!

  102. Bravesbill and CT--Does this look like a bad TOB impersonation or what?
    If there was ever a time to pass on second down and go to TE's to score, it's in the 3rd qtr. Now Ponder starts his Skinner routine...bummer.

  103. Another 1 minute drive. C'mon McGovern!!

  104. I'm all for fairly-conservative play calling, but you guys are right -- this is ridiculous. You can't start running out the clock when you're only half-way through the game.

  105. pretty disappointed with the play calling w/ a first down inside the 35...i wonder if that's a function of age...of the offensive coordinator and coach, i mean...

    where's the killer instinct w/ this team and its playcallers??

    that fsu td was all about speed...

    not good...

  106. Holy Christ, it's going to happen for a second straight week. What the hell is Spaz doing. This is why I loved Jags and my favorite coach is Pete Carroll; they play to win. They don't do this conservative crap at all. And considering BC started this crap at the beginning of the second half, it shows that Spaz has learned nothing at all. That has always been my biggest problem with Spaz and it's getting exploited time and again. The man makes zero in-game adjustments, and hardly any game to game adjustments.

  107. I'm sick to my stomach. Very angry with the play-calling in the 3rd quarter. You have to play to win or you will lose.

    Anyone know what the defense needs to do? It seems to me they are playing a very loose zone and just not generating any pressure by the front 4. I hate the blitz because a good QB can kill you and Ponder is good, but that may be the only way to generate a pass rush.

  108. FSU went 91 yds in 6 plays and we're playin' stall ball in the 3rd qtr? This is getting to be a trend that is topugh to understand. What's the logic here? If we go 4 and out now then we're back in Wake-ville.

  109. You cannot play this zone coverage crap with a 4 man rush. It's ridiculous. It gives Ponder all day to throw the ball. At least with a consistent pass rush (blitz), it will disrupt Ponder's rhythm and might force him into making some mistakes.

  110. I say go for it here. I know it seems crazy, but FSU is going to score anyway. Let's get this first down and send a signal that we are going to win this game.

    By the way, bad, bad spot by the ref.

  111. I still think they should have gone for it. If you cannot get 1 inch, you do not deserve to win.

  112. This is absolutely ridiculous. Spaz has to be one of the worst coaches in the ACC. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Spaz has to be insane. There is no other way around it.

  113. Our Prevent D is killing us AGAIN! Don't these coaches watch the game film from Wake?

  114. What a joke.....Spaz is TOB and there is a reason Gene didnt hire him the first time.......

  115. Can't say I didn't see this one coming...Fire this clown immediately.

  116. We need another Alumni Miracle!

  117. Yeah, as smart as the coaches were in the 1st half, they're really bad in the 2nd.

    Should've gone for the inch. If for nothing more than momentum.

    Well, gotta have Shinksie win the game. Shouldn't have come to this, but here we are...

  118. Can't wait for the post-game explanations from Spaz. I understand more about quantum mechanics than I'll ever understand about this prevent O & D crap.

  119. Worst. Coach. Ever.

  120. What were the 5 BC defenders waiting for just go tackle him

  121. The lack of speed on defense is glaring.

    That 2pt conversion was embarrassing.

    Wonder if Tranq will let Shinskie throw it?

  122. Spaz has lost my confidence. This situation is 100% due to play-calling.

  123. Inexplicable decision to punt on 4th and inches at their own 40. This one's on Spaz.

  124. boy..this really feeds you gllom-and-doomers...

  125. This has to be one of the biggest choke jobs in BC history. Don't look for the BC offense to just turn it on now given that its probably way out of rhythm given this idiotic play calling.

  126. I'm trying not to write something I will regret, but I a seething right now. No, I'm gonna remain calm. We can do this. This is Herzy day. We need a Bean-March Miracle!

  127. Wow. Just ... Wow.

  128. It's one thing if it happens once in a while. This has happened two weeks in a row because Spaz refuses to dislodge his head out of his rear end. Make an adjustment!

  129. Good night, the party's over. Worst damn crap I've ever seen.

  130. BC 2009 season time of death 10:40 to go in the 4th quarter.

  131. Wow. That's why Smith has never had an impact. Yikes.

    This game should've been in the bag...it's not doom-and-gloom.

  132. Hey, that Seminole fan doing the Tomahawk chop was pretty hot!

  133. The campaign to have this clown fired begins. I don't expect anything to happen though considering DeFillipo is loyal to his coaches no matter how terrible they are.

  134. I think Tranq fell asleep and thought the 3rd quarter was the 4th.

    I'm not even pissed at the defense.

    We're just not a talented DLine.

    This one is on the coaches.

  135. NEWS FLASH *********

    momentum just changed to BC favor....

  136. This announcer is hammering Spaz for no pressure......

  137. Boy, the FSU O-line is getting away with some serious holding.

  138. Wide right! Now we have to make this cojones time...

  139. I have no clue why Bowden just pulled a Spaz. Why on earth would you try to settle for a FG in that situation?

  140. no prevent bring the pressure and lets get out of here

  141. I think I may just cry from happiness right now--talk amongst yourselves.

  142. WOW. On another topic, FSU sure does have some hot girls.

  143. OK defense, we need a stop here!

  144. There we go.

    Now let's go prevent and get out of here.

  145. Considering BC will employs its patented zone coverage prevent defense again, did BC score too soon?

  146. Every female FSU grad in the last 20 yrs is hot.

    The South always wins that one.

  147. Why are we giving Florida State short fields every single series?

  148. Why is Apon doing kickoffs today? Oh boy, here we go again. No pressure, and more completions.

  149. This defense reminds me of the Big East days.

  150. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CdJTfGiRCI

  151. Go Eagles! Go Eagles! Go Eagles! Montel nails another one and stays in bounds! Let's spike the finish...'Nuff said.

  152. Montel is a G, he won us this game.

  153. They are trying every way to blow this game, geez.

  154. Montell...almost blew another one!

    Why aren't they kneeling? 1:53 and FSU has one TO!

    Who coaches this team?

  155. Reverse Karma works yet again!

    For those of you new, once each year, I pull out the Reverse Karma. I do it when the chips are down and the season is on the brink. I call the time of death to the season and immediately after, BC always pulls out a win. I used it 2 years ago right before Matt Ryan engineered the miracle comeback in Blacksburg. I used it last season when Domonique Davis pulled out a come-from-behind win over Wake.

    It has now worked for a 3rd straight year!!!!!!! Sorry I pulled it out so early in the season, but I felt with 1 loss and Va Tech on the horizon, I had to do it.

    Reverse Karma, Baby!!!!!!! Herzy Beat Cancer!

  156. Think positive my gloom and doomer friedns GO BC

  157. i have no words

    extchemo was my word verification!?!?

  158. Thanks for your Negative Nancy comments, guys. Always believe in BC.

  159. It was a good move eagleboston and yes I can vouch for your reverse karma.

  160. The comments were negative for but they were all true. Pull your head out of the sand and realize BC should have won this game by double digits. It was the second week in a row they blew a huge lead in the second half because of conservative nancy play calling. The fact that BC pulled out a win the past 2 weeks does not mask the horrible mistakes Spaz made coaching two weeks in a row.

  161. Bravesbill you are real downer

  162. Spaz and Tranq have a lot of learning to do.

    How else to explain a quarter and a half of comatose football? FSU did nothing different.

    That's being a downer? Okay, whatever.

    Great win...especially for Herzy.

  163. Bravesbill preaches truth.... Let's hope we bring it next week and Shinskie keeps it up

  164. They just interviewed Shinskie on WRKO. "We had a big lead after the 1st half, so we had to run out the clock." Clearly, that was the strategy but I think had they kept the pressure on, they may have scored a couple more times.

    But, heck, we won again. The 2009 Cardiac Kids are 4-1!!!!!

  165. CT, it is a simple as the pillow a little kid holds befor Christmas: "I believe" and I do!

  166. And come on, you know it's bad when boneheaded announcers are calling you out for it, too.

    And McDonough is a Boston guy and likes us. A Syracuse grad, tho.

    I hate Tyrod Taylor.

  167. Mmason, I have my barkeep working on a Reverse Karma-rita. Mmmmm. victory tastes great!

  168. Bravesbill has it right. We almost snatched defeat from the jaws of victory two weeks in a row. Spaz needs to check himself.

    On the other hand, some positives:

    - Shinkskie is the man
    - Harris with some sweet breakout drives
    - O Line is protecting Shinskie and creating holes
    - D looks strong
    - Smith's curse is broken

    I had written this season off way too soon.

    GO BC!

  169. As you will see at 6:34 pm, before the missed FG, I knew the momentum changed in our favor...positve thoughts and reverse karma brought home the vicotry..

    But, yes the 3Q was rough and does suggest serious questions about the coaching and their confidence..

  170. The bottom line is that when we tried to move the ball with all of our options (running AND throwing) we did so very well. It's encouraging to see Shinskie play so well and make only a couple of bad decisions so early on. He's going to be good.

    That said, I agree with the "doom and gloom" guys...we could have won this running away if we had just kept playing our game instead of slowing the pace down. Hopefully the coaches will see that the THIRD time around (next week).

    There has got to be someone who can kick the ball to the 10 yard line on the kick offs. We give it to them at the 40 every kick. It's not ok. I'm sure some big guy on the team can scold the ball down there at least. Terrible.

  171. As a fan, games like this one are tough. You want to be excited for the dramatic finish and ultimate victory, but it never had to be like that. That's coaching. At 60 for Spaz and 70 for Traq there's no need to be "learning on the job". These guys are vets and this is what they do. Get used to nail biting wins AND losses from these guys.


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