BC Fan Resources

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Clearing up the Quinn speculation and other links

When highly-touted 4-star recruit Dillon Quinn didn't appear on the spring depth chart, speculation kicked into overdrive. Was he a bust? Was he injured? What's the story? The rumors on the message boards and in the comments section on this blog are claiming Quinn has been suspended allegedly for Performance Enhancing Drugs. Let me be clear: I don't believe Quinn is under any suspension for anything. In the past BC has been very clear when a player was suspended. The school might not always disclose why a player was suspended, but they will come forward with the news of the suspension. Because of the silence on Quinn, I am assuming there are no nefarious reasons for his absence from the depth chart. If there is more to the story it will eventually come out, but for now, give the kid the benefit of the doubt.

Ron Brace is hoping his second season will be better than his rookie year.

New England prospect Albert Louis-Jean is not coming to BC but will play in the ACC.


  1. When you can't protect your own backyard from poachers, that isn't good.

  2. I agree we want to keep our local guys when possible, but these things happen. Our entire roster is full of guys from someone else's backyard.

    I mean, it is Miami after all. They've got a lot to show when they're selling to a recruit. I'd feel much worse if we lost him to Pitt, Northwestern, Purdue, etc.

  3. How does this "clear up" speculation when you are just speculating on the situation yourself in response?? I had no idea there ever was accusations of PEDs. I bet that goes for a lot of your readers here also.

    You can't (or shouldn't) just throw around allegations of PEDs because a few guys "on the boards" put it out there. SMH.

    What's next? Are you gonna post that some people on the boards think that geoducks might look like dicks, because that'd be equally relevant.

  4. SMH - I believe most of the people that read here are on the boards, and most people that follow BC Football enough to know of Quinn have been wondering what happened to him. ATL doesn't type in the comments too often, and it's his blog, he can post his response to comments where ever the heck he wants.

  5. eagle1331-

    Fair enough. Of course ATL is free to do as he wishes. My point was more to the fact that its dangerous and somewhat unfair to Dillon to speculate about a 19 year old using PEDs when its backed up by nothing but message board posts, which is notoriously somewhat of a weak source.

    Those are some pretty heavy allegations to make, in my opinion, and even mentioning they exist is risky. SMH.

  6. As a HS Football coach in Boston who plays Brockton, Louis-Jean is a fine athlete who needs a ton of development. His size at CB almost makes me wonder if he won't move to safety.

    I am not personally bothered by the fact that we missed out on him primarily because I don't think he'll see the field for a while (if at all).

    Of course, now that I've said all these things he'll torch us, but I'm not losing sleep tonight over this.

  7. Someone posted it in the comments section of my blog. I got emails about it so I felt the need to respond.

  8. Fair post ATL. Your post identifies the PED remarks as speculation, rejects the speculation and seeks the truth. Bravo! What more can we ask for? Geez, a missing 300 lb 4 star recruit at DL -- BC's biggest need and most coveted recruit -- is not something that went unnoticed.

    SMH, there have already been a few posts here clearly suggesting (apparently based on some specific unstated source) about a PED situation and saying he is suspended for a year. (e.g comparing DQ to Bonds and Canseco . . . not too subtle). I am glad ATL is being up front about this. and we all hope that DQ is not dq'd for this bad reason.

    Frankly, I hope this blog post sparks some response from someone who knows the deal at BC -- either student, player, coach or admin. Silence about this will not help.

    Last, since DQ is listed on the spring 2010 roster, doesn't that tell us that he is not suspended? and suggest this is an unfounded rumor?

    THe NCAA policy says you can't "compete" if you violate the rules (does that mean suspension form team??): "Sanctions from a positive drug test are swift and automatic. After the first positive test, a student-athlete cannot compete in any intercollegiate sport for one year and loses one of four years of eligibility. "

  9. SMH -- someone had mentioned the PED rumor in the comments of a previous ATL posting here, so most of his readers he could presume have read that comment.

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9cYcRotufU&feature=player_embedded

    This is pretty funny!

  11. Hockey is on real TV...


  12. Atl,

    You know your site traffic far better than I do. If a large % of people are scrolling through to your comments, then this post is reasonable.

    But from a statistically insignificant sample of people I know who read this site, I'm the only one who ever reads through to the comments, and I don't know anyone who reads the pay sites or outsider. I do know several people who read this blog fairly regularly. Given the relatively small community of commenters and people who read scout/outsider/etc, my reaction was similar to smh's, i.e. your posts have a far larger following then either your comments section or any BC message board and posting to this significantly exacerbated a nasty rumor about a 19 year old kid. I follow BC sports pretty extensively in the mainstream press and the few BC blogs around and while I was disappointed to see Quinn wasn't on the 2-deep, I had not heard this rumor and would guess that's the same for a lot of your readers.

    If I'm wrong on that and the comments here are far more popular than I would have guessed, my apologies. Anyway, just my two cents, but I was surprised to see this up here.

  13. IMHO, ATL addressing the PED rumor is the right move, since someone mentioned it originally in the comments section - that or deleting the original comment. Ignoring it is probably the worst move. But there is whole lot of gray area here.

  14. Unless something has changed since I was a student athlete at Boston College - it would be impossible for him to have tested positive for PED because they do not drug test in the offseason. Unless I am mistaken I do not believe they reinstate the drug tests for off season work outs - i know they did not over the summer and i highly doubt they do it now. Fact is drug testing is not mandated by the NCAA unless you are in a championship sanctioned event (acc championship game or NCAA tournament). In 2005 BC was one of three other D-1 schools who preformed their own drug tests - and correct me if I am wrong - they are under no duty to report the findings of these tests to the NCAA. Meaning even if he did test positive BC does not need to suspend him for one year because its a "private" test essentially. If something has changed since I graduated please correct me but thats how it was five years ago.

  15. Atl is correct in that DQ has not been suspended. Some of the posters on Rivals still think he should be the starting DE.


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