BC Fan Resources

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Skinner rumors and other links

Another day, another rumor. Now reports out of New York are saying Skinner is a candidate for the open St. John's job. I am sure St. John's is interested in Al, I just don't see him leaving BC for that job. The New York basketball scene is very different from what Al puts up with at BC. To succeed at St. John's Al would have to subjugate himself to the local AAU coaches. St. John's also seems to be looking for a name to sell the program. Skinner is a name and established, but we know he is reluctant to market himself or the program. I just don't see it happening but I've been wrong before.

This will get you prepped for the NCAA Hockey Tournament.

The baseball team won their home opener.

BC offered a scholarship to Cleveland athlete Shaq Washington.


  1. The Herald has a great piece on Brian Dumoulin. One game-related thing it does mention is that we're without Patrick Wey (mono)


  2. I mean who wouldn't want a coach that:
    1) Has been to 1 Sweet 16 in 13 years
    2) Has never beaten a single digit seed in the tourney
    3) Is 8th record-wise in the ACC over the last 4 years
    4) Doesn't recruit

    Seems like a slam dunk to me!!

  3. this was posted by someone on a st. john's board on redmen.com

    "Skinner is not that bad of a choice, I like Skinner. Skinner is a solid recruiter and game coach/Tactitian."


  4. if skinner interviews, does he get the ''jags treatment'' from GDF?

  5. i don't think GDF will give skinner the "jags treatment" because the situations are very different. jags had been at BC for 2 years and GDF thought there was an unspoken bond or something that jags would be at BC for a while. that's what pissed him off. skinner has been at BC for more than a decade (if i'm not mistaken).

  6. Ry, we can only hope!!!

  7. I'll assume that the 2010 individuals here are too young to remember the situation that Skinner walked into back in the late 90s. BC had just rejected/lost an entire top 15 recruiting class, plus Sconnie Penn who helped lead OSU to the Final Four with Michael Redd. This put a significant stain on the programs ability to recruit that stuck around for a long time.

    Those Mikey Curley, Woodward team, and then later Walls, Harley, Singletary, etc teams were just embarrassing at times, but Skinner built BC back up to something pretty good. I won't bore you with what ifs regarding his tournament record, but the fact that you can come on here an complain about the job Al Skinner has done is actually a testament the amazing job he did resurrecting this program.

    I'd expect he'd be capable of doing something similar at St. John's so that there fans can sit around and complain about how they are "underachieving" in NCAA tournament.

    I hope he stays.

    On a more positive note, loved this tweet from Heslip, I have high hopes for this kid.

    "one year from the eagles are going to be playing to get into the sweet sixteen not watching .. laugh now.."

  8. If Skinner goes to SJU, it will be a classic case of "addition by subtraction" -- we can then get the Butler coach to come here!

    By the way, although SJU sucks for the past decade, they do have a very storied hoops program (e.g., Chris Mullin, Ron Artest, Walter "the truth" Berry, Malik Sealy, Mark Jackson) and SJU is still a very appealing place for NYC hoop stars. They also play alot of games at MSG which the recruits love.

    So from Skinner's point of view, this could be a welcome change and an opportunity to go to a school with a tremednous hoops upside. He'd be a very appealing coach for SJU. He certainly will not need to go too far to recruit. There's ton's of talent within 50 miles of SJU.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Seriously what does St. Johns think they are doing?

    Billy Donovan?
    Paul Hewitt?
    ...Al Skinner?

    I know he's not even in the same sentence as those guys but someone needs to tell their AD its not 1985.

  11. mod --

    I don't think that St. John's is the big draw that you think it is. In my opinion, a school with a beautiful campus and on-campus facilities is a much bigger draw for a city kid. As we know, every kid in the big east gets at least one or two games in MSG per year anyways... Playing at St. John's isn't like playing in front of a huge crowd every night... I think they would benefit from a gym on-campus, and occasional trips to the Garden (Like NOVA has with the Pavilion and the Wachovia center). Nothing beats an on campus arena... even the Rack at Rugers is a great place to play a home game!

    I just don't see why if you are an inner city athlete you would choose the Johnies over the 2 hour trip to UCONN or NOVA... or even Rutgers... where you get a more whole college experience.

    And is that just a guess about the Butler coach, that he would leave and come here?

  12. Rob,

    Thanks for the assumption that I might be "too young" to remember the late 90s; that sure doesn't happen often! ;)

    I've followed BC (though, admittedly, with considerably less technical knowledge than most of you) since before I started freshman year in 1970.

    While Skinner has certainly done some good things, I am just tired of what seems to my eyes to be an inability to motivate and lackadaisical game-day coaching. I think some energetic new blood would be a good thing.

    Just my very humble opinion.

  13. I'll bet that when the good times are rolling, St Johns basketball players are celebrities in NYC just like USC & The U footballers are celebrities on South Beach & Hollywood.

  14. I think most of us are old enough to remember the likes of Duane Woodward and Mickey Curley. And most of us are thankful for the job Skinner has done. But he has underachieved in the NCAAs and I think that any of the 37 loyal BC fans can call him on that if they wish. Some people act like it can't get any better.

    Speaking of Duane, they guy made a career out of it. All across Europe, the U.S., South America, and now...Lebanon! If anyone can pull off an epic championship riot, it's gotta be the Lebanese.

    This is a quote from Shaq Washington's blog: "When I was born, my cousin told my mom there's a new rookie in basketball named Shaquille O'Neal, and she liked the name. She didn't really know who he was." If that doesn't sound like Boston College material, I don't know what does.

    Our future potential Shaq is 160lbs. That's how much (real) Shaq's colon weighs.

    Didn't realize St. John's used to be able to pay kids on their bball team a stipend b/c they used to not have any dorms. Not that anyone's interested, but here's a quick link that details why St. John's stinks. Integrity is not en vogue in NYC bball circles.


    If Skinner is after money and headaches, St. John's would be the pick. He doesn't strike me as the "let's see what the AAU coaches have to say" kind-of-guy. Like the case with Paul Hewitt, who enertained the thought but apparently couldn't convince his wife that moving from Atlanta to NYC was a step up, Skinner would have some fences to mend if he even enertains the idea. Gotta either hang up the phone or be prepared to deal with an (even more) ungrateful lot at BC if the conversation evolves beyond, "Yes, I'll listen." The real question for Al is, "how are the facilities? For my pick-up games, that is?"

  15. matthew -- to give you an idea, I've been following St. John's hoops since before the George Johnson, and then Wayne McCoy Reggie Carter days! Been going to SJU games since mid 1960s! I watched Ernie DiGregorio play at Alumni Hall. He was awesome.

    St John's has an on campus place --Alumni Hall -- seats 6000 and usaully sells out (it did when they were good and the place rocks)

    In any event, trust me (if you can oh wary mathew2), SJU has got a lot of cred in NYC hoops circles, and not just inner-city as you say, but cred anywhere within 50+ miles. and don't overlook fact Al Skinner is from just outside of NYC -- Mount Vernon, about 5 miles to NYC) -- basically a NYC guy growing up.

    SJU does have a campus and its does have trees! Not as pretty as BC, but what is?

  16. It just seems to me that the program isn't in great shape... and I'm wondering why no one wants to play there.


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