BC Fan Resources

Sunday, March 07, 2010

More of the same in loss to NC State

It seems appropriate that this team lost its regular season finale like they did today. Sluggish offense and wasted possessions: check. Allowing a mediocre offense to score at will down the stretch: check. Forcing too many 3 attempts: check. Our ACC Tourney slot was already determined, so the only thing this loss did was put us on the NIT bubble. Now to get into the NIT we will have to run deep into the ACC, perhaps the Finals. But that is a discussion for later this week. Now leave your comments on another frustrating loss.


-- Rakim Sanders' defense. I don't know what got into Rakim, but he was excellent on D today. He moved well and didn't make stupid lunges. He also grabbed some big rebounds. Let's hope it is not a fluke.
-- Ravenel in the low post. His stats weren't eye popping, but he plays with is aggressive and seems to have good touch.


-- Offensive rebounding. 2 offensive rebounds? That's pathetic, especially for a team that usually does well with the offensive rebounds.
-- Wasted possessions late in the game. Jackson has improved and is our best Point, but this offseason he will have to get better awareness of defenses and the shot clock.
-- Going away from the Flex in the second half. The guys got impatient and moved away from what worked early.


  1. I was in an airport yesterday and we were up 46 to 42. Needless to say, I had to walk away from the screeen, because I knew what was going to happen.

    24 to 8 coming down the stretch - Oh Boy. No offense and wave at them as they go by defense. Let's get pumped up for the ACC Tournament.

    Yeah, right.

  2. disgusting...frustrating (what else is new)?! Defense? What's that? And "Where In The World Was Raji"?!

  3. Raji hurt his shoulder on last play of the first half.

  4. As hoops mercifully starts to quickly fade to black (with a faint glimmer of renewed hope for next year), it is time for Spring football. WhoWAH! I think that starts in a few weeks. Anyone know when?

    1. How's Rettig doing? Shinskie?
    2. Where has Josh Haden transfered to, if anywhere?
    3. Will Herzy really be able to come back?
    4. How is the DL shaping up (after QB, the biggest issue)?
    5. Will the frosh WRs cut it? did CL learn to catch the ball yet?

  5. ATL, looking forward to the NIT discussion (not really), but I am curious about the selection criteria. Is it more than simply being over .500? I heard something about RPI being a factor. I know it's been a depressing year, but I think some NIT experience would help for the future. We've been pretty spoiled in football and mens hoops, haven't had a bad year like this for a long time. It's bound to happen once in a while.


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