BC Fan Resources

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Skip Holtz claiming he passed on the BC job

As we know, the last coaching change was atypical. The five outsiders most often rumored for the job were Mike London, Al Golden, Randy Edsall, Steve Addazio and Skip Holtz. At the time most denied any contact or interest in BC. Even BC insiders claimed that Gene did not interview outsiders and was set with Spaz from Day 1. Well 14 months later Skip Holtz is sorting fact from fiction by saying that BC did have interest in him and he turned us down. This could be Holtz spinning at a booster dinner to make the USF faithful feel better about their new coach. But I imagine there were some talks between BC and his reps.

Regardless of when he was telling the truth (last year or now), Holtz's talk should provide some relief to BC fans. At the time of the search he was a hot coach who probably would have been a good fit at BC. Even if Gene wanted to promote Spaz from the start, he owed it to the school to conduct a real search and find the best possible coach for the time and opportunity. Now let's hope Spaz has a career that surpasses Skip's time at ECU.


  1. On it's face, it doesn't make sense that Skip (LOL) Holtz would pass on any of "G-Tech, BC, Cincy, Syracuse" to stay at ECU and end up at USF. I call bullshit.

  2. Maybe there's a grain of truth to it, in that he had the opp. to leave to be an assistant at one of those schools, and now he's just letting people think it was to be HC.
    Sure he wanted to go to the middle of florida swampland to run a football program instead of one of the most established programs in the land.

  3. Is this the same as Schiano passing on Michigan?


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