BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Press conference at noon to announce Skinner dismissal

You've probably heard already, but BC is holding a press conference at noon ET to announce that Al Skinner has been fired. Skinner will not be there. Gene will. I expect little specifics, Gene to thank Al and just mention that he wants the program to go in a new direction.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It doesn't sound like he was "fired". The Herald is reporting that Skinner and Gene agreed to part ways last week. I think it's a slight, but important distinction.

  3. Cornell's Newman Arena holds 4,473 fans. And that is what we generally pull in to Conte, so the transition should be really easy for Donohue.

  4. That is a very important distinction given the Jags fiasco. If it's true, I hope GDF hammers that point because otherwise who the hell is gonna wanna coach here if you get fired whenever you talk to another school.

    If you're a big name, you get big offers and if you're an up and comer, you stop a lot of places along the way. It's a mobile profession and that's just the way it is.

  5. I just hope Skinner gets a shrine at the Cleveland Circle Applebee's like this guy.

  6. GLF---post of the year candidate.


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